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Everything posted by NRA

  1. I have also thought I have seen more rabbits then ever, just the other day I was thinking boy they really do reproduce like rabbits!
  2. I see no harm as long as it does not have blue lights
  3. The only change I got is what is left in my pocket
  4. the sky is falling...... the sky is falling!
  5. Hello and be careful it is VERY addictive
  6. :cry:boy it sure hurt today!
  7. LOL .......... I got it, that was a good one!
  8. the red light district?
  9. hard to say we are kind of comparing apples to oranges. I would suggest that you get all three.
  10. WELCOME from another transplant from Syracuse NY
  11. NRA

    2011 NFL Season

    Just a bunch of over paid crybabies.
  12. I think that's the same guy that followed me home today!
  13. Why do we all bash laborers for having company provided health care? Many countries have a Health care system that takes care of everyone not just the "fat lazy American auto workers" as stated ealier the company does not pay unemployment.
  14. Very good points. Lets not forget this country lost the steel mills then textiles. It appears that some of the comments could also care less what other industries will close up all so they could save $2.00 at Wally World. How can any American laborer compete with a Mexican or Chinaman that is happy to make 3.00 per hour? Could you feed your family on that type of wage? Not to mention the Japs that sell their sole to the company and put their families second after their jobs. This is just not our culture we value our families first. You can also bet Sam Wal-Mart is rolling over in his grave with what his greedy kids did too his company. Please remember the company he envisioned was one that would keep Americans working by selling products made in America!
  15. Does anyone seriously believe that an auto worker makes 75.00 plus benefits? what color is the sky in your world?


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