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Obama is trying to save his a double S

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

I put this here because not everyone does the Political Forums, but everyone needs to see this (And I am sure eventually will), but if not you need to.


is this guy delusional? I say that because there is absolutely no rhyme or reasoning behind anything he is doing. One minute one way, one minute the next. Wont get into what I think the tactic is but good win for the NRA.



The Obama administration plans to spend millions of dollars to place armed police officers in schools throughout the country in a move advocated by the National Rifle Association in the wake of last December's shooting massacre in Newtown, Conn.


Its not A LOT, but its a start.





One thing is this is nothing new. We had cops in the schools back in the 70's. 

Edited by TankerHC
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Obama is not delusional, he only appears that way because his agenda is so different from most of us that it defies logic. Everything he does is for a reason. Take this move, the first thing that comes to mind is, give the NRA what they want, put the guards there. The next time a shooting still happens even with an officer there, he will say, "see we tried your idea, it didn't work, now we need to try my way". Just edited for an additional thought. What better way to start getting kids to get used to our ever increasingly move toward becoming a police state. Edited by Trekbike
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Obama is not delusional, he only appears that way because his agenda is so different from most of us that it defies logic. Everything he does is for a reason. Take this move, the first thing that comes to mind is, give the NRA what they want, put the guards there. The next time a shooting still happens even with an officer there, he will say, "see we tried your idea, it didn't work, now we need to try my way". Just edited for an additional thought. What better way to start getting kids to get used to our ever increasingly move toward becoming a police state.

Ding, Ding, Ding we have a winner.

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Yep, he is delusional for sure but he has been since he got elected so this is nothing new. As far as putting armed Security officers in schools, not a bad idea. Just make sure you put the right kind of Security Officers in them. I have seen armed security officers that could not tell you which is the grip and which is the muzzle of a gun and the first gun shot and they would be outside looking in waiting for the real police to arrive. We already have 1000's of well trained men and women in our military that are unemployed. They are already trained, Many of them have college educations which would allow them to be counselors at the schools and many could be teachers. Some could even be custodians or work in cafeterias and still be armed and ready for any action necessary. They also know gun fire when they hear it regardless of surroundings. I have heard folks say they thought someone dropped something heavy and it made a loud bang and never realized it was gun fire. Military personnel don't have that problem. Plus a soldier is not going to run from gun fire but will run towards it. Why? Because he/she loves what is behind them( children) and hates what might be in front of him that needs to be stopped as fast as possible............jmho

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Guest TankerHC
The troops to teachers program has been around for a long time. Schools are full of them. They do no good in that respect since as we know schools are gun free zones. Bet except for the cop and the security guard it will remain that way.

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2

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