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Everything posted by BrasilNuts

  1. http://www.nnsa.energy.gov/aboutus/ourprograms/defenseprograms/securetransportation
  2. That's the truth, with a newborn in the house I haven't really had much time to even fondle it. I did a full disassemble and clean last night and I'm going to try to get to the range tomorrow to check function and POA/POI with my ammo.
  3. I guess we'll find out how sharp my memory is on Saturday.
  4. It must be snowing in hell... Looks like I'm going to get to shoot on Saturday.
  5. ^^^^^^^ Uh.... Check out page 2, Danny beat ya to it little buddy.
  6. "....shortcomings..." what a douche. He should have just said "I'm a cheating rat bastard and I resign my membership." At least I could respect that.
  7. My inlaws (Brazilians) flew in today for the birth of our third child. After we picked them up it was straight to the Mexican restaurant for food and futebol. Depends on what language you're speaking.
  8. I was just wondering if I needed to pack some nursing pads and duct tape for nipple protection. :)
  9. You're far from square. ;) I'll be there for sure, I'm really looking forward to this. Are we going to be doing any FOF?
  10. I don't want this thread to turn into gory pictures we've come across on the net, we can all find those easy enough. Just post your own mishaps please.
  11. It's going to be hard to add to what's already been said, but I'll give it a shot. Training with Randy will help bring weakness to light, both in yourself, and in your gear. I have been getting by on the first aid training I had in the Boy Scouts in the 80's and 90's. This class helped me to realize that I need more than just basic first aid if I am going to carry a gun and be active in shooting sports. We talked about tourniquets and how to properly apply one (I had done this in scouts) but then we put it to practice with a timer. Randy would have us do malfunction drills with our pistols and then apply the TQ to an injured limb. (We never did that in scouts) Everthing I've learned before was about taking care of others, this was about taking care of others and yourself. Putting a TQ on your right arm by yourself isn't easy and takes some practice. My favorite part of the class was the force on force with the airsoft pistols. Randy didnt have us just running around shooting at each other, once you were hit you had to apply what you learned to treat yourself or your buddy. I would highly recommend this class as it was a real eye opener to me. Thanks Randy, it was a pleasure to meet you again.
  12. Didn't you break your finger doing laundry a while back?
  13. Once it bit me I let the fan go. If you look closely, in the second picture, you can see blood under the nails of my pinky and middle fingers caused from the impact.
  14. Seems like every few months there's a thread where someone mangled one of their fingers. Last Friday it was my turn. It was going to be a long weekend so I had a long list of stuff I wanted to get done. First on my list was turn some range lead into ingots. I got my pot on the burner, my molds, and other tools set up and ready. I put my squirrel cage fan in place to blow the smoke away from me and then I was going to put on my gloves. As I turned to get my gloves the fan started to fall back, I grabbed it at the square air outlet without thinking and... The next day. Special thanks to the fine folks at Methodist Medical Center ER, they had me fixed up and out of there in no time. So lets see those messed up fingers!!!!!
  15. This is a service that LineX offers and promotes, check their site, so this shouldn't have been unheard of to have a request for it. If the clerk had said up front that they were going to have Doc checked out and explained why, I doubt there would have been an issue.


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