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tacops last won the day on December 9 2023

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About tacops

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    East Tennessee
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  1. tacops


    Prayers for successful surgery and rapid recovery.
  2. There are times when I come to the realization that we really need a middle digit emoji.
  3. I only wish you were closer...
  4. Looking to buy an 1873 Winchester in .357 by Uberti, Taylors or Cimmaron with 18 to 20 inch octagon barrel and color case hardened receiver with crescent butt stock. Also looking for a Taurus Thunderbolt pump or 1884 Uberti Lightening in .357.
  5. The problem is that politicians have personal financial interest/benefit in these corporations doing what they do, thus no corrective legislation will be pushed. Just empty promises to make people think they are looking out for the masses BS.
  6. I have had really good luck with Merrill boots. They have pretty good insoles to start with. Peejman said it true. Good insoles make all the difference.
  7. Thanks for the response, I found a few ( very few ) I could order but I would like to get my hands on one so I can see the wood grain, fit and finish before I lay down my money. I hate to order, not be pleased and then be stuck or have to go through the pain of a return.
  8. I have been looking for a Uberti / taylors or cimmaron 1873 short rifle in .357 with 20 inch barrel. They are not in stock anywhere. Anybody know why there is such a shortage on these? If anybody happens to see one in a LGS in East Tennessee give me a heads up please. Thanks
  9. I just got back from the show. They did not have what I was looking for but I was surprised at the selection of weaponry. Lots of lever guns available. Plenty of AR platform acc and weapons but not too much as in the past. Lots of revolvers and bolt guns. I didn't really see any "bargains" as such but prices seemed to be reasonable to high range. I noted that most sellers seemed to be willing to negotiate within reason. There seemed to be a lot more individuals looking to sell their weapons wandering about. Not near as much t-shirt/bumper sticker/jerky etc. as I have seen in the past.
  10. Praying for you and your family through this. Glad you are here to post, we would miss you.
  11. 1. I wish for you the best and rapid recovery. 2. Any attempt to "re-make" a movie with Sam Elliott in it is destined to fall short.
  12. $1 for a bag of 100 men. Great war games with firecrackers and BB guns. I left divisions of these in the dirt at every childhood home.


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