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29% Think Armed Revolution Needed

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I want my children and Grandchildren to have a chance at the same lifestyle I have had. So the choice of which side I will be on is pretty easy.

A comfortable slavery is always an easy choice. May your collar be light and have soft padding so as to not chafe. Edited by Chucktshoes
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Guest 6.8 AR

There doesn't have to be a winner of every conflict and regardless of "who" might claim victory, the country...all we once had and all we once could be will be gone.


As I said earlier and in other threads, I don't believe there will be a "rebellion" because I believe that our economy will collapse before a rebellion even has a chance to start at which point people will simply be trying to survive...that's what the guns and ammo will wind up be used for.


I have no illusions about my ability to survive long term after such a collapse but I will do my best to help myself and those around me stay as civilized as possible.


I'm not trying to depress everyone and I truly, truly home I'm wrong and to that end, I will keep trying...keep working...keep doing what little I can do personally to keep the dream of America alive.

And you think an economic collapse wouldn't cause that? What do you think would happen? Do you also think

China wouldn't come knocking on the door for property, in lieu of debt? What about the Mexicans who think

they're entitled to the entire southwest? What about the terrorist thing? Do you really think that would dry up,

too? What about all those starving, cable-less, no gas for their Caddy in the project crowd, will do?


An economic collapse would cause all that and much more.


I don't need a poll by some think tank, or politically motivated bunch to tell me where we are

headed. Certainly don't need anyone's poll to make up an excuse for where, like Chuck said,

generations have allowed this country to fall to.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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A comfortable slavery is always an easy choice. May your collar be light and have soft padding so as to not chafe.

smilielol5.gif  I’m not a slave; I’m a Patriot. There may not be enough of us to save our economy, but I think there are enough of us to stop our country from being destroyed by treasonous rebels who think threatening violence is somehow going to change anything.

In your visions what do you see? How do you see this rebel takeover going down? And please explain how this would be good for any of us.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" The Confederate army was a far larger force than any rebel army that could me amassed today; and they lost.

You can’t call yourself a freedom fighter or say you are supporting the Constitution and in the same breath want to destroy what it stands for.

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Guest Darth Maul
I can't speak for everyone DaveTn but I think you have the wrong idea or misunderstand. I haven't seen anyone specifically suggest starting an armed coupe and going on a warpath or starting an offensive attack of anything. What I hear are many folks, including myself, that see this tyranical government tearing our country apart and crapping all over the Constitution. I hear folks simply saying that when the times comes, and it will come, that they will resist and refuse to comply with unconstitutional laws or orders demanded of them by this insane tyranical government. And if passive resistance isn't enough, they prepared to, and will, meet force with force.

I could be wrong but that's what I hear. Now if that makes someone a treasonous rebel as you put it then I'd rather be a treasonous rebel than to comply because it's just easier, less dangerous and keeps me out of harms way.
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I can't speak for everyone DaveTn but I think you have the wrong idea or misunderstand. I haven't seen anyone specifically suggest starting an armed coupe and going on a warpath or starting an offensive attack of anything. What I hear are many folks, including myself, that see this tyranical government tearing our country apart and crapping all over the Constitution. I hear folks simply saying that when the times comes, and it will come, that they will resist and refuse to comply with unconstitutional laws or orders demanded of them by this insane tyranical government. And if passive resistance isn't enough, they prepared to, and will, meet force with force.

I could be wrong but that's what I hear. Now if that makes someone a treasonous rebel as you put it then I'd rather be a treasonous rebel than to comply because it's just easier, less dangerous and keeps me out of harms way.

Okay, and maybe I’m misunderstanding; if that is the case I apologize. It seems anytime anyone calls these guys on their implied threats of violence they back down and act like they are living at the foot of the cross. If it’s an issue of them using violence when illegal violence is used against them; then carry on and do what you have to do. But to think that Americans will stand around and do nothing while any group attempts to overthrow our government is preposterous.

