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pop pop

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Everything posted by pop pop

  1. The Christian has no fear of death because of the resurrection of Christ. Watch this. Highlight this address, copy it, paste it to google https://mtpchurch.org/sermon-for-april-12-2020/
  2. God chose man(HIS disciples) to teach the gospel to mankind. God gave them what is called, "The great commission." (Mark 16:15-16) And he said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." Praised God for the resurrection of the Christ, and for what God has done for all mankind. Thanks be to Jesus for what He has done for all of us. Have a happy day! Good Bible Lesson, on Christ, if you care to watch. www.godsredeemed.org/index.php/sermons-classes
  3. I have a 10 22 takedown and a Marlin mdl 60. I use the 60 all the time. I have had bad luck with the first 10 22 and had to send it back to Ruger. They sent me a new one to replace the first one. I have a good scope on my mdl 60 Marlin and use it to rid myself of grey squirrels that have tried to eat us out of house and home. I prefer the Mdl 60 Marlin over the Ruger 10 22.
  4. I have belonged to Armed Citizens Legal Defense Net for years(360-978-5200). It is not insurance per say, but one could call it that. Call them and discuss their network, you will get a person to talk too. No, they review every shooting before they agree to pay so one had better be certain of justification. No, I did not purchase membership counting on going out and killing someone. My wife is also a member. I look at my membership as just another homeowners insurance policy, car insurance, of health insurance. I never purchased any of these insurances planning on using them. In fact I hope I never am forced to use many of them, but know at my age I will use the health insurance and dental insurance. I probably had health insurance for most all my life (72) however the last 15 years I have used it many times. Also had homeowners and auto insurance for the past 55 years. Could a D A challenge me for purchasing all these different policies, well yes, but I would guess it could be explained because he has insurance also. Reasonable people take measures to protect themselves. Well don't they? Having the membership in ACLDN does not bother me, and like Dave, I plan to be justified if I am ever forced to protect myself or family. Intervening in others problems are shaky ground at best, so one had better be 100% sure what is going on before getting involved. There is no room, O %, for error. Dave is correct "JUSTIFICATION," will be at the forefront. What would a reasonable person do if he were in the same situation you were in, at the time, will be the standard in judgment of your actions.
  5. I will not answer, because I don't have the details and I know nothing about this Pilot stabbing. I assume it is a truck stop you are talking about. I will say it always intrigues me that so many will say, yes I would get involved, to a situation like this, and then leave a slight connotation that if you don't think as I do, there is something wrong with you, or you are less of a man if you don't make the choice to get involved. It is my thought, on getting involved with another's problems, that person who is directly involved has the responsibility for his or her own safety and security, just as I do. That person involved also has the same opportunity to be concealed carrying as I do. So the question comes up, why should I be forced to protect someone who did not prepare beforehand to protect themselves? Buford Tune is correct, if he taught be a good witness, because you don't always know what the true situation is that one just walks up on. I teach the same when I have train others. Before you all jump on. I will say again, I don't know about the opening posters situation on the stabbings so I will not answer the question on getting involved in that situation. But, IMO, there is no shame on not getting involved with another's problems. The other person has the responsibility for defense of himself.
  6. I retired 2004 after 34 years as a Postal worker. Enjoyed almost every minute of it. Have not sought out another job as I have not been bored. I have learned to keep my body and mind busy, although this this is harder because I can't get out and go like I would wish. I miss that. Doing a lot more exercise (tread mill)and lifting weights, for muscle tone, than usual. Also reading a lot. Would love to be planting flowers, but know that is unwise because I have to go where it is crowded to purchase the plants.
  7. My wife sowed us cotton mask to wear when we are forced to go out. I do have one of the good professional mask which I will cover with the cotton cloth homemade one to keep it from getting contaminated. I have enough supplies for about 2 weeks, but will need a few supplies, bread milk etc, which we will try to order on line next time. If I get the virus with all my problems it could be toast for me so I am trying to limit my exposure.
  8. My wife and I are staying home except for a couple store trips. I am good now for another 2 to 3 weeks. We need our yard mowed and our granddaughter mows it for us. I have asthma and it is hard for me to do. I wonder if it is ok to go and haul her mower over here(Lascassas) and then take her back (Walter Hill)? It is a 10 mile trip one way. Wont be in a crowd. Does anyone know the answer?
