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A Bloomberg Decision I Agree With


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Folks in both parties didn't push for gun control. While I think both parties need to be cleaned out, I don't think this is the right reason.

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Apparently, ask and ye shall receive, at least until the 2014 elections are over - http://www.mediaite.com/tv/at-democrats-request-even-mike-bloomberg-is-giving-up-on-gun-control/

Edited by R_Bert
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Gun control is the one issue dems. want to avoid during election time. It's the issue that unites the right and will get the vote out. Just like Republicans. should avoid social issues, same sex marriage, abortion etc. unites the left. If Dems win, after the election gun control will be up again.

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Ah, new york.  Even children know of it, even children in other countries.  What a city ...  a place where the mayor of that one town can get on national, even world, television just by flapping his jaws.   Is it any wonder that such an important person, the leader of that entire CITY, is known across the globe?  Of course not!


There are times when I suspect more people across the globe could name the glorious leader of NY than the current supreme court justices or congressional leaders.  Because the leaders of that ghetto all have a napoleon complex or something that they have to extend their authority beyond the borders of their town in some strange attempt to influence how the rest of the world lives.  I mean, when is the last time you saw the mayor of LA on national TV or making an ass of himself? Or any of the thousands of other mayors who are, instead of trying to be president of the USA, stick to running their city without bothering the rest of the world?


Bloomer is the worst of a bad lot --- he is not even leader of the ghetto any longer, and STILL feels compelled to get on TV.

Edited by Jonnin
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