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The problem doesn't exist with our government, it exists at the voting booth. Your fellow Americans are the ones destroying this country. If our gov't stepped so far out of line to warrant armed resistance they'd get thrown out of office at the next election cycle, but for now they will just tiptoe at the line of what is acceptable to your friends and neighbors. By the time our government steps so far over the line that liberty no longer exists and we become something resembling the socialist countries of Europe it will be to late to matter. People like us just won't exist in any significant number by then.
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The problem doesn't exist with our government, it exists at the voting booth. Your fellow Americans are the ones destroying this country. If our gov't stepped so far out of line to warrant armed resistance they'd get thrown out of office at the next election cycle, but for now they will just tiptoe at the line of what is acceptable to your friends and neighbors. By the time our government steps so far over the line that liberty no longer exists and we become something resembling the socialist countries of Europe it will be to late to matter. People like us just won't exist in any significant number by then.

Exactly my point. We have a way to make the changes most of us want. The problem is that we are the minority. The Democrats, those wanting handouts from the government, and those that want a “world Economy” are united at the polls. What do we have? A split between the parties and people voting for a person that has no possible chance of winning. We will get our azz kicked every time….unless we unite.

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I do not believe for a minute people buy up guns and ammo to be prepared for a revolution. Nor do I believe it is for self defense or any other righteous reason.


It is because our society is greedy and self serving.  In other words they want to have theirs and everyone else be damned.

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I think a lot of them are buying for protection even though they are not sure what form that will come in.


We all are pretty sure “something” will happen. Most I talk to think that will be an economic collapse where they will have to protect their families and property from looters and criminals.

I doubt many of them buy a gun because they see themselves taking on the U.S. military or their local LE.


And of course there are many that have become unlicensed gun dealers that help cause the appearance of a gun shortage.

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I don't think anyone here is saying there should be open rebellion against the Government.  I think they are saying if the Government brings violence to it's people, they will meet violence with violence. 


What I think a lot of people don't understand is that the Government will bring to bear all their power, to snuff out an resistance once it starts.  We saw an example of that in Boston a couple of weeks ago, when some 9,000 officers and troops were brought in to search for one man.  People should wake up and see the example of what will happen if they should decide to resist.


I am in no way condoning what the two thugs did in Boston and they got what they deserved!!!  Or will soon be getting what they deserve!  I hope they catch all of them, and fry everyone of them.


All I'm saying is the police action in Boston, is the plan the Government has for controlling large portions of our population.  At the first sign of any resistance, to any enforcement of federal law, this plan will be swiftly put into action, with maximum violence inflected on those perpetuating the resistance. And it will be covered nationally by the media, to re-enforce the message that the Government will brook no interference from anyone.  And we will leave in a police state from that moment on.  We will still have the right to vote and have all the trappings of a Democracy, but you can rest assure that the candidates will be vetted by both parties and that no one will be allowed to win, if they do not toe the Federal line.


You will also see swift action against those the Government feels were or could be supportive of any such resistance, In most cases, mere questioning will be all it takes to quell most supporters.  But if anyone is truly suspected of being a member of or a sympathizer too resistance, they will be arrested, charged and be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.  And again the media will cover all of this just like the well oiled propaganda machine they seem to have become.


We will see tyranny in the disguise of a Republic with the people mere puppets to the real people in charge.

Edited by Moped
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I don't think anyone here is saying there should be open rebellion against the Government.  I think they are saying if the Government brings violence to it's people, they will meet violence with violence. 


What I think a lot of people don't understand is that the Government will bring to bear all their power, to snuff out an resistance once it starts.  We saw an example of that in Boston a couple of weeks ago, when some 9,000 officers and troops were brought in to search for one man.  People should wake up and see the example of what will happen if they should decide to resist.


I am in no way condoning what the two thugs did in Boston and they got what they deserved!!!  Or will soon be getting what they deserve!  I hope they catch all of them, and fry everyone of them.


All I'm saying is the police action in Boston, is the plan the Government has for controlling large portions of our population.  At the first sign of any resistance, to any enforcement of federal law, this plan will be swiftly put into action, with maximum violence inflected on those perpetuating the resistance. And it will be covered nationally by the media, to re-enforce the message that the Government will brook no interference from anyone.  And we will leave in a police state from that moment on.  We will still have the right to vote and have all the trappings of a Democracy, but you can rest assure that the candidates will be vetted by both parties and that no one will be allowed to win, if they do not toe the Federal line.


