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TN laws relating to poisonous insects?

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I dunno either.  I stopped at the "anything that is dangerous to humans = category 1"  and could not make up my mind.  While not listed specifically, I would think a deadly toxic spider counts.  However, IMHO so would an agressive dog..... so that leaves me going "duh" at the crappy wording.



I can let a spider go depending on where I see it but I get really scheeved out by the giant cockroaches around my house. I mean almost as big as a .50BMG



we had insecticide immune flying giant roaches when I was in college.  My roomie sprayed one with raid until it dripped off it and it was just fine.  So I told him to go again and I struck a match, it didnt survive that but my roomie was startled, should have warned him I guess.  Smell bad.... did not do that again.

Edited by Jonnin
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Welp, she's spun up a great-big egg sack in her enclosure ... *sigh* so it looks like I'm going to be a daddy.

I know where a bunch of little termites are, can't think of what else those little baby black widows would be able to eat, it'd have to be something really small & really soft ... pinhead sized baby crickets maybe?
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Guest ochretoe

I have been bitten by recluse, black widow and copperhead.  The recluse was the worst and the one I kill on sight.  I'm not freaked out by spiders but leaches are another story.  They really bother me.

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Welp, she's spun up a great-big egg sack in her enclosure ... *sigh* so it looks like I'm going to be a daddy.


Not for long Buddy....Usualy they're called "Widows" for a reason!


Dave S

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So do you guys want bagpipes or trumpets at your funerals. This entire thread is a waitin walkin I told you so in the hatchin.
I can handle snakes all day long but these arachnids & insects like bees,wasps,hornets,mosquitos,ticks can all perish from the face of the earth please.

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2

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So do you guys want bagpipes or trumpets at your funerals. This entire thread is a waitin walkin I told you so in the hatchin.
I can handle snakes all day long but these arachnids & insects like bees,wasps,hornets,mosquitos,ticks can all perish from the face of the earth please.

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2


Well, mama widow won't be procreating without a male spider. They're a lot harder to find. Bees don't bother me. Wasps and hornets are meat eaters. If they don't view me as food, I'll leave them alone, with the exception of venomous spiders. It's not their intent to attack me, but it's a high price when they do.

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Not for long Buddy....Usualy they're called "Widows" for a reason!

Dave S

Yup, they'll probably cannabalize the crap out of each other, I'm going to try to get & keep enough small, soft, easy prey in there for them to minimize some of that but it is going to happen regardless.

I am just really glad that I caught her prior to her laying her egg sack in a cabinet or behind the washer/dryer or something ... that would had been bad ju-ju to have had all of those widows running loose in the house without knowing about them.
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Yup, they'll probably cannabalize the crap out of each other, I'm going to try to get & keep enough small, soft, easy prey in there for them to minimize some of that but it is going to happen regardless.

I am just really glad that I caught her prior to her laying her egg sack in a cabinet or behind the washer/dryer or something ... that would had been bad ju-ju to have had all of those widows running loose in the house without knowing about them.


So, she was already knocked up when you got her? Awesome

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Couple things... the only good Black Widow is a dead Black Widow. They have ruined a few peoples' lives. Second, (going into OhShoot mode for a second), they're not insects. :)


And the proper term is "venomous" rather than "poisonous" , unless perhaps you're eating them. ;)


- OS

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So, she was already knocked up when you got her? Awesome

Yup, apparently that's why she wandered indoors, she was looking for a spot to spin up her egg-sack.

I'm just thankful I found her prior to her sneaking off behind the washing machine or dryer or something, that would had been very bad to have had a bunch (hundreds?) of little baby black widows running loose inside of the house.

Seems like all of the local wildlife come here to have their babies, we've had two stray prego cats come and adopt us & have litters since I've lived here, got a litter of 3 kittens that are right at 6 weeks old now, finally got them weened, litter-box trained & socialized enough that they are ready to rehome, awesome fun but I am severly allergic so I can't keep them, but I've really enjoyed having them as temporary house guests ...

Anyone in the Ripley area want a free kittah?
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