  9. Forgot to add, to my previous post, my son-in-law and I was almost robbed in Montgomery Alabama a few years back. His transmission went out of his car, as we had traveled to visit family in Alabama, and stranded him on the side of the road in Montgomery. He had it towed to a Mr Transmission place. They called him the next morning and told him it was going to cost 3500. to repair his tranny and I knew they were ripping him off. I took him to Montgomery and he wanted me to take him to a phone booth to call a mechanic back home in TN, to see if they were overcharging him. We went down I 65 and got off at a gas station on the side of the interstate and parked by a drive up phone booth on the corner of a Race Track stop and go parking lot. I exited the car and was standing facing my car leaning on the top, and the station was to my back. Suddenly I smelled liquor, and turned to see a man had walked up behind me and was drunk, at 10:00 in the morning. He demanded my money. I turned to face him and I could see the grip of a revolver in his front pocket which he had not pulled yet. I glanced at the station and all the people were looking in our direction and doing nothing. My gut instantly told me we were in a bad situation. This time, I was not ready as my revolver was under the front seat of my car and I was out of the car. I had some quarters in my pocket, for the phone call, so I pulled them out and dropped several on the ground. We were on a slight hill and the quarters started rolling down the hill past the drunk. The thug bent to pick them up and when he too his eye off us I jumped in the car and exited the scene. My SNL noticed what was happening and he was already on the way to get in the car and we pulled away as fast as we could. Turned out we stopped in a very bad place in Montgomery and the Race Track was located in the middle of the largest housing project in Montgomery Alabama. Our kin folks, that we were visiting, later told us they have killings in that project almost nightly. Went back to the Mr Transmission, I was livid, walked in and told the manager that I believed he was ripping my SIL off, and if he could not be reasonable we would call a tow truck, and haul the Camaro away, then pay him for the estimate. He mumbled some words, cussed a little then said they could repair it for $1200, with used parts, which was a lie, but it was reasonable when this happened several years ago. SNL told him to do the repairs and we left. This, and the two incidents I posted in the previous post, is the only 3 times where I had ever needed a gun in my life of 72 years. All three times I was able to get out of my situations. Hope I never have another incident. Tom Givens is spot on in his interview.
  10. Not going to think about my check until it is in my Bank account.
  11. We are staying in, and hopefully, will not need to get out but to go to the grocery store in a couple weeks.
  12. I had a man follow one of my young daughters home, at midnight, after she got off work at a local Sonic drive in. He was on our front porch looking in a window and turned over a potted plant waking the whole house. Scared the begebies our of my family. I also had a bad trip to our mail box, several years ago after I retired. I was glad I was armed, and if the guys had come a little closer the gun would have come out. I was glad it didn't. I hardened entrance to our home, lit up the outside, and purchased a dog. Also carry all the time even here at home. One just never knows.
  13. The 0 6 will take anything in the lower 48 except for grizzlies, although they have been taken with them also. It is my favorite caliber. Are they the best, ????? Matter of opinion. Your rifle is a good choice for deer hunting. I had a Weatherby Vanguard , in 30 06, and gave it to my grandson 2 year ago for Christmas. He took 2 with it last fall. I am left with a 7MM 08, and a 308 both Savages. Going to give another grandson the 308 this year. He is 12 and hunts with his dad. I figure he will be able to find the 308 ammo easier and it will be more affordable for a kid.
  14. My daughter just had me to order her a Belly Band, for her Ruger LCR ,from Cross Breed holsters. She carries for 2 legged predator's. She visits a lot of off road trailheads and sometimes there are only 2 or 3 women. They rode in Franklin TN yesterday in the park there. She has her HCP and does not care to open carry. We will see how that works for horseback riding.
  15. This is going to make T P hoarders out of many people.
  16. People are panicking around here. You can not purchase many groceries as the stores have been cleaned out. I went to the local large super market, this afternoon, and I have never see it like that before. I had to stand in line for 30 minutes just to check out. Many of the shelves were empty. No eggs, meat, or any paper products. Bread and water racks empty. My daughter went to Sams, this afternoon and said ther was a line in the parking lot trying to get into the store. The clerk, at Kroger, said it has been like this for the last 2 days. We now have a couple cases of the virus in our local county. The clerk told me they were closing at 12 midnight, just so they could restock the shelves. They normally are open 24 hrs. They had every register open and all the self checkouts have lines 10 to 15 people deep. One guy in line told me his wife told him to get groceries. He said I thought what groceries, she never cooks, and we eat out all the time. Milinials!!!! Makes me wonder if they can cook, or feed themselves. We may be eating old TOM Turkey, that has shown up in our yard, if this gets worse. I most times keep about a months supply of food on hand at all times , except for perishables. I don't like to go grocery shopping so I purchase a large quantity when I go. Hope you guys are not experiancing this in your area.