You will also see swift action against those the Government feels were or could be supportive of any such resistance, In most cases, mere questioning will be all it takes to quell most supporters.  But if anyone is truly suspected of being a member of or a sympathizer too resistance, they will be arrested, charged and be found guilty and sent to prison for a long time.  And again the media will cover all of this just like the well oiled propaganda machine they seem to have become.


We will see tyranny in the disguise of a Republic with the people mere puppets to the real people in charge.

If “resistance” is murdering innocent people, bombing the public, and getting in firefights with Police then I think most people know how that will end.  If I’m misunderstanding the example you are using please give me a better example of how “the government” will direct “maximum violence” towards innocent citizens.

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Guest Darth Maul
So neither of you believe that our government is out of control and has far over stepped it's limitations? You're ok with government controlling healthcare and education? You're ok with the corrupt bailouts of banks and other institutions? You're ok with checkpoints along our highways? No problem with arming our enemies, fast and furious, Bengahzi and all of the repeadted lies and cover ups? The constant attempt at disarming citizens with so-called gun control measures? The utter disreguard for the Constitution and everything it stands for? The unconstitutional executive orders, bills and laws being passed and attempted to be passed?

If you think for one second that this current government does not need to be overthrown or removed from power than I suggest that you may not call yourself a patriot at all. You merely are afraid of forfeiting the livestyle to which you are currently accustom to.

From reading your posts I honestly feel you don't truly understand what the Constitution stands for. I think you believe it protects whatever administration and politician that the people vote into office. That is not so. The Constitution is there as a guideline to protect the people from any government such as the one currently running this country
And the Declaration of Independence clearly says:

" That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the
Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing
its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
Safety and Happiness."

There is no doubt whatsoever that those words were written for a day such as today. Make no mistake about that.

So, just to clarify. If I read your post correctly, no matter what atrocities this government commits against the people, the citizens, the Constitution, no matter how many freedoms and rights are stripped from us illegally and unconstitutionally you're saying you will defend the institution of governemnt itself in the dillussion that you are protecting your country? I just want to make I'm not missing your point.
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If “resistance” is murdering innocent people, bombing the public, and getting in firefights with Police then I think most people know how that will end.  If I’m misunderstanding the example you are using please give me a better example of how “the government” will direct “maximum violence” towards innocent citizens.

I never said "innocent citizens".  I said "resistance".  Nor did I say anything about murdering innocent people or bombing the public or getting in firefights with Police.  I said "resistance".  You are the one throwing out those examples.  To me that's terrorism. That's an attack.  Boston is an example of how the Government will react to any resistance, even though that event was a terrorist act.  The fact that it seems homegrown will end up making suspects of all of us now, anytime something happens. The Federal Government will not take any threat to it's power lightly, no matter which party is in power.

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So neither of you believe that our government is out of control and has far over stepped it's limitations? You're ok with government controlling healthcare and education? You're ok with the corrupt bailouts of banks and other institutions? You're ok with checkpoints along our highways? No problem with arming our enemies, fast and furious, Bengahzi and all of the repeadted lies and cover ups? The constant attempt at disarming citizens with so-called gun control measures? The utter disreguard for the Constitution and everything it stands for? The unconstitutional executive orders, bills and laws being passed and attempted to be passed?

If you think for one second that this current government does not need to be overthrown or removed from power than I suggest that you may not call yourself a patriot at all. You merely are afraid of forfeiting the livestyle to which you are currently accustom to.

From reading your posts I honestly feel you don't truly understand what the Constitution stands for. I think you believe it protects whatever administration and politician that the people vote into office. That is not so. The Constitution is there as a guideline to protect the people from any government such as the one currently running this country
And the Declaration of Independence clearly says:

" That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the
Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing
its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
Safety and Happiness."

There is no doubt whatsoever that those words were written for a day such as today. Make no mistake about that.

So, just to clarify. If I read your post correctly, no matter what atrocities this government commits against the people, the citizens, the Constitution, no matter how many freedoms and rights are stripped from us illegally and unconstitutionally you're saying you will defend the institution of governemnt itself in the dillussion that you are protecting your country? I just want to make I'm not missing your point.

