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TN House of Representatives Range Day: AEDC 2009

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I will defer to the Original Poster on this. If Joe concedes that it should be moved, I will. Frankly I get tired of people complaining when we move threads, so unless it's grossly apparent that the thread belongs somewhere else I'm trying to keep my hands off.

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If this thread would be better served in the 2A forum, I am in favor of moving it.

I will ask that posters show restraint and respect in regards to what they post about the persons featured in the pictures.

The object of this thread is not "lets critique the shooting style" of our elected leaders, but to draw attention to the positive efforts of leaders like Judd Matheny as he works hard to educate his fellow Representatives in Nashville to the positive aspects of firearms ownership.

In a time when all we hear about are more and more efforts to take away our Constitutional rights, its a welcome change to see people like Judd, Ronnie Barrett, and others working hard to make a difference.

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I'll bet Mike McDonald (D) was there; he's one on our side.

They have done this sort of thing for years. I have been to Arnold, and Ft. Campbell when they do it. Its a really cool thing for folks to participate in if they arent around guns allot. Mike was supposed to be. I was going with Gary but we both got busy and couldnt make it. I'll be at one or both next year.

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They have done this sort of thing for years. I have been to Arnold, and Ft. Campbell when they do it. Its a really cool thing for folks to participate in if they arent around guns allot. Mike was supposed to be. I was going with Gary but we both got busy and couldnt make it. I'll be at one or both next year.

Yep. This is an annual event.

We were sponsors last year as well.

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Guest tedbo

Well done! Unless we had some one holding a Glock "gangsta" style, I wouldn't be critical in any way,shape or form.

I am glad you guys and gals have the means to do this. I doubt seriously that I have the personality to head up something as important as this.

I would love to volunteer at your next function. I am sure you can use another target puter-upper.

Good on you all!

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Guest Legally Armed

Congradulations. It is sometimes the little things, although it takes time and money to plan this type of event, that help with pro-gun legislation. Meeting with legislators in their office is what most people do. However, allowing the elected officials to see some individuals who are pro-gun out of the office enviroment with no pressure on legislative issues, can help down the road with future legislation. Good job.

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Joe...thank you for doing this. Few folks have the horsepower to do things like this and even fewer actually follow through.

Everyone here owes you a "thank you" for going out of your way like that


Was there a Naifeh sighting there? He's a new permit holder isn't he?

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It's great for our representatives to get a positive experience with firearms and also get the connection that everyone with a gun isn't out to kill or rob someone. Events like this are the only way to win them over. Going to their office is good but I'll bet Range Day will stick in their minds longer than any meeting.

Great work and a sincere THANK YOU to Joe, Dan, Chris, Ronnie and everyone else that worked to put the event together.

If you ever need a volunteer to help put something like this together, I'm willing to do whatever I can.

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