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Everything posted by rugerla1

  1. Finally got him home! My biggest so far and hoping to find his Uncle this year!
  2. Good luck in the morning y’all!
  3. http://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/browning-strike-force-850-hd-160-mp-infrared-game-camera#repChildCatid=4180675 I picked one of these up today. I have used the previous model of this camera for the last two years. Been on a tree since the day I got it, and knock on wood, never missed a beat. Same basic setup as last model with the exception of faster trigger speed and card management. The card management deletes oldest pictures if your card fills up instead of stopping any new ones from being saved. It’s smaller than my previous cam as well.
  4. I just got the phone call that my buck mount from last year is done!
  5. GoPro Hero 5 Black. My wife bought it for me after deer season last year so I could film while hunting. I know that not having zoom is probably the biggest drawback using this type of camera. But I can turn it on and off by voice, by button on the camera, or with my iphone and even watch on my phone what is being filmed real time. It's pretty high tech for an old country boy with not much tech savvy lol.
  6. @Slappy So I've had very little action to film. Many trips out I didn't see anything and the Panasonic camera is hard for me to see. Maybe I'm just not used to it yet. I started using my GoPro instead and decided to put a video of this Saturdays clips together. I spent a couple hours last night trying to figure out why I couldn't find the editor on YouTube. Then searched on YouTube about it and they took down the editing software in September! Perfect timing for me right? Well I did a little research on editing software and decided on Shotcut. It's free and will do way more than I know how to do for sure. It took some trial and error for sure and my video or editing isn't that good. But I'm going to keep trying and hopefully the action in the woods picks up and I'll have more action to show. Anyway, here's my first ever YouTube video hunting. I hate that you can't see the little buck but he came in to a grunt call and was snorting almost like he was coughing. Came in acting like he was ready to start some trouble. It was pretty dang funny. I snort wheezed at him and he didn't come back, so I reckon he wasn't feeling as froggy as he thought he was. It was entertaining for me for sure. Hope to have more videos to share soon.
  7. Wow congratulations, that’s a dang good buck!
  8. Well I had one small spike come up to 10 yards at 6:30. He hung out for about 3 or 4 minutes eating and then he eased out quickly. I said “I don’t blame you buddy, I’d leave too if I smelt a stinky sweaty smell like I’m sure I have after 14 hours in the stand!” Haha Whew! Thankful for a full day in the woods y’all!
  9. Anyone having any luck? I hunted yesterday till 11am at 94 degrees. Out here at 5:15 this morning and no movement so far. Trying my hand at filming but hasn’t been much to film lol P.S. Please wear your harness and for goodness sake buy a ThermaCell if you’re hunting this pterodactyl mosquito season!
  10. Up until a couple years ago I thought ThermaCell was a bunch of hooey. I just knew that I wasn’t gonna emit those fumes and not scare deer off. After hearing SO many people say they won’t hunt bow season without one I decided to try one. Worst case scenario if it made me feel deer were smelling it, I’d use it for camping. Man! I am now a firm believer in those suckers. Unbelievable the difference it makes and so fast after turning it on. I with the rest of you now!
  11. I spoiled myself a little this year. I am still using my Mathews Switchback bow, but I picked up a new 1.5 man 17 ft ladder stand, two used ladder stands, and a Millennium m100u lock on with Hawk Helium climbing sticks. Almost too much to choose from.....almost
  12. The first is Marlin 336 in 30-30 from early 70's. Second is Ruger 96/22 in .22 magnum Third one is Savage 99e in .308
  13. You already know I will. If I remember I will grab my GoPro and do a generic review video. I'm still figuring this video stuff out, they didn't teach this technology when I was in school
  14. I ended up going with the m100u and the Hawk sticks like I was planning. Both seem really well made and I can't wait to try them out. Hopefully this weekend I can give them a try.
  15. I love the simplicity of a ladder stand once it's up. Ease into them quietly and they are stable. This purchase is for mobility and reaching extended heights with comfort. My Summit is pretty quiet to climb with, but it still makes more noise than a ladder stand for sure
  16. I've debated the same thing for a while. That's why I did so much reading on them. I have a Summit Viper SD and feel really safe in it as well as love the comfortable seat. But there are some trees that a lock on and sticks would be easier to get into, and have limbs covering me as well. I definitely wasn't interested in a small platform or skinny seat to save weight. I wanted a secure and comfortable stand. I'm 6' 225lbs so some stands for a guy that weighs 160 won't be comfortable for me even if it's light weight for transportation. I'm excited to try it and think the part I'll like the least is stepping from sticks to platform and vice versa.
  17. Good luck getting everything ready. It can be a pain, but I started earlier this year than I usually do so I'm in pretty good shape. I just got a Field & Stream Outpost XL 17ft ladder stand a month ago. I really like it, extremely comfortable, flip up seat, foot rest, and went together pretty easily. All that stuff is ready, cameras running, and these cool mornings have my heart racing already for season.
  18. Man, that sounds like the stuff I imagine myself doing since I'll be figuring all this out my first few times in the woods with it! I don't know if you've heard of them or not, but the Stepp Ladder is another option I really want to try! I will get some by next year but Bass Pro has their 4 pay option right now so I went with the Hawk for design and height attainable by supplied steps. But check these out
  19. I like the Monster a lot too but was looking at the weight difference and was leaning toward the M100U for that. I've never used a hang on but heard a lot of people say that about the hook to help pull the stand up. I have a couple HSS Lifeline's, they are nice! I had another one but some piece of sewer trash cut one I had on a ladder stand last year. But I will definitely use one for this setup! Thanks for the input Slappy


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