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Deer are not color blind.

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Was watching one of those hunting shows today and they were talking about deer vision and hearing. They were saying that deer are not color blind, but can see blues and yellows and the color orange looks dark to them. They were talking about how the camo we use today (most) are treated in a ultraviolet solution to keep the material from rotting. Deer can see the ultraviolet on the camo and it makes iyou look blue, which deer can see. They do sell stuff to cover the ultraviolet on the camo. Deer hearing was another topic, they said that deer hear almost the same as we do. Deer rely mostly on there nose and sight. They said that deer also use there tails to communicate. Some of you may already have known this, but some may not. I thought it was interesting.

Edited by Hunting101
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Guest bkelm18
Was watching one of those hunting shows today and they were talking about deer vision and hearing. They were saying that deer are not color blind, but can see blues and yellows and the color orange looks dark to them. They were talking about how the camo we use today (most) are treated in a ultra violent solution to keep the material from rotting. Deer can see the ultraviolent on the camo and it makes iyou look blue, which deer can see. They do sell stuff to cover the ultraviolent on the camo. Deer hearing was another topic, they said that deer hear almost the same as we do. Deer rely mostly on there nose and sight. They said that deer also use there tails to communicate. Some of you may already have known this, but some may not. I thought it was interesting.

Now, I know wearing camo makes you wanna go out and blow some sh*t up with extreme prejudice, but its ultraviolet, not ultraviolent. :lol:

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Guest Verbal Kint
Now, I know wearing camo makes you wanna go out and blow some sh*t up with extreme prejudice, but its ultraviolet, not ultraviolent. :D


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Was watching one of those hunting shows today and they were talking about deer vision and hearing. They were saying that deer are not color blind, but can see blues and yellows and the color orange looks dark to them. They were talking about how the camo we use today (most) are treated in a ultraviolet solution to keep the material from rotting. Deer can see the ultraviolet on the camo and it makes iyou look blue, which deer can see. They do sell stuff to cover the ultraviolet on the camo. Deer hearing was another topic, they said that deer hear almost the same as we do. Deer rely mostly on there nose and sight. They said that deer also use there tails to communicate. Some of you may already have known this, but some may not. I thought it was interesting.

I wonder how in the "olden" days before scent-lok, ultraviolet laundry detergent, scent free lip balm, deodorant, soap, shampoo, gum, spray...not to mention the carbon lined clothing, scent free socks, boots...probably a liner for the seat of my pants out there to filter my farts...carbon lined bags for storage....I know I'm missing something.....

how did they EVER manage to kill anything for food or sport....especially the whitetail.....I'll ask my grandfather and he'll say "well, we ate a big breakfast, threw our crap in the truck and went huntin'...even pee'd along the scrapes if thats where mother nature called, and we did just fine...just stay downwind....your a victim of marketing boys"....

I would write some more but I have to figure out how to get my carbon-lined blind rolled back up and put in the pouch........:lol:

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I wonder how in the "olden" days before scent-lok, ultraviolet laundry detergent, scent free lip balm, deodorant, soap, shampoo, gum, spray...not to mention the carbon lined clothing, scent free socks, boots...probably a liner for the seat of my pants out there to filter my farts...carbon lined bags for storage....I know I'm missing something.....

how did they EVER manage to kill anything for food or sport....especially the whitetail.....I'll ask my grandfather and he'll say "well, we ate a big breakfast, threw our crap in the truck and went huntin'...even pee'd along the scrapes if thats where mother nature called, and we did just fine...just stay downwind....your a victim of marketing boys"....

I would write some more but I have to figure out how to get my carbon-lined blind rolled back up and put in the pouch........:lol:

I hear what your saying and I do the same thing, I have hunted and killed many deer in my blue jeans and have pee'd in the woods and still have good luck. I just wanted to throw some scientific food for thought out in the air.

