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Jackson,TN Restaurant Carry Resolution!!

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We've got one city councilman who wants a resolution to allow restaurant owners to post a ban on guns. FYI it's Ernest Brooks. They also showed a clip of one councilman who basically said a resolution was a waste of time.

Channel 7(ABC) tonight at 6 they are suppose to talk about it and hear from some restaurant managers.

Be sure to tune in. Just happened to have it on the news and they mentioned it

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We've got one city councilman who wants a resolution to allow restaurant owners to post a ban on guns. FYI it's Ernest Brooks. They also showed a clip of one councilman who basically said a resolution was a waste of time.

Channel 7(ABC) tonight at 6 they are suppose to talk about it and hear from some restaurant managers.

Be sure to tune in. Just happened to have it on the news and they mentioned it

What's up with these bozos?

They already CAN "ban guns", all they have to do is put up a friggin sign.

- OS

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What's up with these bozos?

They already CAN "ban guns", all they have to do is put up a friggin sign.

- OS

I don't have the slightest idea. :D

That's what I was thinking. Put the freaking sign up if you want don't want carry there. That's why I thought the comments were stupid. Either way I'll check it out tonight @ 6 to see what is really said and I definite want to see what the managers at the restaurants they interviewed have to say so I know where not to take my money.

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I saw the news segment....I think the resolution is to encourage local restaurants to ban carry, just like the governor is encouraging local governments to ban carry in some parks.

I will be watching again at 6.

+1 on knowing where to go or not go....

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I saw the news segment....I think the resolution is to encourage local restaurants to ban carry, just like the governor is encouraging local governments to ban carry in some parks.

I will be watching again at 6.

+1 on knowing where to go or not go....

Beginning to look like there won't BE many places to go.

- OS

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Beginning to look like there won't BE many places to go.

- OS

Well there are definitely a few pro carry folks on the Jackson city council. Not sure if any remembers the deal at North Branch of the library or not.

So not sure if the resolution will even pass and whichever way it goes I think most restaurant owners will do their own thing.

I think this is mainly just one politician trying to make his view known and if can get it through the official position of the Jackson council. :D

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Fallguy I come through Milan all the time when I go to Trezevant to my grandads and I love that Lee's Chicken and Grandpa's bbq in atwood lol..

I don't think that resolution would pass either. Maybe I need to go talk to Ernest black man to black man lol to let him know that gun carry in a restaurant isnt a redneck thing, Subway got robbed the other day too

boatman you can watch it on WBBJ-TV West Tennessee's News Channel streaming but i think it's time lapsed so it may not be real time

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Well that was quick. Randy Wallace pretty much said it all

Sparky's I go there for lunch often and will go there even more. If Chilis post I won't be going there anymore, which isn't that much as in

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Guest rockytop

You really don't have to be a brain surgeon to realize that we have some stupid city commissioners in Jackson. Brooks must have someone reading the Commerical Appeal to him. He obviously can't decipher current Tennessee Law for himself.

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Well that was quick. Randy Wallace pretty much said it all

Sparky's I go there for lunch often and will go there even more. If Chilis post I won't be going there anymore, which isn't that much as in

Yep...short and sweet.

Guess Sparky's is moving to the top of the list of places to go.... :D

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You really don't have to be a brain surgeon to realize that we have some stupid city commissioners in Jackson. Brooks must have someone reading the Commerical Appeal to him. He obviously can't decipher current Tennessee Law for himself.

May want to toss school board members in there also :D

And I thought Brooks was a lawyer

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Guest Tucker13

This is a blame game.

As is currently stands, a business can put up a "No guns allowed" sign. Patrons see the sign and don't enter. The business takes the blame, as it should.

If the businesses can get the Gov't to pass a law prohibiting a gun, then the anti gun businesses can say, "If it was up to us, you could bring in a gun, but the law say no. It's not our fault."

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The law says they can't now. All the resolution is and IMO a waste of time is to encourage businesses to post.

I'm sure some will and will get hammered and eventually remove their signs. I also think some will post a no gun sign but post it incorrectly.

Thinking that the anti gun crowd will see it and say good no guns in here while the pro gun crowd will see it and say, that's not posted correctly and go ahead and enter. What will mess that up is the ones who will go to the manager and say hey you're not posted correctly

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Guest Crunchman
Well that was quick. Randy Wallace pretty much said it all

Randy is the treasurer for our local FNRA. He sent me a copy of the letter he sent to the council. If he allows me, I'll post the letter.

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Guest Crunchman

Randy's letter to the council and specifically to Councilman Brooks:

Councilman Brooks,

I would like to request that you rethink the resolution you are proposing for the City Council regarding restaurant carry. I am concerned that you are having a knee jerk reaction to the opponent’s hype of ‘guns in bars’. The legislation passed by the State Legislature was originally referred to as ‘Restaurant Carry’. The opponents and media re-named it ‘guns in bars’ as this term provides for more opposition and is more eye-catching for the media.

In your proposed resolution you state ‘Whereas, the Jackson City Council has determined that this legislation will significantly and detrimentally impact the safety and well-being of the citizens of Jackson and visitors to Jackson’. I would ask how that determination has been made?

Currently there are 37 states that allow restaurant carry and I am not aware of any instances of gunfights in bars caused by carry permit holders.

When carry permits were allowed in Tennessee, the opponents claimed there would be ‘gunfights in the streets’. Carry permits have been allowed in Tennessee for almost 12 years now and obviously that has not happened. Again, this was a knee-jerk reaction to the legislation.

The reason for the legislation is not to allow anyone to carry a weapon in a bar. It is ONLY to allow a legally licensed carry permit holder to carry in a restaurant rather than having to leave his weapon in his car.

State Safety Department records show handgun permit holders in Tennessee are responsible individuals. In fact, there are more instances of problems with handgun carry by off-duty law enforcement officers, than there are with carry permit holders. Would you suggest legislation that off-duty law enforcement officers not be allowed to carry their handgun?

Please reconsider this legislation.

Randy Wallace, City Councilperson, District 7

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Thats one thing I don't get about all this whining about safety. Our bordering states allow this, people acting like this is something new.

Wish they would get their heads out of their butts.

Saw Gist said he would let the council decide on the restaurant carry but that he was opposed to park carry for the safety of the children.

You know I'm dern tired of this it's for the children. I would like for them to just once answer the do you think criminals obey signs

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Thats one thing I don't get about all this whining about safety. Our bordering states allow this, people acting like this is something new.

Wish they would get their heads out of their butts.

Saw Gist said he would let the council decide on the restaurant carry but that he was opposed to park carry for the safety of the children.

You know I'm dern tired of this it's for the children. I would like for them to just once answer the do you think criminals obey signs

I agree. I carry a handgun for the safety of my children. Some of these politicians need to find a way to gain some common sense.

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I doubt they ever will. If they ever do, pack your bags boys Armageddon is here B)

I'm a pretty reasonable guy and I don't let me being pro gun cloud my judgment. I try to look at both sides of the argument and use common sense but I just don't get this one about restaurant carry and what has everyone spooked, it's not like you're able to drink while carrying.

On the parks the only one and I mean only argument to me would be instead of saying it's for the children, they should say they're scared some hot head parent shooting another parent or ump at a ball game. To me that's understandable than it's for the children.

Just like I don't have a problem with requiring a permit and class to carry I know a lot of pro gunners say you don't need one but I have no problem with requiring one. I think you should be able to show some proficiency if you're going to carry one in public, around the house and your property do as you please no class or permit needed. See I can be all over the map :)

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