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Everything posted by analog_kidd

  1. I also have just sent off an email to Rep. Hackworth (D, Oak Ridge) asking for his support. I'm not sure of his feelings toword 2A issues, but I requested a reply and a statement.
  2. Since Chuck Norris would never, ever, EVER wear a fanny pack, quite obviously this is a fanny pack wearing a Chuck Norris just to look cool.
  3. OK, I see your point, maybe the background check is OK to weed out felons. But if I have an HCP, couldn't they just say "fingerprints on file"?
  4. I would like to see a law enacted that said if you have a valid HCP, then you don't need the finger print or background check to purchase a gun. I mean, they already have our fingerprints on file with the state from when we got the HCP. To me, fingerprinting every time you buy a gun is redundant.
  5. They said they wanted to return his sign, I would have made sure that a local reporter was there for the handoff. I also would have insisted that the officer who pulled me over do the returning.
  6. I have one as well adn like it. Quality is not fantastic, but it's not crap either. For the price, I am very happy with it.
  7. Man, it would be just horrible if someone took the list of names and addresses of the paper staff, printed a few hundred of them out with a big heading of something like "People who don't own any guns" and then left them around their town for random people to pick up. I hope that never happens.
  8. On the web site, if you go back up a level by clicking the "Return to Data Center" link, you see that the HCP data base is mixed right in with various "Find Criminals" or Look up a Tradgedy" type databases. As if we are the bad guys. <No sureprize there though> Also on that page under the link to the HCP database, it says: As if this is a conclusive list of all the armed people in the state. In reality, it only contains law abiding citizens, not the thugs.
  9. For me, I'd really like to know his motives behind the stunt. Does he sincerely think Mumpower is a nitwit and not suited for the job? If so then he may be standing by his convictions and think that he can actually do a better job. That, I could accept. However, I really just think that he wanted the power trip and played his hand. I think he is probably the nitwit and didn't have the vision to see how this would all play out. Regardless, he will be a one time wonder. Guaranteed the Repubs won't vote for him again as Speaker, and if the Dems get majority back, no way they will vote for him either. Without the R in front of his name on the ballot, I doubt he'll get re-elected, and it is doubtful the Dems would put him on their ticket.
  10. Has anyone here ever tried making a soda can Stove? They are a lot of fun to make, fairly easy after you've made one and best of all they are really cheap. All it takes is two empty soda cans, and a little bit of alchohol. There are plans all over the net if you just search for "soda can stove", or "Pepsi can stove". My favorite design is this one: http://www.marcuslogan.com/49.html, but this site has lots of other designs and a ton of info: http://zenstoves.net/. I have made them and taken them backpacking. They are extremely lightweight, and if you lose or break one, no big deal, make another one. My first one probably took 45 minutes to build, but the second one took about 15 minutes once I knew what to do. I think this is one of those things to know that could come in handy one day, or just something to do to impress your friends. I also think it would make an excellent scout project.
  11. analog_kidd

    Ruger 10/22

    Walmart carries the basic model of the 10/22. I picked one up a few months ago for just under $200. I love the rifle!
  12. Like most politicians, he makes a stupid statement and then instead of admiting he was wrong, he goes through all kinds of contortions to prove he was right. I guarantee you if I don't pay my taxes, and keep kiving the government the finger and say "you're not getting them", eventually someone will show up at my door with a gun and force me to pay.
  13. analog_kidd

    Kel-Tec PF-9

    Boy are these guns hard to find right now. If anyone has a line on a P3AT in the Knoxville area. please let me know.
  14. I use MIcrosoft's free SyncToy program. It will take folders that you specify on your machine and synchronize them with folders on another machine. You can tell it to make exact copies every time, so if you delete something from the source, it deletes it from the remote machine. I just tell it to copy new or updated files and ingnore deleted ones, that way if I accidentally delete a file I can recover it. I have this set up as a scheduled task that runs once a week for my documents and copies to a machine I use as a server. I'm not too worried about reinstalling the O/S and apps, I just want my data.
  15. Cannot confirm or deny the veracity of this email but it sounds right doesn't it? Now that's how it's done folks! That's real SPIN
  16. I hope he comes around here and teaches a class on how to use a baton
  17. Wait a minute! When did Lou Dobbs become conservative??
  18. I was thinking about the proposed stimulus plan the other day, and it occurred to me that the government is giving away all this money and not really getting anything in return. So I got to thinking, what if instead of just giving the money away, they said, "You know what, we're going to strengthen our infrastructure. Build up and enhance highways, enhance the power grid, build fences along the border, etc. What we will do is hire anyone that wants a job. If you have certain skills, we'll match you up. If not, we'll train you or give you something to do, even if its digging ditches." Now it seems to me that what most people really need is a job. This would give out of work people meaningful employment. Lots of people may quit their current job to go work for the gov't. which would free up positions for others. Some would get some training that would enhance their future. Best of all the country gets something for their investment. If we just give the money away all we get is landfills full of TV's in ten years. Am I way off base in this idea?
  19. I don't care that he may be "qualified" for the job. Just the hint of impropriety should make him ineligable. I'm sure there are tons of other people that would want the job and don't have these kinds of issues. If Obama really wanted Change, he should say to these potential cabinet members, "If there is anything at all that will come out that will make you or me look bad, then back away. If anything comes out after you accept, I expect you to resign immediately"
  20. Here is a link to a handy target you can print out that tells you what you are doing wrong, based on shot placement... http://www.reloadbench.com/pdf/files/TargetRightHanded.pdf
  21. Sometimes they don't even do that. I realize there is a lot of demand right now. A week ago, I went to a big name Knoxville shop, went in with cash, and asked to pre-buy a certain pistol. They said they wouldn't do it. Suggested I come in on Thursday mornings when they get their weekly shipments put out on the shelves and just "see what they got. If the one I want is in I could buy it". For me this was the last straw with them. I have resolved not to be back.
  22. Open up Windows Explorer and go to this folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc Look for a file called "Hosts" and open it up in notepad. You should see a bunch of lines with "#" in front (these #'s just comment out the line and make it not do anything) and you should see one line like this: localhost If you have anything else, it probably has been added by malware. Make a copy of the file and then erase everything below the localhost line. If there is nothing below this line, then this is not your problem. another thing to try, open a command prompt and type IPConfig /all <Enter> Look for the default gateway line and look for the IP address. Type Ping and the ip address. If you don't get successful pings, your PC can't connect to your router. If this is the case, I'd look at your ethernet connection to your router. One other thing to look at is if your PC got set up for a proxy server for Internet connections. Open Internet Explorer, click Tools / Internet Options / Connections / LAN Settings, and make sure there is not a check box in the Use Proxy settings. Good luck
  23. OK, so my wife just took her carry class and is thinking about a carry gun. She is really liking the idea of a revolver for it's simplicity and reliability. Does anyone know of a decent revolver chambered in 9mm? I like 9mm because of it's price over most other ammo. She currently owns a Bersa .380, but won't shoot it because ammo is so expensive. She'd be way more inclined to shoot more often at 9mm prices. Also, I shoot 9mm and having the same ammo for both guns would a bonus.
  24. These comments bring up a good point. If the stamp is on the firing pin, it would be very easy to file it off. If it's on the bullets, whats to keep me from sanding it off before I load up? Again, another stupid law that would only keep the honest, honest
  25. Lets say for sake of discussion, that this lawsuit goes through and Hillary is booted out of the position. Her NY Senator slot has already been filled and her replacement sworn in. Does that leave Hillary out in the cold? Or does the replacement Senator step down?


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