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How many open carrys??

Guest Rem_700

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Guest db99wj
Tim,just wrap a dryer sheet around the grip and you won't have that pesky lint problem.:P

Oh, good grief do I know that problem!!!:koolaid::P

I carry everyday, lint is a problem. With a little oil and lint, if you let it go to long, I wonder if you can make a big flame!:clap:

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I will carry OWB but covered. It is just what I found to be most comfortable in my tests. But I generally wear un-tucked loose shirts over a t-shirt. So if fits my style. Don't think I'd open carry b/c I want the element of surprise if I ever am unfortunate enough to have to produce the weapon.

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Guest crotalus01

I almost always carry open. In the winter my jacket might conceal my Glock, but its not that I'm trying to CC, I'm just cold. It has never really been an issue either - once a clerk in WalMart sked me about it, and once a guard at First Tennessee bank asked about it, never been stopped or questioned about it by a cop (and plenty of cops have seen my rig on my hip). I agree there are advantages and disadvantages to both OC and CC, but I would rather be a deterrant to crime than have to use my weapon if possible, and I feel OC does that for me. For those who claim OC is dangerous and gives away a tactical advantage, well...thats an opinion. Post one verifiable story (just one) where an OCer has:

a) had their gun stolen/snatched because the BG saw it

:stunned: was shot in a robbery situation because the BG saw their gun

c) was a target of a criminal due to OCing

I have not seen a single verifiable instance of any of those (odd then that those are the main scenarios given by the anti-OC crowd). The only concern I have seen that is somewhat valid is LEO harrassment, and that largely depends on where you live.

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I almost always carry open. In the winter my jacket might conceal my Glock, but its not that I'm trying to CC, I'm just cold. It has never really been an issue either - once a clerk in WalMart sked me about it, and once a guard at First Tennessee bank asked about it, never been stopped or questioned about it by a cop (and plenty of cops have seen my rig on my hip). I agree there are advantages and disadvantages to both OC and CC, but I would rather be a deterrant to crime than have to use my weapon if possible, and I feel OC does that for me. For those who claim OC is dangerous and gives away a tactical advantage, well...thats an opinion. Post one verifiable story (just one) where an OCer has:

a) had their gun stolen/snatched because the BG saw it

:stunned: was shot in a robbery situation because the BG saw their gun

c) was a target of a criminal due to OCing

I have not seen a single verifiable instance of any of those (odd then that those are the main scenarios given by the anti-OC crowd). The only concern I have seen that is somewhat valid is LEO harrassment, and that largely depends on where you live.

Personally I don't care how one carries. But what is really being talked about here is a known entity vs. an unknown entity. The unknown entity will always have the advantage. Here are a ton of examples where a OC (known entity) have been bested by a unknown entity. In particular read about Thomas Frederick Ballman.


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I rarely ever OC, but I have. I do prefer CC, but I don't deep CC because I want the advantage of not being obvious, but I don't want to bury it so deep I can't get to it fast.

To me the people that slam people for OC are no better than the likes of some of our resident TGOers that don't think we should have "assault weapons" and other such nonsense.

It's a right to BEAR arms. Not a right to conceal arms. We should support each other's interests and rights, even if we don't partake in the act ourselves.

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I will carry OWB but covered. It is just what I found to be most comfortable in my tests. But I generally wear un-tucked loose shirts over a t-shirt. So if fits my style. Don't think I'd open carry b/c I want the element of surprise if I ever am unfortunate enough to have to produce the weapon.

Carrying at 1:00 iwb is working great for me so far ((limited to around the house until hcp comes, but have also tried getting in and out of the car with no probs)).

OWB with a shirt as you described is the only other method i think may work well for me. Have you had any trouble with the shirt blowing up over the gun? Any obstacles i should be aware of before trying this method? I know it will be hot in the coming months, but i'm thinking having a holster shoved down my pants will be hot too :stunned:..... Thanks for any tips :)

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I rarely ever OC, but I have. I do prefer CC, but To me the people that slam people for OC are no better than the likes of some of our resident TGOers that don't think we should have "assault weapons" and other such nonsense.

It's a right to BEAR arms. Not a right to conceal arms. We should support each other's interests and rights, even if we don't partake in the act ourselves.

