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Everything posted by gregintenn

  1. Where's the fun in owning just one gun?
  2. I have a Ruger SuperBlackhawk 44 Magnum that shoots waaaay to the right; even with the rear sight adjusted as far as it will travel. That sucks!
  3. My children came home today and I asked them if they'd seen the president today. They had no idea what I was talking about. I suppose it either wasn't available to Macon County or our administration thought education was more important. Either way, I'm proud of them.
  4. Call the Linksys helpline. I talked to a guy named "Steve" in India for over two hours once, and I've yet to understand anything he said. except that his name was "Steve". I didn't really believe that part.
  5. If she belongs to either the TEA or the NEA, she is either liberal or ignorant of the ideals they promote.
  6. gregintenn

    need ideas...

    Ithaca model 37. Remington model 870.
  7. I read the text of the speech tonight, and it seems pretty harmless....pointless, but harmless. I'd prefer my child enjoy a recess during this waste of time, or perhaps, even LEARN SOMETHING!
  8. I wear mine in the shower!
  9. When I put this much effort into hunting deer, I certainly want to be sure I can hit the thing when it walks by. If that's anal, I'm guilty as charged. Besides, you should think of these things BEFORE you are in the deer woods.
  10. I have good luck with Tru-Oil. Apply with your fingers, let dry, repeat as necessary. Then rub with 0000 steel wool or pumice dust. This takes away the cheap looking shine.
  11. My wife asked our superintendant about this today, and he knew nothing of it. I hope it stays that way.
  12. I wouldn't be concerned about storing powder in my home. It comes in plastic containers with screw on lids. It is flammable, but no more so than a myriad of other things you have in your home. There are 12-15 pounds of various powders in my basement, and I haven't lost any sleep over it. What I would suggest is that you have a room or other area dedicated specifically to reloading.
  13. Who ever wrote that is a freaking genius!!!
  14. Thanks for the link. I'll return to that site again and again. It's like a train wreck.
  15. I never really considered this. It certainly sounds reasonable. Thanks.
  16. It has been my experience that the first shot from a clean bore does NOT group with subsequent shots fired without further cleaning. I didn't mean to say that a clean bore wasn't accurate. I'm not anal enough to try it, but I would surmise that a rifle would shoot a very good group if you cleaned the bore between every shot. Try this: Clean the bore of your rifle thoroughly. Fire a three shot group from it. Then, on a clean target, fire another three shot group. Post your results here. The first group from a clean bore will contain a "flyer". That will be the first shot. It usually isn't enough of a difference to matter when hunting deer at reasonable distances, but would be a killer in competition.
  17. Don't discount Lee products because of their economical prices. They have some very good engineers on staff who are able to come up with simple solutions to complex problems. I bought one of those Lee Anniversary kits fifteen years ago to use until I could afford something better. Guess what? I haven't replaced it and don't plan to. Last year, my son killed his second deer with a rifle his grandfather built for him and ammunition he loaded himself with my supervision. Now that was cool. I hope you enjoy reloading as much as I do.
  18. If police frequent your yard, and you feel the need to carry while mowing your grass, you might want to consider moving.
  19. Yeah. I've got a second generation I'm dying to shoot. As it is unfired in the box, it would be an expensive endeavor to shoot it. I haven't decided to yet, but one day I might not be able to stand it any longer.
  20. I'd spend my extra money on ammo or reloading supplies, a good holster and belt, and extra magazines. Practice will make the combination of you and the pistol more accurate than anything you can add on to it.


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