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Gallatin Council Discusses, Defers Talk of Opting Out of Guns in Parks

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From the Gallatin city council minutes of the July 14th, 2009 meeting:

Item #9: Discussion of guns in City parks

In the absence of Mr. David Brown, Leisure Services Director, Councilman Garrott made motion to defer this item; Councilman Hayes seconded. Councilman Overton asked if Ms. Elaine Hudson, Leisure Services, could speak for Mr. Brown. Ms. Hudson said Mr. Brown is opposed to guns in the City parks. Vice Mayor Bennett said the only ones carrying guns in the City parks are criminals. Chief John Tisdale, Police Department, said there is always the issue of people not following the rules and he feels that it is safer not to have guns.

Mr. Thompson said the Legislature put a September 1, 2009 deadline for municipalities to pass a ban on guns in parks.

Motion to defer carried 7 ayes and 0 nays.

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I had, just an hour before the meeting, sent the Mayor a (obviously) hasty letter. I welcome your criticism of it.

Mayor Graves,

I am a resident of Gallatin, a registered voter, and a Handgun Carry Permit Holder. I understand that the city council will consider a handgun carry opt-out Gallatin Parks tonight.

I ask you and the other members of the council to not opt-out. As a responsible citizen I am very cautious and careful with the responsibility of carrying my handgun. I carry it for my own protection and for that of my family. I don’t want to disarm to enjoy Gallatin’s park areas. I wish to enjoy my 2nd Amendment rights as many places as I can. Please don’t infringe on that right.

Much has been said about the safety of other parks-goers. I ask you, why can a criminal carry a weapon illegally into our parks and I cannot? Part of the safety course that I took to get my permit says:

1. Always point my weapon in a safe direction

2. Never put my finger on the trigger until I have sights aligned with my intended target

3. Always treat a gun as if it is loaded, even if I know it is not

4. Be aware of the area around and beyond my target

HCP citizens are statistically the most law abiding citizens in our community.



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I don't think the statement about having to opt out by Sept 1 is correct.

Yes, on Sept 1 local park carry will be legal, and that is to give time to local goverments to ban before that date, however AFAIK the could still opt out at any point in the future.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gallatin City Council is meeting Tuesday, August 11th to pick back up the opt out vote that was deferred since last meeting. I plan to attend, and have just emailed one councilmember (the only one listed with email) and am mailing the others on the list. My letter:

Mr. Overton,

We are residents of Gallatin, registered and active voters, and handgun carry permit (HCP) holders. We urge you to vote to NOT infringe on the rights of HCP’s by having Gallatin not “opt out†of the State Law allowing HCP’s to legally carry their weapons in local parks. As you know this new law takes effect on September 1, 2009. Should the council decide to simply take no action on this issue the parks within Gallatin’s city limits will become one less place we will have to disarm for. Many communities have already voted to opt out and several have decided not to. We urge you to either a) take no action and allow the state law to take effect, or :hat: vote to NOT “opt outâ€.

Many have argued that they are concerned for children’s safety with allowing HCP’s into local parks. While this is an emotionally compelling argument it doesn’t square with reality, or with precedent. We offer several facts to support our request:

1. Exhaustive federal and state study have shown that legally held guns in parks do not constitute neither a public nuisance nor danger. State parks are now open to us, and federal parks will become open to legal carry in February, 2010.

2. Where citizens are allowed to carry weapons, crime, especially violent crime declines.

3. Handgun permit holders are statistically more law-abiding than the average citizen.(1)

4. Police are not able to provide immediate protection for us, neither are they legally required to do so. WE are responsible for our own defense.

5. Should the need arise to protect ourselves we are statistically 5.5 times less likely to injure an innocent bystander than the police.(1)

6. Children have not been unduly exposed to harm in the locations where HCP’s have been allowed to legally carry their weapons. Places like our own and friends’ homes, churches, movie theaters, roller skating rinks, and family restaurants like McDonalds, Burger King, Captain D’s, Shoney’s etc.

7. Where you restrict law-abiding, citizens from legally-carrying then only criminals are carrying guns. If a criminal commits a crime with a gun the illegal carry of the weapon adds little, and most often no additional time to their sentence. Criminals, especially active shooters (2), are attracted to gun-free zones because they know that law-abiding people will be helpless targets.

8. Should a permit holder be harmed in Gallatin parks the city may be held liable for denying the right for self-defense.

Opting out specifically targets handgun carry permit holders. We are not a problem but are peaceful, law-abiding people. I cannot speak for all of the 1,191 permit holders in Gallatin (3), or 5,412 permit holders in Sumner County (4), but we are by-and-large active voters who remember how our elected officials vote. Please do not restrict our right to defend ourselves and our families.

Thank you for your time and your service to our community.



(Mrs. OngoingFreedom)

Gallatin, TN 37066

(1) Source: Gun Facts - Your guide for debunking gun control myth

(2) An active shooter is defined as “an armed person who has used deadly physical force on other persons and continues to do so while having unrestricted access to additional victimsâ€- "Chapter 7". Sheriff's Office Policy and Procedure Manual. Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA: El Paso County Sheriff's Office. 2004-01-01.

(3) Source: “Commercial Appeal†(Tennessee Handgun Carry Permits : Commercial Appeal)

(4) Source: Tennessee.gov (http://tennessee.gov/safety/stats/DL_Handgun/Handgun/HandgunCarryPermitsJan2009.pdf)

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Guest dlstewart01

I set in front of Ann Kemp in Sunday school. I have been working on her for the past few weeks. Her husband is a permit holder so I hope he has influnced her as well.

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Four citizens spoke on behalf of allowing guns in parks, no one spoke for opting out. One of citizens who spoke on not opting out seemed to do so from the standpoint that if the council did opt out they lose the ability to participate with the state discussion should the General Assembly decide to revisit the issue. Council discussion centered on concern for permit holders 1) for their right and 2) that they may run afoul of the law should they arrive at the park (in their car or on foot) with school kids in another part and be in violation unknowingly.

An informal vote was called (to discern the will of the council) and it was UNANIMOUS to do nothing! Wow!

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