You said that quite well! :rolleyes:

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Guest crotalus01
Personally I don't care how one carries. But what is really being talked about here is a known entity vs. an unknown entity. The unknown entity will always have the advantage. Here are a ton of examples where a OC (known entity) have been bested by a unknown entity. In particular read about Thomas Frederick Ballman.


Okay Timcalhoun, that was my fault, I should have specified non-LEO/MIL. It is a given that LEOs and MIL, by the nature of the job they have, will encounter that small percentage of criminal element that doesnt care if a person is armed or not - not something a typical OCer (or CCer) will likely encounter. So let me rephrase to ask if anyone has any credible instance of a non-LEO non-MIL OCer having their weapon taken by a BG, being targeted by a BG due to OCing etc etc (credible meaning verifiable by an independant source, not "I heard" or "A friend of a friend").

I would also point out that typically, an armed LEO is charged with making an arrest while the rules of engagement for an armed civilian are vastly different and the criminal element knows this.

I choose to OC as is my right. I have no problem with either mode of carry (I wish more would carry either way in fact).

I am not trying to change the way anyone carries. I just want those who oppose OC to let me be as I let them be with CC. We are all 2A supporters here, so lets support all forms of 2A carry

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Okay Timcalhoun, that was my fault, I should have specified non-LEO/MIL. It is a given that LEOs and MIL, by the nature of the job they have, will encounter that small percentage of criminal element that doesnt care if a person is armed or not - not something a typical OCer (or CCer) will likely encounter. So let me rephrase to ask if anyone has any credible instance of a non-LEO non-MIL OCer having their weapon taken by a BG, being targeted by a BG due to OCing etc etc (credible meaning verifiable by an independant source, not "I heard" or "A friend of a friend").

I would also point out that typically, an armed LEO is charged with making an arrest while the rules of engagement for an armed civilian are vastly different and the criminal element knows this.

I choose to OC as is my right. I have no problem with either mode of carry (I wish more would carry either way in fact).

I am not trying to change the way anyone carries. I just want those who oppose OC to let me be as I let them be with CC. We are all 2A supporters here, so lets support all forms of 2A carry

I see no difference in OC of law enforcement and OC in civilians other than cops are payed to take calls and make reports and intervene when necessary. The case I pointed out to you could have easily been an OC among the folks at the meeting and of course would have been the first to die long before he could have got his gun out.

When someone is hell bent on an objective they will always eliminate a known threat first in order to accomplish their goal. Always.

And your request of finding a case that something like this happened to a OC is only hard to do for one reason. Most of the shall issue states require CC and states like ours the HUGE majority CC anyway. But I'm sure if I looked long enough I could find one for you but I have not the time nor inclination to do so.;)

We will have to agree to diasagree on this.:clap:

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Guest Grout

You want a verified case. The bad guys in the Miami Shootout with the FBI obtained would ambush and kill shooters at remote ranges and steal their guns and cars. Google or Wiki it.

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Guest crotalus01
You want a verified case. The bad guys in the Miami Shootout with the FBI obtained would ambush and kill shooters at remote ranges and steal their guns and cars. Google or Wiki it.

Not relevant as the act of going to a range would make you a target, whether or not you had a carry license.

Timcalhoun, I see a big difference between us and LEOs as they are likely to encounter a type of criminal and desperation we are unlikely to ever see. My opinion only. Agree to agree to disagree :hat:

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Not relevant as the act of going to a range would make you a target, whether or not you had a carry license.

Timcalhoun, I see a big difference between us and LEOs as they are likely to encounter a type of criminal and desperation we are unlikely to ever see. My opinion only. Agree to agree to disagree ;)

Dude, I'm sorry but you don't get to pick the type of criminal you may come in contact with.:hat:

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Guest crotalus01

Very true. However, my point is that the average LEO will at some point likely encounter a criminal desperate not to go back to jail (enough to kill despite the armed threat of a LEO), or a plain old psychopath/sociopath. That is part of the nature of their job.

I hope to go my whole life never encountering anyone willing to use a gun or other weapon in an offensive manner. I feel I stack the deck in my favor by bearing my "teeth" as it were by OCing. My opinion based on my experiences only. YMMV and again, we can agree to disagree. I would just hope you respect my right to carry as I feel benefits me the best, as I respect your right to carry in the way that best benefits you in your experience.