  17. I have a Henry Golden Boy in 38Spl/357Mag. I like all the Henrys. congrats and H F.
  18. E 4, I also have knee problems. Had one replaced 2 years ago. I purchased a set of steps like home steps from a company in Dallas. They were 500. but worth every penny. I collapse them like an accordion and lay them in the door of the RV. They are made from lightweight material and last a lifetime. Shipped to your door. Port-A-Deck RV-CO.com 214-649-9407
  19. You tell him E 4. Mt Juliet will know what you are saying, one of these days.
  20. Daylight broke this morning to reveal about 30 turkey hens and one old tom strutting in my front yard. My wife opened the blinds and "Walla" "old tom" was just outside her window with his tail feathers in full bloom. Guess another turkey season is not far off. All I can say is, "Come On Spring." Weather man said 70 here next week, so it will be camping next week for us. Number one grandson is looking forward to our trip to Pigeon Forge on the 20th. Cody has Downs and he spends a lot of time with us because both his parents work. He is a great travel partner. Gatlinburg, Great Smokey Mountains Nat Park, here we come, L/w. Got to get the truck fueled, and the "Wildcat"(5th Wheel RV) cleaned, stocked, fluffed, and ready to roll. Cody did not get to see the new Pirates show, last fall when we were up there, so he informed his Mimi he is looking forward to viewing that when we go next week.
  21. Thanks for the responses. My grandson and daughter left and we sit down and she read the article. In the story the lady brought her J frame to the husband, and he fired it, from the hip, and hit the perp in the heart and forearm, 2 out of the 5 times as they fought hand to hand. I wanted my wife to realize thugs don't always stop after being shot, and that the j frame ran dry, and she had to go retrieve another gun for her husband, which the lady was forced to use to shoot the perp in the neck, paralyzing the perp, who shortly passed away from the previously administered heart shot, so the med examiner ascertained. My wife has never witnessed a real life/death fight and I wanted to expose her to a real one, at least in print. We sit and discussed what happened to the Cokers, and talked about what we should do if involved with a serious situation ourselves. No two fights are the same, and I know that, but if one is never exposed to what might happen, how are they going to react. My wife looked intently at the response of the victims wife, and how she responded in a stressful situation even though seriously injured. Call it what you may, how else is an old codger like myself going to make her understand how serious a fight for one's life is without some kind of example and discussions about what others did? I wish you guys could read the story and you could see how one might have a profitable discussion with their wife. You old coppers, here, lived these stories. My wife has not, so I wanted to expose her to it, so if she ever needs to respond, she could at least have some Idea of how someone else did it and survived, however with serious life long injury aftermath. In the article, after the 5 shot J frame run dry, the lady retrieved another revolver, her husbands bedside gun, and had to use it herself, from a short distance, as the husband and perp were entangled, still fighting, on the floor. The fight started out 3 against one, but 2 fled when the guns came out and the fight started, and the husband ended up fighting one on one with a 23 year old gang member, x con, against a 65 year old, but the old guy had a good accounting for himself. The wife was injured seriously early in the fight as the perp picked her up and slammed he to the floor and messes both legs up seriously. My wife learned from our discussion, and sees why I wanted her to read and discuss this article. All in all it was a successful teaching afternoon. Yesterday, I had to dispatch a skunk, in my back yard, at 3 in the afternoon, in bright sunshine. We have had 3 rabied skunks here previously, and I would bet this guy was also, because he was out in broad daylight. She asked me, this afternoon, to teach her how to use the 22 rifle, that I shot the skunk with, out my back door. She is getting it, a little more, as we go along. It is my fear she will be alone sooner or later because my health is not good. I desperately want her to know how to protect herself if I am not around. Greyfox, she carries now and has for 8 years. I think she will use self defense if forced too. I want to use this magazine article, and everything in my power to help make her understand what one must do to survive a brutal attack, as much as I can. I don't want her afraid to sleep at night, like I have seen some other widows do, if left alone later in life. I pray for the best, but try to prepare her for the worst. That is my goal, and I believe I have been able to kick that can down the road a little further. She is a good shot with her revolvers, on the range, but? This attempt of training focused mostly on mindset here and making her familiar with a real life and death struggle, of this husband and wife, that the article tells about. I am, at her request, going to introduce pistol shooting to her, and also the 22 rifle, soon so she can take advantage of both. It is good for her to know all 3 systems, IMO. Then she has choice. I have both pistols, revolvers, and rifles in the house. After concluding reading the article herself, she told me, "Man, that was brutal!!" Bingo! Right! Exactly! and Yes, that is exactly what I wanted her to read about and realize. Most all life and death battles are brutal, I am sure you all will agree. We also discussed the aftermath...…...sometimes/most times Brutal also. Both the participants, who waged this battle for life, in Jacksonville, have life altering injuries that will stay with them for the remainder of their lives, along with the fact of dealing with the emotional fact of taking of another's life. Their 11 year old grandson also has emotional scars he is dealing with as he was in a bed room sleeping, while spending the night with grandparents. He arose to hearing his grandmother screaming for him to stay in the room, and then heard the whole battle play out. So yes, there are life long emotional scars that go along with the brutality of a life and death experience. My goal was to prepare my wife for the aftermath. Next we will work on the legal aftermath, at another more teachable time. Edited to add; I don't know why this computer is printing this in different colors. That was not my intent, but I must have hit something I shouldn't have to cause this. Grayfox, my wife and I just celebrated 50 years of marriage.