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Ok, trade secrets and they work pretty well as you can tell from my story of having to throw things at a young buck this week to get him to leave. We always build a small fire at the cabin, this time of year as defense against the bugs so we can sit on the back porch a little. Well, I walk through the ashes the next morning. We also wave our britches, shirts and outer garments through the smoke just a bit, not so we can't stand putting the clothes on, but enough to "filter" if you will what might leak through as you sit in that "pool" of scent your generating after sitting still for hours. There are still a lot of wood burning stoves used in Wayne Co and someone is always burning brush so its a familiar smell to them. Getting off the ground in a ladder or climber is still the key to seeing the good ones. As far as ultraviolet, I don't buy the expensive camo and as you can see from pics in the other thread, don't even bother to match them up much. They are comfortable, well washed (scentless HS scents detergent, my contribution to marketing) and mostly natural fibers. They see movement better than anything!

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Guest billwilly73

I sit in a home built shooting house overlooking a food plot i usually dress in jeans and a black shirt/coat ninja style, depending on the weather. When it is cold i use a blanket and the propane heater.......mmmmmmmm toasty. Plenty of room for me and a friend but mostly just me and the tripod and video camera. Also for emergencies I have the lugaloo, for those who dont know what that is it is a five gallon bucket with a toilet seat on it, So I can eat at Taco Bell and go hunting the same day.......hahahahaha

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Guest c.a.s.

I haven't been on a hunt yet.

Which I assume is an experience I am really missing out on.

But to the point.

I had heard that Deer were "colorblind" and saw Orange as a different color than orange, so that it didn't cause a problem, while still allowing other hunters to see you. I had also heard that they could see the ultraviolet treatment, but there was never an explanation of what color.

Now I had never heard about their hearing before. That is an interesting tidbit of information.

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Yeah they said deer see yellows and blues and they see orange as a dark color. If you have good cover while hunting they won't even know your there, unless you stink and jump up and say run Bambi :). They do see the ultraviolet as blue, even on camo.

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It is illegal to hunt over bait. I think you can bait until 2 weeks until the start of season and all bait has to be gone. You can hunt food plots, cornfields, or any planted field due to it being agriculture. If you hunt a cornfield that has corn still in it, it is legal but if you put corn in it then your baiting. I will check the laws again.


Taken from TWRA web site:

Hunting is prohibited over a site where bait has been placed to feed or attract wildlife unless the bait has been removed at least ten (10) days prior to hunting.

Edited by Hunting101
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Guest canynracer
It is illegal to hunt over bait. I think you can bait until 2 weeks until the start of season and all bait has to be gone. You can hunt food plots, cornfields, or any planted field due to it being agriculture. If you hunt a cornfield that has corn still in it, it is legal but if you put corn in it then your baiting. I will check the laws again.


Taken from TWRA web site:

Hunting is prohibited over a site where bait has been placed to feed or attract wildlife unless the bait has been removed at least ten (10) days prior to hunting.

Sorry, I am not a hunter...BUT "baiting" well, thats not hunting...LOL...

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Even though deer can see some colors, I don't think it will effect everyone anyways. For example most hunters use deer stands which gets you higher up and out of the wind so deer feel more comfortable in approaching and they have a hard time seeing you. Ground blinds do contain your scent to a certain degree but with good cover scent you will be fine. As for deer seeing your ultraviolet camo, the blinds should cover you enough so that that it will be harder for them to see you.

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Guest billwilly73

Their noses are good for smelling you..........but if you play the wind you can get away with alot.........I couldn't tell you how many times I had to put my cigarette down to shoot a deer......but I have quit smoking now so we will see what happens this year

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Guest killemducks

Right place, right time....bang!

"You have to be where they wanna be." Duck hunting proverb.

Now, you can look, smell, and feel like a champ doing it, if that is what it takes to make you feel like a stud hunter....Personally, I like to look the part..

As long as I look good, good things will happen.......or at least I will look good in defeat.

Edited by killemducks
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Funny story Had to tell.....

Bro-in-law was in a bad car accident, and was put in a wheelchair for several months. He grew up hunting, so opening day for deer up in NY, his 2 brothers wheeled him in (mainly to get him outta the house) and he was armed with his Harry Calahan .44. Sitting in a wheelchair, along a tree-line. Still smelling like a hospital and all the meds he had been taking, and had a 4 pin metal rig from his left knee to his ankle. Blue jeans and a flannel shirt. He was "forced" to shoot a big NY buck, as it was walking directly towards him.

His 2 brothers were PISSED, they had only been out about an hour.

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