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Everything posted by MP5_Rizzo

  1. Yes it was!. Filthy mouths and bad attitudes will get you whopped every time when you dissapoint the head penguin.
  2. Very cool video. For those that have never heard of or seen a Prince Rupert's Drop here's your science class for the day.
  3. That's about exactly the way I remember it.
  4. Since most of my teachers were penguins through half of my school days, that right there was funny!
  5. Glad to hear Kasey had a good prognosis. I too have a couple of geriatric dogs that I spend more on their daily meds than my entire family combined. What I spend in a month on them would easily buy me a very nice shoot'n iron monthly. But like you say they are family and I would do the same for one of my children if insurance did not cover it. Does her left ear always stand up and the right one lay down or just a coincidence in the photos?
  6. Sounds like my method of horse trading!
  7. If you want to be a gun owner that may include some exotic firearms, here's my best advice, Move out of New York!
  8. So the duck bill magazine makes since. The Ak mags not so much. Were they just thrown in because the seller had no use?
  9. Your videos are always awesome. Thank you for sharing!
  10. I have text settings set on black and it works in everything else except TGO.
  11. I use iPad, iMac and iPhone. Apple loves me.
  12. I don't like the gray. We have the ability to change it so I do.
  13. I don't like the default gray text but if it helps those that like the Night Owl theme I will start using it.
  14. If you are using the Night Owl theme now switch to the default theme to see this. I'm using Firefox but after I enter text I will highlight the text and then hit the drop down that has a paint brush icon and select black. and it will look like this. If I use the default color it will look like this. There may be a way to change the default setting when typing text but I have not stumbled across it yet. I guess for those that use the dark theme by me darkening my text they can't read it unless the switch to the default theme. I hope this helps.
  15. Fairly certain I heard and saw a Panther. It was making eerie growling sound off in the distance. I saw some movement but it was right at totallity so all I saw was a dark shadow so it must have been a black panther. Maybe I should follow up on another old thread with this.
  16. If you absolutely cant get enough, check this out from NASA. https://eclipse.stream.live/
  17. I assume we are discussing Nutria Rats. They seemed like a good idea for a short period. Then they bred out of control into a nuisance animal destroying natural marsh areas. ..and now hunted with a bounty paid on them in at least one state.
  18. I haven't put much thought or research into them recently so I have no idea. I know one is originally chambered in 6.5 X 55 Swiss and 2 I'm not sure but I'm think 7mm Mauser. I just found the 6.5 and it's stamped on the barrel. Still looking for the other two and that could take hours or days.
  19. I've got several $100 or less barreled action Mausers I picked up here and there and just haven't gotten my round tuit to do anything with but now this thread has my gears churning.
  20. At first I thought you would really have to have run out of useless projects to do this but then I saw 450 Bushmaster. That kind of made it interesting all of a sudden.
  21. You are correct, just Mosin refers to rifle. Mosin Nagant or just Nagant, pistol. The Thread topic says Mosin Nagant.
  22. Most Nagant aficionados only use Nagant when referring to the revolver. I' m not one but I have read this on other forums and my guess is he's referring to this or one of it's variants. 7.62X38mmR But then I find this. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2011/05/25/converting-a-mosin-nagant-to-45-70/
  23. So my UPS driver that stops almost daily at my shop just asked if I was going to be closed next Monday. Not really thinking about it I said yeah if that's Labor Day. He said no, Monday the 21st is the day of the eclipse and some local businesses were closing at noon. Yeah, this thing is reached the point of ridiculous.
  24. I'm not even going to post what I did even though they were not horrendous scores. You just can't win much at a World Championship by shooting your average even if it does have a 9 on the front of it. But like last year my son out shot me again and did manage to win a shoot off to be the yardage champion in the Kreighoff 100 preliminary handicap event. There are people that have been shooting at the Grand American for 40 years and have yet to win a trophy.


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