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Red Dawn Remake to be released in 2010!


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It could happen one day and it's not completely laughable. If this country does fall into the bankruptcy it seems to be hurtling towards, China might just come in and say, "You know what, don't worry about paying us back. We'll just take everything west of the Rockies."

hmm.. does Barbara Boxer speak Chinese? :D

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Guest Muttling

Just thinking a bit out loud here and may be totally off the mark, but......

The U.S. military is the key to U.S. national security. They currently accept civilian leadership, that is what makes our country safe. They will fight like hell for us, but they don't try to take control.

What if they were perverted to take control, convinced that this was in the best interest of our country????

I am proud of our military and proud to have them defending our decisions as a civilian government. A great many militaries have not been what the U.S. military is. We as armed citizens can't stop our military from taking over, but our military is a great part of who we are and they defend our rights to defend ourselves. What's more, they stand behind us when we do so.

We've got the best trained military in the world. More importantly, we've got the military that will not take power away from the civilian leadership.....even when that leadership screws up.

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Guest HexHead

We as armed citizens can't stop our military from taking over,

Probably not, but that doesn't mean we couldn't take it back. Our military couldn't defeat peasants in Vietnam and it's not looking to good in Afghanistan.

More importantly, we've got the military that will not take power away from the civilian leadership.....even when that leadership screws up.

We'd probably do better with a military takeover than the asshats that are running the government now. (A good start would be hanging all the members of Congress. )

Generals would be conducting the war and I doub't "don't ask, don't tell" would even be an issue. :confused:

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Guest Muttling
Probably not, but that doesn't mean we couldn't take it back. Our military couldn't defeat peasants in Vietnam and it's not looking to good in Afghanistan.

We'd probably do better with a military takeover than the asshats that are running the government now. (A good start would be hanging all the members of Congress. )

Generals would be conducting the war and I doub't "don't ask, don't tell" would even be an issue. :confused:

Show me one military controlled government where freedom and justice is upheld.

For that matter, if the military had been running things in the 1960's (a time when a lot thought they would do better) the planet would be a wasteland now.

The militay wanted to go invade during the Cuban Missile Crisis to prevent the ICBMs from becoming operational just as many want to go hard core on Iran today. What we didn't find out until the fall of the Soviet Union was that they had tactical nukes deployed and orders to use them in defense of Cuba. Our troops would have been vaporized before they set foot on the beaches, it was the cool headed civilian leadership that saved the world in that one.

In the parallel to Iran, everyone is focused on their nuclear but I keep asking about their chem/bio. It's cheaper, easier to produce, and easier to hide. What's more, Iraq wasn't the only military firing chemical in the 1980's. Iran's has the ONLY existing military with current experience on the chemical battlefield. Who's to say we wouldn't have those weapons showing up in New York or DC or Israel if we bombed them? Who's to say they haven't done as North Korea and trained special operations units to infiltrate then attack with chem/bio?

We need the powerful and aggressive military we have, but we need them under civilian leadership.

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Guest HexHead

We need the powerful and aggressive military we have, but we need them under civilian leadership.

Funny, over the weekend on one of the talk shows, even Diane Fienstein, chairman of the Senate intelligence committee said if we're going to stay in Afghanistan, the administration needs to listen to the generals and take their advice.

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Funny, over the weekend on one of the talk shows, even Diane Fienstein, chairman of the Senate intelligence committee said if we're going to stay in Afghanistan, the administration needs to listen to the generals and take their advice.

If Diane Fienstien is for it, then maybe we ought to re-evaluate our strategy and look at other options.

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Probably not, but that doesn't mean we couldn't take it back. Our military couldn't defeat peasants in Vietnam and it's not looking to good in Afghanistan.
As long as we have a volunteer military, it's highly unlikely that we would ever see a military takeover. We are the military.
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Guest Muttling
Funny, over the weekend on one of the talk shows, even Diane Fienstein, chairman of the Senate intelligence committee said if we're going to stay in Afghanistan, the administration needs to listen to the generals and take their advice.

I think you misunderstand what I'm saying as I complete agree with Fienstein.

The decision on whether or not to go in should be in the hands of a civilian. When you give them a mission, give them what they need to win it. Don't conduct war half heartedly.

As I have posted on this forum a number of times previously, we need to give our troops in Afghanistan the resources to win or pull them out. Not pull a G.W. and spend year after year with only 20,000 troops on the ground letting the Taliban regain a foothold.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didn't see powers boothe's part in any of this remake stuff and that part with him and c thomas howells character was a great line... ''all that hates gonna burn you up kid'' --- ''it keeps me warm'' therefore i gather it will blow chunks, plus their not country folk so that sucks.

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  • 1 year later...
at least they found a good use for Detroit....

I missed that the first time.

I noticed this video from the exact opposite side

it appears to be on the side of a busy street very near the barrier. It looks to me like the explosion was a bit close to traffic. I bet that got a high number of 911 calls when they did that.

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Did the movie go DIRECT to DVD?...otherwise...I see RED DAWN REMAKE as a FAIL

It got shelved as well as the new Bond movie due to MGM going belly up, they are partnering with Sony to release their completed projects from the last year if I understand correctly.

IMDB shows a release sometime in 2011. However, the cast is a bunch of unknowns, and no big name director/producer.............so I am guessing crappy performance at the theaters or direct-to-DVD release. Hopefully, I will be wrong.

Red Dawn (2011) - IMDb

The original didn't really have any A-listers either. I'm thinking the cast of the remake, being up and comers are actually more popular than the original cast. Don't know of anything the originals were in previously except for Swayze and Howell being in the outsiders. Many of them got big afterwards though. I also thought I heard the director or producer was the same guy that did the bourne series... could be wrong.

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