And you are speaking to who?

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And you think an economic collapse wouldn't cause that? What do you think would happen? Do you also think

China wouldn't come knocking on the door for property, in lieu of debt? What about the Mexicans who think

they're entitled to the entire southwest? What about the terrorist thing? Do you really think that would dry up,

too? What about all those starving, cable-less, no gas for their Caddy in the project crowd, will do?


An economic collapse would cause all that and much more.


I don't need a poll by some think tank, or politically motivated bunch to tell me where we are

headed. Certainly don't need anyone's poll to make up an excuse for where, like Chuck said,

generations have allowed this country to fall to.

I think we are disagreeing on definitions here.


I think an economic collapse could result in all you mention and more which would, in my opinion, necessitate people doing what is necessary to survive.  Doing what is necessary to survive may look "like" an armed rebellion and have a similar result on whatever is left of society but that isn't an armed rebellion by any classical definition I'm aware of nor is that what I think the poll was asking.


While I can't know for certain, I believe the poll was asking about Americans rising up, with arms, in a rebellion against our current government just like the colonists did against the British government in 1776 - that, to me, is a very different animal than repelling an invading force (Mexicans, Chinese) or simply trying to protect your own life and property from the societal breakdown following an economic collapse.

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So neither of you believe that our government is out of control and has far over stepped it's limitations? You're ok with government controlling healthcare and education? You're ok with the corrupt bailouts of banks and other institutions? You're ok with checkpoints along our highways? No problem with arming our enemies, fast and furious, Bengahzi and all of the repeadted lies and cover ups? The constant attempt at disarming citizens with so-called gun control measures? The utter disreguard for the Constitution and everything it stands for? The unconstitutional executive orders, bills and laws being passed and attempted to be passed?...

So, just to clarify. If I read your post correctly, no matter what atrocities this government commits against the people, the citizens, the Constitution, no matter how many freedoms and rights are stripped from us illegally and unconstitutionally you're saying you will defend the institution of governemnt itself in the dillussion that you are protecting your country? I just want to make I'm not missing your point.

Well, what's your plan then?  Is there some new "Continental army" out there that I'm unaware of?  Is it of a size and does it have the arms necessary to defeat the U.S. military and all the combined law enforcement agencies that would resist actual rebellion?  Are people really willing to go to war with and kill neighbors and fellow countrymen?


Our problems, if they are or can be solved at all must be solved in the voting booth; something the colonists did NOT have as an option.  I think it's probably too late for that but if we cannot solve it there it WILL not be solved with arms.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Listening to Quinn and Rose yesterday morning, I heard Quinn mention one of the former members of

Weather Underground(I think) and played an old recording, in the 70's I think, also, about the discourse

of the liberal desire. One of them is something common in just about all liberal speech, or doctrine, as

far as I can tell: depopulation by sending to re-training camps in the southwest US, and if not successful,

outright killing. I hope I got that correct, because this guy used to be one of them, and ratted them out.


Maybe Mav heard it, also. :D


If this is the case, you have identified who has planned your extinction, so you or I haven't become anything

more than someone who will defend the right to life and liberty. It's sad it could come to it, but I don't think

life loving people have started it.


Another place I remember that theme is in the book "Rainbow Six" by Clancy. It takes de-population to the

ultimate. I'm not using that word lightly, either, because when you add abortion, tree huggers who think humans

shouldn't inhabit the earth, global warming as reasoning for their goal, you can sum liberalism up with one

word: death. I call that evil.


"People who know what's best" going about "thinning the herd" I agree is noxious, but taking a devil's advocate position--


In the USA, population density appears to correlate with socialism, statism, authoritarianism. At least the "nanny state" kind of authoritarianism. There are so many flavors.


Low population areas tend to be conservative and libertarian on some issues. High population areas tend to be socialistic but also libertarian on other issues. The more our population grows, the more laws we will have and the higher the amount of socialism, I'm guessing. It makes sense, inasmuch the adage, "Your right to swing your arm ends before your fist reaches my nose." Crowd people close enough together and there ain't no room to swing yer arms around or you'll hit something or t'other that don't belong to you. Seems rather unavoidable.


