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Everything posted by LI0NSFAN

  1. I got my degree in health and wellness (it was an easy degree for a football player in College) and I don't buy into the HFCS hoopla either but if you stop eating things that have it you will cut down on your sugar intake. There are foods that don't need that much sugar in it but because HFCS is so cheap it is added in everything. We started looking at labels and started buying things that dont have it and I have seen a difference in my weight and my families overall good feeling. I would start with something like cutting your sugar intake down and some light exersize you should see a difference fast. I am not saying that sugar is your problem but if you focus on one thing to cut back on it makes you eat healthier. At 500lbs you are looking at some other benefits of cutting sugars down and loosing weight. Keep us updated weekly so we can be a support group for you, If I don't see an update I will flood you with PM's lol. But seriously find someone that will hold you accountable, and don't look at it like a diet but what you have to do to live longer.
  2. I am not really a pinstripe kind of guy either. He told my sister it will take 3 more years but he has the finished product in his head and it will be all tied together. I can't wait until it is done. It takes all kinds of skill I do not have.
  3. My sister was at Bug-a-paloosa and for the second year got Von Hot Rod to do some pinstriping. I got to see him do it last year, and he said this was the first time he has done the under side of the hood. This year he sought her out and wanted to add to it. He said every year he will add to if for he as long as he can take pics of it for his collection. He is a cool guy and does some good work. He spotted my semi OC and made a commit that my g17 would look better with pinstripes. I was amazed that he saw it and was able to identify it. It was a fun time hanging out with him. http://s935.photobuc...120831031_n.jpg http://s935.photobuc...081945818_n.jpg
  4. This is my next project!!!! Yours turned out great.
  5. Great idea this is the exact one I was looking at. I love duel purpose items
  6. I did a full strip on my hi-point and it was not fun but It was not that hard. I got ALOT of crap out of mine and polished a couple of things while I was in there. I was bored when my wife was out of town so I cleaned and polished all my guns.
  7. Thanks moped, that is more of what I am looking for I would like it as small as possible so I can put them everywhere. I just figured to get something useful I would have to go bigger, but that is the perfect setup and small. I will be making those but if anyone has seen a better one let me know, or something this one is missing
  8. I had a friend that was driving around the smokies and found a cool place to take some photos, so he stoped and started taking pics. He was not paying attention and fell 10ft to a ledge. After being there for 4 hours he reliezed he had to climb down to a trail and find a way out. He was stuck out overnight. He ended up ok but he said he wished he had something he could have thrown in a pocket to help get him through the night. So I want opinions on building a ziplock bag sized survival kit. This kit would be something that can be thrown in things such as wifes purse(she carries a small purse), diaperbag, glove compartment, carried in a cargo pant pocket. I was thinking more of situations where you crash your car and help is not on the way, or out on a walk and get hurt and have to spend the night out overnight. Just something to have handy for short term use. I am trying to think of really small Items that would be helpful in case of emergency. This is not a BOB, I have those in the cars and the house. I was thinking firestarter of some kind solar blanket protein bars 2-3 small led flashlight w/unopned batteries pancho water filter of some kind any imput on items that could be added would be great
  9. I third the hipoint carbine, and also the nagant. both are fun and cheap to shoot
  10. where did it go? All I see is bricks
  11. David- Just as an FYI, site works fine on fire fox and all my Apple os systems. I know my buisness site had trouble with WIndows 7. It might just be a win 7 issue. I told the company that hosts my site and they fixed it in less than a day.
  12. Good to have a couple 10/22's. They are great guns and other than the bolt, parts are cheap and easy to replace if needed.
  13. Think of the stuff people in prison barter for, That is as close to a "barter" socity that we have currently. I would put food first but that is taken care of for them. Cigerettes- when the supply line is cut off those people will have to get the fix some way, I guess the patches would work I have traded 2AA batteries at a camp site for a hot meal, the hand held radio died. Batteries will probably be a hot item for the people that are use to the creature comforts. They have to have a way to power there flashlights, MP3 players, cell phones( provided cell service is still around) Other things people will be deperate for is the basics so things that can help them with that would be more valuable that gold. If I had 2 guys infront of me that were trying to bater with me and one guy had gold/silver and the other guy had Fishing line with a hook taped to the spool, the guy with the fishing line would get my buisness all day. I had a friend that prints a label with 10 survival uses for fishing line slaps it on a spool and hands it out to the yuppies at the RV sites. 3 years after handing one out he got a letter from a guy that used that spool to survive for 2weeks after he fell down a ravine while hiking. Fishing line is not Paracord but it can save your life if used right, and takes up little space in a bag. The shelf life on the batteries and Cigs is limited but I will be stocking up on fishing line. For survival purpose the cheap stuff should be fine.
  14. Tempest- where did you get that stock? That is one of the best looking Mosins I have seen. It looks like a very nice hunting rifle. TN- I like the brass stacker because it allows you to keep the iron sights useable for short quick shots.
  15. I remeber farmers near where I grew up complaining recently about having to sell off a certain breed of pigs before it became illegal to own them. I will see if I can get more info. I know that they had PLENTY of time to sell them off. I had a discussion about 2-3 yrs ago about the law passing and they were being given a long grace period. I think that the fact they were still breeding this certain breed was the problem. I don't think it was the right thing that the DNR did but I do think there is another side to the story.
  16. I have to replace ALL the facia board on the back of my house from them. Does anyone know what wood they like most so I can stay away from that.
  17. it is like using pink handcuffs, shame the other into not coming back.lol
  18. I like the pink bat idea.
  19. I saved some brass from the range this weekend for you. Just let me know when you get started and I will meet up with you.
  20. You did the right thing. He will get over that a lot easier than if something bad happened.
  21. Joe, Magic has a heritage for sale. It is price fair and he is a good guy to deal with.
  22. If I shot one in the city limits and was allergic to bees could I claim "stand your ground" as why I discharged
  23. That was great!!!!! You know if they did that in the US they would get sued for type casting or offending someone.
  24. I could not believe how close those houses are. We played with Rasheeds dogs in that same creek. The neighbor got really mad at us because one of the dogs pooped in there yard. Rasheed offered to pay for chemical treatment and reseeding if the dog did any damage but the neighbor just flipped us off and went back inside


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