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Everything posted by TerryW

  1. Caster, I know where you live.  Any leftovers?   :rofl:    (Just kidding of course) 
  2.       My Generac runs every week but it doesn't take any load from the house it just runs internal system checks and charges the battery.  For it to load from the house it would have to shut the power off from MTEMC and it can't do that. Others may be able to but mine doesn't.
  3. 173rd, please post...   Thank you......For everything!!!!!
  4. [quote name="No_0ne" post="1082835" timestamp="1387761395"]Kind of like the guy who's looking to sell his classic Duesenberg, so he decides to take it to a pawn shop in Vegas?[/quote] Ed Zakery!
  5. Sorry, I said it..  It was a weak moment..
  6. I can't say I crazy about Comcast but there isn't anybody faster.  We are moving to an area that doesn't have anything but 3G or Sat and I'm not looking forward to either.  Both cost way more than what they are worth and have very low limits... I wish there was something else..
  7. It seemed a little rehearsed at times too...
  8.     I knew I'd seen him somewhere!!!!!  He's a douche....
  9.   I was home alone one night when the alarm(ADT) went off.  I was up out of bed, gun in hand before I knew WTH was going on.  But I had never thought about if I left the bedroom I would put myself into a funnel I don't want to be in. So I stayed put.  By the time the cobwebs cleared I realized the alarm company hadn't called and the alarm pad didn't show any zones had been breached. So it was probably a queertron in the alarm system that decided to scare the crap out of me at 0300. So I reset the alarm and pushed the start button on the coffee pot and started my day a few hours early.    It made me think about a few things.  Don't leave the bedroom because the bad guy will have a better position than I will and TV sucks at 0300 on a Saturday morning.   
  10. What a great concert in the early 80's!!    I saw REO again a couple years ago at Oshkosh and they STILL ROCK!      I'm glad the storm wasn't too bad for us in TN.  Not so good for our friends in Arkansas.  
  11. I hate when the weather get bad this time of the year....Anytime is bad but I hate winter storms..
  12. TerryW

    Who Knew??

    The first guy caught is going to be pissed off..
  13.     You are right, Some of those clothes are COMFORTABLE!  lol
  14.     Because deep down they want the treatment to be special. 
  15.   In my humble opinion the reason most special interest groups place their color, creed or preference in everybody's face is so they can gain special rights not equal rights.  I'm not saying that is what this dude is doing but it's the main reason most do at all.  At my job(26 years) I've worked with hundreds and hundreds of gays and most of them that place their sexual pref on their sleeve is so nobody else can have an opinion about ANYTHING that would differ from theirs.  The gays push our employer into a very delicate dance to enforce our work rules.  We've had men show up to work wearing the women's uniform skort daring the company to enforce the uniform policy and then then company has to defend itself from a discrimination lawsuit.  If I've heard it once, I've heard it a hundred times, "If they fire me, I'll sue them because I'm gay!".  The company last year had to define each piece of uniform clothing as either men's or women's.         I don't give a @%^$# what someone else likes or dislikes especially when they try to force me understand or agree with them.     Dale Carnegie says, "Those convinced against their will, are of the same opinion still."
  16. For the left, tolerance is a one way dead end street. 
  17. Armytek Optoelectronics   armytek dot com         Has anybody ever touched, smelled, used or owned any of these guys products?  They are Chinese but(of course) they look like they are real reasonably priced.  My lumen addiction wants more lights and these look like they would fit nicely into many areas of my life.  I've bought the cheap package of 12 Chinese lights from Tractor Supply and wasn't disappointed, I hated to use them.  I felt like after I used the light I should throw it away they are so cheap. 
  18. Welcome to TN and TGO. You aren't going to find a better group of people in one spot. Where did you come from?
  19. Bummer. I think they look great. I've got an Ergo the plug won't stay in. It is annoying.
  20. I pooped myself watching that!  I'd rather juggle chainsaws while bungee jumping than milk those snakes.
  21.    Goldenrod a must and bolt the safe down a must.  Anything beyond that is just to make us feel better.  A friend of mine is a cop and he once investigated a home robbery where the perps stole a bunch of Dewalt cordless tools next door and used a 18v circular saw to go right through the garage door in minutes then helped themselves to the contents of the garage.  The door alarm on the "people" door never went off because the door wasn't opened.    whitewolf, I'm not judging, I'm laughing.
  22.     Uh, I've done that!  That hurts.....
  23. How do you like that pistol grip?  I really like the grip, I've seen those only online and been afraid to buy one. 


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