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Guest KWW67

IMHO, I believe MANY more would participate if they would accept credit/debit cards. Like it or not that is just the way of life nowadays and it is convenient for people to do. Just the thought of doing the mail thing now days just makes you cringe. And pay pal, like mentioned in another thread, I just don't trust. Man, we have become spoiled rotten.

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Credit Card processing costs around $30/month no matter if we use it or not. Then you lose about 3% of the transaction proceeds to the credit card processor. I've looked into it and right now it's just not feasible for us to do this since we already operate on a very tight budget.

You can pay through Paypal without having an account with them you know.

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IMHO, I believe MANY more would participate if they would accept credit/debit cards.

Personally, it's not an issue of how to pay - it's an issue of the $ amount vs. the perceived return.

Again - this is based on my view of the return I get on my money. And admittedly - I'm cheap. REAL cheap. Plus I really don't spend a *lot* of time here.

I know last night I was finishing cleaning up the attic, and organizing my meager stash of ammo, when I came across a partial box of 40 S&W... and I don't have anything to shoot it with any more. I would have liked to have posted it up here to do some trading on some ammo I *could* use, and help someone else out who can't find 40 S&W... I'm not going to pay $20/$35 to sell $10 worth of ammo :D

I'm sure I'll get flogged for stating that, but that's just how it breaks down for me 'n mine.

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...and PayPal isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I've never had an issue (knock on wood)

I had an $1,400 problem with them a few years back - it kind of tainted my view of them... But more than that - as an eBay seller, I grew VERY tired of them sucking me dry coming, going, and any other way they could.

But hey, I still use them... sparingly... :D

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I'm not going to pay $20/$35 to sell $10 worth of ammo :)

Or you could look at it as $20/35 to help support the site. But if you're not on here much, I suppose that part doesn't really matter to you either. :D

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Or you could look at it as $20/35 to help support the site. But if you're not on here much, I suppose that part doesn't really matter to you either. :D

That's a perfectly valid reason I *could* donate, you are correct - whether I am no here a lot or not. Shoot, if a person stopped by just *once* and while here, perceived to gain some bit of information of great value, then even one visit could be enough to justify a donation.

Just saying that so as not to dissuade others from donating, should they feel the need :)

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I have only been a member here for a short while and I enjoy the time I spend on this forum,in my case I spend way to much time,but I am not working yet so it gives me somewhere to hang while I wait for the call that says someone will hire me for a lot of money(yeah right).But I have learned a few things and enjoy reading a lot of the posts,and even have a few acquaintances that share my interests,to me the money is well worth it.(just my opinion).:D

Edited by krunchnik
spell check
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Thanks guys. But back to DRM's comments... I did not mean to imply that he didn't care about TGO because I honestly believe that a person who doesn't visit very frequently probably does not perceive the same enjoyment and/or value as someone who visits more often.

Someone in that position should in no way feel compelled to donate to the site. There are forums that I visit infrequently also and I don't necessarily support them. There are also several that I do visit very frequently and they do get my support. So it all works out in the wash. :D

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In regards to this whole "is it worth it to be a Benefactor" thing; I guess only they can decide, but I think TGO is a great resource for anyone that visits the site more than once.

This is OUR site. It can either flourish and be a huge resource for it's members, or it can fade away and fail like the hundreds (if not thousands) of other failed message boards do each year.

One thing I am committed to is not only supporting this board, but supporting those members that have stepped up and support TGO.

I will make an effort to post more Benefactor-Only deals in the Ready Room on a regular basis.

I would rather see the super crack-head deals go to contributing members of the board, rather than some guy that stumbles into my shop because he saw some good deal on a website he doesnt intend to support or participate in.

Anyway, I hope you guys see that TGO is a real asset, and hope that more of you will step up and support the site.

**I will also call on other members to offer Benefactor-Only discounts or deals in the Ready Room.

-If you have a good deal on live bait, why not offer it in the Ready Room first?

-If you sell cars for a living, perhaps offer a free tank of gas with purchase to all Benefactors.

-Work in an electronics store? Maybe you can kick down a little extra discount....



***David, perhaps you can make a "Benefactor-Only Deals and Savings" sticky in the Ready Room.

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I'd also love to urge everyone to consider becoming a TGO Benefactor. It's a great way to show your support and get in on those amazing deals at Hero-Gear.

Heck, if that's not enough, there's always the Girls and Guns (or something like that) thread that can only be seen by the lucky Benefactors. That alone is worth the price of admission.

Donate Today!

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**I will also call on other members to offer Benefactor-Only discounts or deals in the Ready Room.

-If you have a good deal on live bait, why not offer it in the Ready Room first?

-If you sell cars for a living, perhaps offer a free tank of gas with purchase to all Benefactors.

-Work in an electronics store? Maybe you can kick down a little extra discount....



***David, perhaps you can make a "Benefactor-Only Deals and Savings" sticky in the Ready Room.

I would be willing to do that in my store. Although being a cooking store, it might cost some of you more if your wives come.

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One thing I am committed to is not only supporting this board, but supporting those members that have stepped up and support TGO.

I will make an effort to post more Benefactor-Only deals in the Ready Room on a regular basis.

***David, perhaps you can make a "Benefactor-Only Deals and Savings" sticky in the Ready Room.

I think "benefactor only" deals are great, but I think hiding them in the benefactor area is missing out on a great opportunity to sell that "benefit" to those who might like to get in on that kind of deal.

I mean - how can I *want*, what I don't know is there to want?

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Thanks guys. But back to DRM's comments... I did not mean to imply that he didn't care about TGO because I honestly believe that a person who doesn't visit very frequently probably does not perceive the same enjoyment and/or value as someone who visits more often.

Someone in that position should in no way feel compelled to donate to the site. There are forums that I visit infrequently also and I don't necessarily support them. There are also several that I do visit very frequently and they do get my support. So it all works out in the wash. :yum:

We're on the same page ;)

If this was my "home board" - I'd be more than happy to pony up the money, as I do on the board I spend 90% of my time. Shoot - maybe me sitting here talking about will convince me to donate :shake:

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I think "benefactor only" deals are great, but I think hiding them in the benefactor area is missing out on a great opportunity to sell that "benefit" to those who might like to get in on that kind of deal.

I mean - how can I *want*, what I don't know is there to want?

That makes perfectly good sense.

We should post the Ben-O deals in open forum to motivate people to step up and donate.

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