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  • Administrator

At the 2-day Defensive Pistol workshop that I took recently, one of the instructors made what I felt was a very succinct statement about open carry. Allow me to paraphrase:

A lot of people open carry to make a political statement. They do it just because they can and they want to use it as a form of passive protest. Your defensive handgun should NOT be used a political statement. It is a tool for your self preservation and the preservation of those dear to you.

Make your political statements in letters to the editor, public protests, phone calls and emails to your elected representatives. Leave your means of self-defense out of it.

Just my [very likely unpopular] $0.02 worth on the matter.

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At the 2-day Defensive Pistol workshop that I took recently, one of the instructors made what I felt was a very succinct statement about open carry. Allow me to paraphrase:

A lot of people open carry to make a political statement. They do it just because they can and they want to use it as a form of passive protest. Your defensive handgun should NOT be used a political statement. It is a tool for your self preservation and the preservation of those dear to you.

Make your political statements in letters to the editor, public protests, phone calls and emails to your elected representatives. Leave your means of self-defense out of it.

Just my [very likely unpopular] $0.02 worth on the matter.

Hmmm....interesting statement. I would tend to agree with his reasoning behind OC at least partially. I admit if I did it..it would be to make a statement. Something like "Everyday Citizens can be/should be armed as well", "Not everyone with a gun is BG" and so on...all forms of political statements I guess. But I would say making a statement by OCing is a personal choice.

However....OC can also be an opportunity for education as well. If it sparks a question from someone interested in learning more about carry.

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Guest v3bahumut

Saw a guy OC ing in Fazoli's in Smyrna, he definitely garnered some unwanted attention and lots of whispering from the patrons there.

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if your going to open carry, why not just carry it in your hand with your finger off the trigger... either way your legal in doing so... so why not go all the way with it? Wanna prove a point... then prove it!

....and what point would that prove other than irresponsible firearms handling?

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Guest Rem_700
if your going to open carry, why not just carry it in your hand with your finger off the trigger... either way your legal in doing so... so why not go all the way with it? Wanna prove a point... then prove it!

Im gonna have to say,this is why I don't like/have no respect for law enforcment.They are arogant and cocky.I recal seeing another post by another LE officer,in this post saying to just keep the damn thing covered up!Why,its a 100% legal???

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I think you could be targeted, but not very likely and not near as likely as a LEO. Lets say you've got 20 people, a couple are OCing and one is a LEO in uniform. Bad guy comes in, who do you think he is going to see first? A LEO stands out a whole lot more than anyone on here with a gun on there hip.

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if your going to open carry, why not just carry it in your hand with your finger off the trigger... either way your legal in doing so... so why not go all the way with it? Wanna prove a point... then prove it!

Because if you ever so slightly swing your arm in anyones general direction it would be considered brandishing. According to most LE interpretation of the matter.:)

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....and what point would that prove other than irresponsible firearms handling?

This is probably a place where we are going to agree to disagree old friend...

So heres your answer... maybe, but some folks feel like people walking around with the gun exposed open carrying is irresponsible too... both methods are legal.

My point is/was there is a very fine line of whats acceptable to some and not others. I see someone open carrying and I just think to myself "they really should have that thing tucked away"... although I dont like it, its acceptable to me... other people may freak out and call the police, which is regularly done. I see someone walking around with the gun in their hand, I would get suspiciously prepared for whatever is fixing to happen next, and maybe even call the police myself. Others would probably run in a hysterical panic screaming to the top of their lungs, or hitting the ground... or deciding to defend themselves if they are carrying. Either way its not ending well for the permit holder, even though they were legally in the right.

Whats honestly so frustrating to me is I was there and remember this debate back in 92-93 talking about this very issue. We could very easily have a concealed carry law right now. Our intent in making it a carry permit was to take the grey area away from law enforcement. Our intent was for permit holders to attempt to keep their handguns concealed, if they slipped and it got uncovered then it wasnt a big deal. If we had thought we would have people just walking around "strapped" like it was the old west... it would have been CC.

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