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Everything posted by analog_kidd

  1. I found this paragraph hilarious: As if having access to a computer is so hard these days, and there is practically no way a criminal would ever be able to or understand how to use one.
  2. I've often wondered about that too. Walmart is usally pretty cheap with just about everything, but if you look hard enough you can nearly always find better deals online. Not so with ammo. I never find anywhere online that has better deals for stuff like 9mm. Even if you buy in bulk.
  3. Judging by the deadbolt, I'd guess that's an external door. With that big gap there where the old lock went, it looks a little flimsy. I'd be worried someone could kick that door in. I might try to cut some plywood and fit it into the gap and epoxy it in. Then redrill the lock holes. It would also give you something to screw the catch into.
  4. I'm wondering if this was total sarcasm? If not, then yes, I am scared.
  5. I bought an Uncle MIke's for about $15, but to be honest, I have never used it. When I go to the range, I keep my normal carry pistol on my hip, and the Ruger .22 just hangs out on the table. It would be awkward to carry them both.
  6. I ran across this page for 7.62x39 ammo. Thay are asking $500 per 1000 rounds of Wolf Military Classic. And that's the "Club Discount" price, it's $750 regular price. Wasn't this stuff around $200 a few months ago? http://www.cheaperthandirt.com/AMM633-5.html
  7. If I try real hard, I can sort of see their point about wanting to know if someone who shouldn't have a permit was able to obtain one, even though I think that is highly unlikely. However, if someone wants to see if another person has a HCP, then I wouldn't have a problem with them being able to go to the couthouse and request a lookup for specific individuals. That keeps the records open and the public still has their access.
  8. I bet the thermostat is broken and not shutting off the element. Your water heater is probably constantly "on". I bet your electric bill will be up this month. I'd see how much a new thermostat costs, and compare it to a new heater. They are not that hard to do yourself and save some money.
  9. Got an email from a friend with a graphic showing just how big $700 billion is and it blew me away. I found a web page showing the same graphic. You can see it here at number 3 on the list: http://www.humblelibertarian.com/2008/10/how-big-is-700-billion.html Here are some more data points I found interesting:
  10. I would start thinking about a backup plan for your wife's permit class. My wife also has a .380 Bersa, but had to use my .22 pistol for her permit class last month. Probably worked out better for her anyway, she's pretty accurate with the .22 with a 6" barrel.
  11. What happened to the prices during the Clinton ban? If they went up, did they come back down during the Bush administration?
  12. I see they also have Wolf 7.62x39 ammo for sale. It's been a long time since I've seen that anywhere.
  13. I spoke to the Walmart clerk about .380 ammo the other day. They said they had not gotten any in since December. I could understand shortages caused by locals buying it all up, but this just seems like an issue with manufacturing. Would there be a reason the manufacturers would not be making any right now?
  14. I bought that book last year. At first I was a little disappointed because it was so short (and a little pricey for the number of pages), but I will say that it is a good read. Lots of good info that is just basic common sense, but sometimes you just don't think about. I should get it back out and re-read it.
  15. Well, I heard back for my state Senator Randy McNally today. Here is his response to an email I sent him: Not a 100% agreement, but it's close.
  16. Does anybody know when the next step, the full Judiciary Council, meets to discuss these bills?
  17. I wrote my local Rep and Sen, and each of the members on the committee. of the eight, two wrote me back - Judd Matheney and Eddie Bass
  18. I think that CA may have done us all a huge favor in bringing this issue to light so close to the first hearing of the Database Confidentiality bill. Looks like it may sail right on through to law.
  19. This article refers to Eddie Bass as a "Prospect Democrat". This is the second time I've heard him labeled that. Anyone know what that means?
  20. Yeah, my order of preference is Restaurant, State parks, then local parks. I eat out a lot, and we camp several times a year. Don't visit too many local parks. I started feeling very vulnerable camping in a tent with no protection. I could sleep easier knowing I can legally carry there.
  21. Ha, Ha, I know what you mean. My wife sent in her paperwork about three weeks ago. It's fun to watch her squirm waiting for the mailman every day.
  22. Wow, that was fast! I recieved a reply from Eddie Bass within minutes of sending him an email regarding HB959, 960, 961 and 962. Here is what he said: Sounds encouraging!
  23. I wonder how this would affect employes of federal locations like the DOE sites we have here in Oak Ridge? Firearms and ammo are strictly forbidden anywhere on the property.
  24. I have on order a Kel-Tek P3AT and am thinking about getting one of those belt clips to attach to it. Seems like a really convenient way of carrying. My question is how do others use this clip? Assuming right-hand carry, do you attach the clip to the right side of the gun and carry IWB, or do you attach to left side and OWB carry. Also was wondering if the clip could be used while carrying in the back pocket? Thinking about it, I would think one would want the clip on the left side of the gun so that it would make it more easy to grab. Im thinking the barrel would be pointed down and the butt would be facing my right side. Any other thoughts?


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