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papa61 last won the day on May 30 2022

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  1. Congress deserves a pay cut. Joe is already out.
  2. I wondered why this didn't look familiar. Some interesting logic. I would have never figured abevenS though. I did wonder why we hadn't heard from Daniel lately. My ex called me Papa Bear when I had all 4 of our kids piled on my lap. It fit since I'm hairy and surly so it stuck. I was born in 1961 so since papa/papabear and most forms are usually taken...
  3. Legitimate and relevant question posed in typical gun grabber fashion. Any good rifleman with a quality .22 target rifle was in range. Note she threw in used in most mass shootings. She's trying to make good on the Lame Duck's promise.
  4. The best gun to have in a gunfight is the one you have with you. To that end I have drifted to smaller/lighter over the years for daily carry. If the situation merits, I have other options. My everyday everywhere is a Kel Tec P32 with a Kimber Micro9 as second. A CCW is primarily defensive, we as enthusiasts tend to overlook that in our daily choices just because we like it. All that said, 5-6 rounds is sufficient for a daily CCW in most instances. Not even going to get into the issues I've had trying to find something for my wife. But my sister has arthritis and needed something light and easy to load and shoot. She settled on Taurus PT22 with the tip up barrel. The P32 and P3AT have no exposed hammer, and no external safety. Excellent options for me. The 32ACP has low recoil as well. For revolvers, I agree with the .327 mag options with .32 long for the stated objective. virtually jam proof, no safety, no slide or magazine to manipulate. .22LR or .22MAG would be second. Personal fit is most important, have the intended user handle several different models of both revolver and semi auto and explain the balance between light weight and recoil. Don't forget situational awareness stops more gunfights than Dirty Harry's 629.
  5. With all due respect for @GlockSpock doing the math and lending his photography experience, I would speculate what we saw was not a bullet but ear tissue and blood spatter. The calculations he did make that most likely. I wouldn't think an ear would slow a bullet much. On the other hand, DJT was moving and there is no blur so it may have been high shutter speed. I know you use higher speeds for action shots.
  6. Seems every one of the leaders for security forces is making excuses and deflecting blame. If this report is correct, the entire scenario is unacceptable. I'd have several people's a$$e$ hung out to dry. Charges of criminal negligence seem to be in order but DOJ are the only ones able to do it and we know where that will go.
  7. In my younger days in fatigues a head shot even on a moving target at about 120 meters without a rest was simple. That's from ground level on pop up impact dropping target with a very limited time to make a hit. I could hit a target twice before it dropped back down. That's with a mil spec M16. Most if not all ARs are tighter. It wasn't the rifle's fault, it was all on the shooter. Granted, I had prior experience but most in my platoon did not. And I'm nowhere close to sniper material. No, we didn't know the target sequence, they popped up when and where they popped up, out to head and shoulder targets at 300 meters. the head is much smaller target at 300m than 120m. edit: the only unknown is if the rifle was properly zeroed. edit two: still on the shooter as is not shooting center mass. I still say he was trying to prove he could shoot.
  8. I work for a worldwide fortune 500 company that is pushing DEI. I believe it's why our CEO just retired.
  9. Business leaders CEO/COO/President etc answer to the board of directors who answer to the stock holders. Again, image is often more important than performance. Look at TSC, their customer base is what swayed they leadership to drop DEI. Some leaders are seeing the backlash and loss and are throwing it out but not all will. Many are swayed by the vocal rabel rousers.
  10. I have to disagree on this one. In your scenario the hometown boy would probably be better for your small company. The Spaniard would be an outcast and their opinion completely overlooked making them useless dead weight. DEI is discrimination at it's core. Especially for someone like myself. If I voiced my opinions where I work I'd be unemployed very soon. Not racist, not sexist, not anything evil or discriminatory. But consider this, STRAIGHT CHRISTIAN persons do not get to announce their preferences or beliefs do they? Why does it have to be an issue that someone is confused as to what gender they are? I do not care, I do not have any need or desire to know. All I need to know is that you are qualified and capable of doing the task assigned to you. Personal life and preferences need to remain just that, they have no purpose in the workplace. On top of that, I believe in our founder's words about it being a man's duty to be at all times armed. Try posting that on your desk. I think the military angle mentioned is right on the money. completely integrated and promotions based on time and performance.
  11. physical standards for LEO. no offense intended as I wouldn't pass
  12. ever seen Heartbreak Ridge??
  13. she did, just saw it on the news again
  14. You had me right up until golf, sorry brother, that's where I draw the line.


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