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My late father was the type of person who liked guns but in my memory he pretty much only had:


1.  A 12 gauge pump

2.  A semiauto .22 rifle

3.  A lever action 30-30

4.  A S&W .357 revolver and

5.  A 'generic' (it has no markings on it, whatsoever, other than a series of numbers) Mauser that is so inaccurate as to not really count - I don't remember him ever even firing it.


With those 'few', his gun owning needs were met.  I now have his 12 gauge, his 30-30 and that Mauser along with several more of my own.  Therefore, I guess it could be said that my firearm 'needs' were met long ago.  My 'wants', however, are another matter - although there isn't anything I desperately want and I don't generally invest a lot of $$$ into any, one gun.  In fact, I have to admit to having a soft spot for 'working' guns - utility grade, I guess they are called - over pricier ones.  I also don't own nearly as many guns as some of the folks on here.  I would kind of like to have one super-fancy 'barbecue' gun but it isn't anything crucial, for me.  Right now, I would mostly like to have a coach gun, a snub-nosed .357 of some ilk and a Ruger Alaskan in .44 Magnum.  I wouldn't mind a nice lever carbine in .357, either.  I'm not really actively looking for any of those, however.  In that way, I guess you could say that my gun lust is sated - for now.


Yeah, my dad's gun collection was much smaller and simpler than mine.  Of course, having my HCP and the desire to have enough of a variety of carry guns to fit pretty much every situation in which I can legally carry has influenced some of my purchasing decisions - dad never had an HCP.  Then, again, dad had a 'thing' for old cars and trucks.  Like me, he never really bought anything fancy - just old cars (sometimes near junkers) he could tinker with - but overall my guns are still probably a less expensive hobby.

Edited by JAB
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I like "working" guns also. Every pistol I own (with the exception of my Browning Buckmark) is a carry gun. I don't go for the $1500 Pythons but I've been known to drop several hundred on a good Kimber or Colt. All of my carry guns are defense pistols. I like single stack mags and as small as I can get my fist around.
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Hi Runco, welcome to group therapy here at tgo. We understand as everyone here is an addict, the hardest part is admitting you have a problem.

Other than a long gun and pistol or two I'm pretty content with my current firearms.


I don't call it addiction. I call it obsession! Sounds tamer!!

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