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down and dirty security system


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stumbled across a neat Little system on Panasonic's website it contains two indoor cameras 2 outdoor cameras, five window and door sensors, and remote operated wall outlet, good for a light or coffee maker stc,and 2 Motion Sensors. all for under 400 bucks.

The only catch is usual is you have to have Wi-Fi or broadband to make it work

The cameras are of decent quality although the nighttime capability is lacking,but it is great for protecting a home without having to pay a monthly fee to a monitoring company

you can watch your cameras from any place on your smart phone as long as you have a data connection either to the cell company or wireless.

it installs very easy all you have to do is read the very simple instructions and it will join the hub that they give you with your wireless connection in your home.

having worked with all types of security systems and surveillance electronics for a very long time, I figured I would pass this on to everyone because it is of good value, and Panasonic has always made quality products I'll post a picture of one of the cameras that I put up just for general purpose not bad for total darkness but it does the trick.


ps: that is a dog,not an ewok, the ir lights make their eyes appear white lol thats a still capture from the dogs room in total darkness.the system also lets you know what the temp is in the room and the system has 2 way audio. this way you can tell a burglar your coming to erase him or listen in.... amb
great value.

Edited by Dustbuster
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big time. if it costs 179.00 for a single camera from someone like canary, to get everything panasonic gives you for under 400 is insane! of course u can do a custom system but 4 decent cams, dvr, alarm panel, keypad motions. window doors and a smoke, your over 1000 plus u still have to pay between 20 and 45 a month for everything. i look at it as putting a dent in the comcast extortion fee....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk, its either this or smoke signals!
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big time. if it costs 179.00 for a single camera from someone like canary, to get everything panasonic gives you for under 400 is insane! of course u can do a custom system but 4 decent cams, dvr, alarm panel, keypad motions. window doors and a smoke, your over 1000 plus u still have to pay between 20 and 45 a month for everything. i look at it as putting a dent in the comcast extortion fee....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk, its either this or smoke signals!


The cost of video surveillance from alarm companies is outrageous.  However, monitoring isn't that bad.  Ours is $35/mo, and it's nice that I have someone who will dispatch first responders in case of fire or break in.  Also, it's a bonus that the security system is not affected by power outages, and the alerts to the monitoring company are sent over GSM like a cell phone.


Anyone wanting to have video surveillance which is available to monitor remotely should just get a security camera DVR.  It will do all of that.  I can see my cameras on my smart phone as well as on my internet browser, and it sends me still shots when motion is detected at my points of entry.  Cameras are cheap too.  I just replaced my cameras which were fried by a lightning strike, and the new ones cost $17/ea.  Good color cameras too, with IR LEDs, and switches to monochrome when low light is detected.  Total cost of a 4 channel camera system with DVR + connectors and wiring was around $200.  I'm probably going to upgrade to an 8 channel in the spring, since the lightning strike also fried on of my camera inputs.  If I'm gonna get a new DVR, might as well upgrade. 


ETA: I also run the DVR to one of the inputs on the TV in my living room, so I can switch over from the couch when hearing noises outside, or am waiting on pizza to show up.

Edited by TMF
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Do these type systems have to be controlled by a computer to set schedule, or is the control brain in the surveillance system somewhere?


Also, I guess you can set it to automatically record to a hidden WiFi hard drive? Even off site to a broad band connected one?


Meaning, you'd want a record somewhere not on the visible system or controlling computer, which would likely be trashed or stolen?


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Do these type systems have to be controlled by a computer to set schedule, or is the control brain in the surveillance system somewhere?


Also, I guess you can set it to automatically record to a hidden WiFi hard drive? Even off site to a broad band connected one?


Meaning, you'd want a record somewhere not on the visible system or controlling computer, which would likely be trashed or stolen?


- OS


There are ways to back up the data to a online cloud, though my DVR doesn't have that capability unless I were to manually do it.  The still shots, however, all go to an email account immediately, so those are mine forever.


As for the DVR box, I have mine in the attic, so it would take a deliberate person with some time on their hands to locate it and take it with them. 


In regards to the recording schedule, all modern security system DVRs should have the ability to program the record times.  I don't really get this, but you can schedule it to record at certain times of the day.  I've set up just one camera (the one on my driveway) to record 24/7.  The rest record on motion, which saves space in the DVR and makes it easy to locate events when searching through the recordings on the hard drive.  With record on motion, the system is set up to "pre-record" several seconds in advance.  So the system is constantly recording and dumping memory on the cameras which record on motion only, and when an event happens, it automatically records 3 seconds prior to sensing motion, so that you get the whole scene, not just from the moment it detecting movement.

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stumbled across a neat Little system on Panasonic's website it contains two indoor cameras 2 outdoor cameras, five window and door sensors, and remote operated wall outlet, good for a light or coffee maker stc,and 2 Motion Sensors. all for under 400 bucks.
The only catch is usual is you have to have Wi-Fi or broadband to make it work
The cameras are of decent quality although the nighttime capability is lacking,but it is great for protecting a home without having to pay a monthly fee to a monitoring company
you can watch your cameras from any place on your smart phone as long as you have a data connection either to the cell company or wireless.
it installs very easy all you have to do is read the very simple instructions and it will join the hub that they give you with your wireless connection in your home.
having worked with all types of security systems and surveillance electronics for a very long time, I figured I would pass this on to everyone because it is of good value, and Panasonic has always made quality products I'll post a picture of one of the cameras that I put up just for general purpose not bad for total darkness but it does the trick.ae22ef5053c54048a02b4ae7cb26a105.jpg
ps: that is a dog,not an ewok, the ir lights make their eyes appear white lol thats a still capture from the dogs room in total darkness.the system also lets you know what the temp is in the room and the system has 2 way audio. this way you can tell a burglar your coming to erase him or listen in.... amb
great value.

Hope this isn't considered a thread hijack, but what are y'alls thoughts on SimpliSafe alarm system? Mine should arrive here in a day or two.
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Video gets backed up to a micro sd in the Panasonic hub. As far as schedule goes u can view and listen anytime. There isn't a schedule feature like most dvrs have.The alarm has a home off and away mode. You can also set motion detection on each individual camera with the app. And of course it's all done through a app for phone or pad.
The only downside to all of these wifi systems is if power goes out and or net access goes out your screwed. I think this is a good add on for existing systems that report to a central station via cellular svc in the long run Edited by Dustbuster
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