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July 13 "How Qualified Are You" Oliver Springs TN

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Instructor: Randy Harris - https://harriscombative.com/randys-bio/

Location: Windrock Shooting Range - 720 Windrock Rd, Oliver Springs, TN 37840 http://www.windrockshootingrange.com/

DATE : Saturday July 13 2024

Time: 12:30 PM EASTERN time – 4:30PM EASTERN time

Price: $80

Payments can be made through Eventbrite or by by cash or check or Electronic payment by paypal or venmo (Use Friends and Family option or add 3% if you pay it as a Goods and Service) ) or by credit card (contact Randy by phone 423 827 9133 or by email at randy@harriscombative.com for CC payment). This will also be listed on Eventbrite if you prefer to sign up there but you can save the Eventbrite fees and tax that they charge by paying me directly. 



Paypal – cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com

Venmo – www.venmo.com/Randy-Harris-47


What you need to bring: Pistol, at least 2 spare pistol magazines and at least 150 rounds of pistol ammo. Revolvers are welcome if you want to party like it is 1899. Eye Protection and ear protection, weather appropriate clothing, snacks and drinks.


We will be shooting some challenging warm up drills and then several Federal , State and local LE type qualification course. I will also keep records of these for future reference and use . This will serve to get your shooting prowess on record by a third party in case it is ever needed in the future in some legal matter. This is also something your church might like to have for their records if you are a member of a church security team.


As far as the courts are concerned if it isn’t documented it didn’t happen so this is an opportunity to get some official scores on paper in case you ever need them . Not only that but it will be a good day of shooting some somewhat challenging and well known courses of fire.

This is an EXCELLENT chance to bring someone you know who might need a “reality check” on where their skills actually are. We all know people who are gun owners who keep threatening to get some training. The training days (especially the pistol qual day) are a great way to get them into that and show them what is possible with some directed practice and see where they REALLY are at their present skill level. And it is a good chance to get to meet people with the same interests that don’t think you are “crazy”.


And just a final reminder EVERYONE is welcome ! The TN/GA/AL Training Group started as a way for alumni of classes taught by Randy Harris to get together and stay current on skills and get some coaching in a one day format at a discounted price from what a normal class would cost. As it continued to grow we opened it up to ANYONE who is interested in coming out and learning some skills and just seeing what it is that we do and meet some new people with the same interests. So even if you are not an alum of one of my classes you are welcome to come join us!


Edited by Cruel Hand Luke
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On 6/6/2024 at 2:48 PM, Spots said:

Are we still welcome if we know we need a lot of work? I would like to get a baseline outside doing it on my own in the back forty

Yes absolutely! We ALL need work in some area or another and events like this are a “soft entry” into the training world where you can see where you are right now and what you need to work on and I can help you to formulate a plan to get to where you want to be. Come on out and join us ! 

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1 minute ago, Cruel Hand Luke said:

Yes absolutely! We ALL need work in some area or another and events like this are a “soft entry” into the training world where you can see where you are right now and what you need to work on and I can help you to formulate a plan to get to where you want to be. Come on out and join us ! 

I'll send over the money via PayPal this coming Friday when I get paid, my gun fund is running a bit lean at the moment. I only live 15 min from Windrock so it should be a good time

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