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Live Webcam of the Gaza Strip...Get Your Popcorn


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thanks for the link! My wife and son are watching. The sun is coming up now so the tracer fire is hard to see but we have seen the flashes of bombs and there is sound so turn it up! We heard three jets pass over the camera site and who ever is running the cameras was looking the wrong way but we heard the strike and then saw the smoke cloud when he got the camera pointed that way.

This is cool!

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No problem, Rightwinger. I thought it was pretty cool.

The airstrike I saw earlier was pretty close to the cameras. I missed one that made a camera fall over. I was watching as the camera was being set back up.

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Getting a little choppy on the bandwidth now. Must be a lot of people looking in. This is cool. Had to bring up the map of Israel and show my youngest the Gaza Strip and explain what little I know of why Hamas and Israel are fighting. Of course when I showed him little Israel being surrounded by Syria, Jordan, Egypt and further away but close to all the other Arab and other Muslim countries, I think he gets a little of what it must be like to be surrounded by enemies.

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They have been crowing for 2 hours! Dogs barking and now crows cawing.

You should have been on a couple of hours ago when all the Mosques were calling the faithful to prayer! It was weird and beautiful at the same time, so surreal. I had to explain the little I know of the Muslim religon to my youngest and why they have to pray 5 times a day and face Mecca. I don't think he got it.

Dude running the camera is apparently on break now as it hasn't moved for like 45 minutes. Gonna leave it on and go read and hopefully go to sleep.

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They have been crowing for 2 hours! Dogs barking and now crows cawing.

You should have been on a couple of hours ago when all the Mosques were calling the faithful to prayer! It was weird and beautiful at the same time, so surreal. I had to explain the little I know of the Muslim religon to my youngest and why they have to pray 5 times a day and face Mecca. I don't think he got it.

Dude running the camera is apparently on break now as it hasn't moved for like 45 minutes. Gonna leave it on and go read and hopefully go to sleep.

I heard a call to prayer,and yes it was kinda weird,and beautiful.

I haven't seen any fighting,just hearing cars,and car horns(man they like their horns!) Been hearing what sounds like a diesel for sometime now.Dunno,maybe its a generator or something :koolaid:

Its a really beautiful place! From the surface it really doesn't look that much different from Anytown USA.Even has lots of smog like we do :D

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I heard a call to prayer,and yes it was kinda weird,and beautiful.

I haven't seen any fighting,just hearing cars,and car horns(man they like their horns!) Been hearing what sounds like a diesel for sometime now.Dunno,maybe its a generator or something :koolaid:

Its a really beautiful place! From the surface it really doesn't look that much different from Anytown USA.Even has lots of smog like we do ;)

It's not smog!:D

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It's been a pretty interesting 40 minutes or so.

- Palestinian gentleman/businessman (maybe from Ramattan) did an interview with a reporter from the West. You were able to hear only his half of the interview. Conducted in English, and lasted about 15 minutes.

- News footage of the destruction in the Gaza Strip. Couldn't understand a word they were saying, but still interesting. Very sexy newswoman, wearing a helmet and bulletproof vest.

- A couple bombs that sounded quite large, and very close to the camera.

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is it staying "up" for you other guys? Its getting really choppy now and cutting in and out. Sound stays up better than the video.

Quite a bit of big bangs going on right now and I think I caught a helo launched missle because I saw it in the sky headed down then the flash of an explosion. Saw an old American Cobra late last night after the sun came up and the operator panned up to focus on the chopper flying over the city.

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is it staying "up" for you other guys? Its getting really choppy now and cutting in and out. Sound stays up better than the video.

Quite a bit of big bangs going on right now and I think I caught a helo launched missle because I saw it in the sky headed down then the flash of an explosion. Saw an old American Cobra late last night after the sun came up and the operator panned up to focus on the chopper flying over the city.

Seems to be doing OK for me. I was watching a few hours ago, and it was horrible.

Is that small aircraft I keep hearing? Sounds like Cessna's or something similar.

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Yeah, we have been discussing that as well and I belive its LOH (light observation helicopters) or obs aircraft.

They just had several close hits and the feed died for about 5 minutes but its back on now. This guy is living dangerously!

Yea, I don't know how anyone sleeps around there.

He was calm, cool and collected during his interview earlier. Everything was conducted in the same room, with the same camera, and he was sitting right in front of that window.

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