So people who believe population can just keep on growing but we can also have a free society, want to keep the same cake they eat.


I'm not saying that we should crank up the soylent green scoops and drive em downtown for a good workout. Just saying that conservatives who think they can have a conservative capitalistic free nation populated with zillions of people are living in fantasy land.


Am just saying, that if the "elitists who know best" ever succeed in killing off a significant number of americans, and the "elitists who know best" are socialist authoritarians, their success would sow the seeds of their own demise, because when the population gets thin enough, the remaining people will grow conservative/libertarian again and throw off their masters.


Now, conflicting data from other times/places-- Most likely Germany and Europe, in the time of the Nazis, had a surprisingly low population density compared to modern USA, but it was a suck authoritarian system even in low population density. Similarly, on average the USSR was rather low population when Stalin was murdering millions, and it is doubtful that Cambodia was especially urban/overpopulated when that nation purged most everybody. Ancient Egypt, or the Roman Empire were not "free" setups but had real low population density compared to modern times.


Therefore, a low population doesn't guarantee freedom for the average fella, but a high enough population pretty much guarantees shrinking freedoms.

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So neither of you believe that our government is out of control and has far over stepped it's limitations? You're ok with government controlling healthcare and education? You're ok with the corrupt bailouts of banks and other institutions? You're ok with checkpoints along our highways? No problem with arming our enemies, fast and furious, Bengahzi and all of the repeadted lies and cover ups? The constant attempt at disarming citizens with so-called gun control measures? The utter disreguard for the Constitution and everything it stands for? The unconstitutional executive orders, bills and laws being passed and attempted to be passed?

If you think for one second that this current government does not need to be overthrown or removed from power than I suggest that you may not call yourself a patriot at all. You merely are afraid of forfeiting the livestyle to which you are currently accustom to.

From reading your posts I honestly feel you don't truly understand what the Constitution stands for. I think you believe it protects whatever administration and politician that the people vote into office. That is not so. The Constitution is there as a guideline to protect the people from any government such as the one currently running this country
And the Declaration of Independence clearly says:

" That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the
Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing
its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their
Safety and Happiness."

There is no doubt whatsoever that those words were written for a day such as today. Make no mistake about that.

So, just to clarify. If I read your post correctly, no matter what atrocities this government commits against the people, the citizens, the Constitution, no matter how many freedoms and rights are stripped from us illegally and unconstitutionally you're saying you will defend the institution of governemnt itself in the dillussion that you are protecting your country? I just want to make I'm not missing your point.

The government doesn’t control education; you have the freedom to send your children to any private school of your choice or even home school them.


The Constitutionality of check points has been addressed by the SCOTUS under the system our founding fathers put in place.


I have no problem with Fast & Furious; I thought that 69 Charger was bad azz. If you are talking about the guns going into Mexico, I have no problem with what those agents did.

It’s being used by the anti-gun group and they seem to have found a way to bring some pro-gun folks over to their side.


When and where you carry a gun is a right reserved for the state and that is the way it will stay unless you are suggesting the Feds be in charge of that. I own a lot of guns and I can carry just about everywhere I go. Do I fear someone knocking on my door to take my guns? No.


Let me be perfectly clear; I in no way support some of the things this administration has done and I think Obama will go down in history as the worst President ever. But he was elected by the people...twice. The conservatives were weak and split. Not my choice, but I’m not going to stomp my feet and threaten a rebellion that would destroy my country because of it.


Now you be clear. You seem to be getting your panties in a bunch when I say that some here seem to be suggesting a violent overthrow of our government. If that is not the case, and you are going to use the polls and the other forms we have available to us; we are on the same page. If you are suggesting that you are the minority, but that you will impose your ideas on others simply because you are armed; you will find out how very wrong you are.

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I never said "innocent citizens".  I said "resistance".  Nor did I say anything about murdering innocent people or bombing the public or getting in firefights with Police.  I said "resistance".  You are the one throwing out those examples.  To me that's terrorism. That's an attack.  Boston is an example of how the Government will react to any resistance, even though that event was a terrorist act.  The fact that it seems homegrown will end up making suspects of all of us now, anytime something happens. The Federal Government will not take any threat to it's power lightly, no matter which party is in power.