  22. My intent was for Massad's article to show her what they (the Cokers) did in that situation, during their home invasion, and then for us to discuss the article afterwards and learn form their experience. Perhaps train was a bad word for here.
  23. How many of you have problems getting your wife to train for a bad day? I don't do this often but my sweetie just doesn't want to think about such things. I will start this our with the fact I like to read gun Magazines. I sometimes use Massad Ayoob's articles to educate myself. In the May/June issue of American Handgunner, which I just received today, has articles in "The Ayoob Files," Titled Home Invasion: The Coker Family Incident. This event happened in Jacksonville Florida, in a "nice" neighborhood, in 2014. At 6:20 the next morning the Coker family underwent a life and death struggle with 3 Jacksonville Gang members, of "The Cutthroat Committee" which the gang called themselves. Only one ended up waging the deadly battle, in the home invasion. The 2 others fled the scene after the battle started. This grandfather(asleep in is room), and awaken grandmother, who had a young grandson spending the night and was asleep in a bedroom, waged the battle for their lives that early morning of the 15th. After finishing reading the article I told my sweetie I wanted her to read and discuss the article with me. She shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't want too, left the den and went to take her morning shower. I don't ask her to do this often, maybe a couple times per year, but I always get the same response. By the way our grandson spent the night with us last evening as well. I hope you guys have a better time getting your wives involved. This article was an all out battle both the man and women fought together to defeat a 20'ish Y O intruder, evidently, intent on killing them both. At this moment my grandson and her are preparing meatloaf dinner, for us and his mom who will pick grandboy up at 1:30. After sweetie finishes her morning of grand motherhood, I intend to get her to read this article and do some teaching with her. One thing I do know, the perp in the article kicked in the door on the Coker's home, which they are not going to be able to do on our home, because I hardened the entry doors on our house before hand. The Coker's did that after their battle. Can someone kick your door in, and gain entry to your home? By the way Mr Coker was slow to the battle also. He answered the screams from his wife, with nothing in his hand. My plan is her and I are going to do some serious, together training in the next few weeks so we can be on the same page if this ever happens to us. My wife has her own guns,(revolvers) and can fire them well, but I want her to get familiar with my guns, and where they are, if she needs them in an emergency. The Coker's were plagued with a 5 shot snubbie that never solved their immediate pressing problem. My wife has an LCR 38spl, and a Lady Smith mdl 65 loaded with Cor Bon DPX 38 spl for her house gun. I also want her to see the problems the Coker's had with the limited 5 shot snubbie, and want to impress her to grab the 40 cal pistol by my bed with 14 rounds in it, and show her why it is a better choice in this situation the Coker's faced because of the 40 ammo compacity if we are ever forced to defend ourselves. Guys, if you don't tell them, then they don't know, RIGHT? I will post how our afternoon goes. Wish me luck!
  24. I have one of the older Ruger 40 caliber carbines. It is stock and does not have all the furniture these have. I purchased it from a Sherriff deputy who had a massive heart attack, then had to sell it. Back then the Rutherford Sherriff Dept carried these and Ruger 40 caliber pistols. Also when they first came out they were for law enforcement only, so I was told. I have had the one I got for 20 years or so. I traded a Ruger Camp Carbine 9 MM for this one because I wanted more power also, and yes, they are a hoot to shoot but ammo is expensive if you don't reload. I have it loaded with an extra magazine and ready to go if I should need it in a hurry and I can get to it. I also have a Ruger Mini 14, and Mossberg 12 Ga, at the ready. I feel the Ga is number 1 choice for serious in house work should I be forced to use it. I had a 20 Ga but gave it to my grandson to hunt with. It had both an 18 1/2" and 24" brl.
  25. Turns out this bill is NOT a permit less concealed carry legislation bill. It is another bill just to increase penalties for gun crimes, "mostly", as it is written now. Another smoke and mirrors bill skirting the real issue of one odes not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm in TN. This bill is no such bill.


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