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East Nashville Tonight


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We went out to dinner with friends tonight over in East Nashville.  My wife and I were chatting about our fair city as we pulled off at Shelby Ave. earlier this evening.


     As we were coming back to the interstate to come home, it became evident (by the sea of blue lights) that we would be taking an alternate route.  


I am never a fan of breaking laws to make a point, but all in all, it seems (at this point) that our law enforcement handled this as peacefully as possible.  

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People in Nashville had their protest which began as a candlelight vigil and ended up being a protest yet was entirely peaceful. I don't know what the interstate was necessary about the fact they all laid down for 4.5 minutes to represent that fact that Browns body laid in the street 4.5 hours. I really don't believe Brown care how long he was there but evidently some folks did. As far as I can tell there were protests all across America and virtually kinda makes Michael Brown some kind of celebrity. I didn't march in Nashville last night and don't think I missed any opportunity to prove anything. Did any TGO members march?................just being nosy............ :rofl: In all honesty I think the police of Nashville handled to extra bonus marches and other stuff not planned quit well and showed great restrain and are to be commended....................jmho

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