I’m the one throwing out those examples? The title of this thread is “29% Think Armed Revolution Needed”. What are we discussing? Are you implying that the mere presence of firearms while trying to overthrow our government will work out and no innocent people will be hurt?

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Guest Darth Maul

Our problems, if they are or can be solved at all must be solved in the voting booth; something the colonists did NOT have as an option. I think it's probably too late for that but if we cannot solve it there it WILL not be solved with arms.

Maybe someone should have told that to George Washington, Nathanael Greene, Horatio Gates, Henry Knox along with the 35,000 continental soldiers and 44,500 militia that justly and rightfully took issue with their government in 1775.

A little over 8 years of "solving it with arms" gave us the liberties and freedoms that the current government is trying to strip us of. Edited by Darth Maul
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Maybe someone should have told that to George Washington, Nathanael Greene, Horatio Gates, Henry Knox along with the 35,000 continental soldiers and 44,500 militia that justly and rightfully took issue with their government in 1775.

A little over 8 years of "solving it with arms" gave us the liberties and freedoms that the current government is trying to strip us of.

Those men didn’t try to overthrow the British government in Britain. If they had they would have just been killed.

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Guest Darth Maul

Those men didn’t try to overthrow the British government in Britain. If they had they would have just been killed.

No, they just threw off their government and replaced it with one that guaranteed their liberty and happiness.

I don't know what anyone else is suggesting but this is where I stand.
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Maybe someone should have told that to George Washington, Nathanael Greene, Horatio Gates, Henry Knox along with the 35,000 continental soldiers and 44,500 militia that justly and rightfully took issue with their government in 1775.

I've spent a lot of my adult life studying American history and the writings of our founders...I don't believe any of them would have supported taking up arms had there been another way to effect change...you know...such as the ballot box.  Maybe that's why they gave US that option so that we would not have to resort to killing our neighbors???

In the first civil war (also known as the American Revolution) fought in what is now the United States, about 3% of the population of the colonies took up arms; about 10% of the population actually supported the war for independence. They defeated what was then, arguably, the most powerful army in the world but the did so with that army fighting on land they were not familiar with and only really started winning when they started using tactics that the Redcoats didn't use or even know how to use effectively...the colonists also had pretty much the same technology in weaponry as did the British.


In the second civil war, the Confederacy didn't fare to well.  It had relatively equal weaponry but was at a disadvantage in almost every measurable area otherwise.  Many if not all those same advantages would be in effect today and would be with the federal government.


In a third civil war fought today, 3% would work out to about 8.8 million people taking up arms with about 30 million in support (that's assuming a population of roughly 312 million and subtracting out 15 million illegal aliens).  Further, while the citizenry has an impressive number and quality of small arms, most of us don't own fully automatic/select fire weapons, grenades, artillery pieces, tanks, armored vehicles, or other such weapons and vehicles nor do we have a sophisticated command and support structure supported by satellite and other technology that most of us don't even know about. Moreover, we would be fighting, not an foreign invasion force but people JUST LIKE US...our neighbors...our friends...our brothers and sisters...AMERICANS. who love their country just as much as anyone else.


Sure, these new "patriots" could wage a gorilla war and inflict a lot of damage and pain (along with killing a lot of innocent people) but will those tactics actually result in the outcome proponents say they want?  Not a chance in hell. Such a conflict will result in the destruction of the country...PERIOD.  Some side would claim victory but in actually, everyone would lose; most of all the Republic given to us by the very men you mention.


Some apparently fancy themselves modern-day patriots who can throw off the tyranny of an oppressive government with their semi-auto ARs and Glocks...they romanticize patriotism just like they romanticize the American Revolution but their romanticism is based on fantasy; not reality.  Taking up arms in an effort to overthrow the federal government will only result in the complete death of the republic as well as the death of untold numbers of people who will have died for nothing.

Edited by RobertNashville
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No, they just threw off their government and replaced it with one that guaranteed their liberty and happiness.

I don't know what anyone else is suggesting but this is where I stand.

Okay, I’m with you. Where do we start? Give us some direction. How do we get the majority of the democrats, liberals, illegals, and those that want government handouts to switch over to our side?

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