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MTSU Looks To Change Legislation, Allow Guns On Campus

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"MTSU Looks To Change Legislation, Allow Guns On Campus"

The Middle Tennessee State University Student Government will consider legislation allowing guns on campus.

Student Leader Matthew Hurtt is behind the push to allow students to carry guns on campus.

Hurtt believes all students should have the right to be able to protect themselves.

Tennessee state law strictly forbids guns on college and university campuses.

Hurtt disagrees, saying, "The Constitution says it's a right of the people to bear arms, it shall not be infringed."

Hurtt continues, "It doesn't say, 'except on college campuses', there are no exceptions."

If the MTSU Student...

...Government votes to allow guns on campus, they would be required to recruit school administrators to the cause.

If the board agrees, the legislation would then go to the Tennessee State Legislature where the law forbidding guns on college and university campuses across the state would have to be changed.

I doubt it will go anywhere, but it would be great if this happened.

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Guest EasilyObsessed

I would love to see that go somewhere and get a law passed! I would be a happy camper if I could start carrying to work everyday.

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Guest Ghostrider

Just getting it "to" the state house would be a victory of sorts, and would put the legislation on notice.

Should the legislature fail to act and (God forbid) some crap happens in this state, it would be feeding time for the sharks (lawyers) on the legislature. Fear is a great motivator.

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The fact that a college student is pursuing this makes it a "win" in my book. He is not just sitting around "wishing" it would change but trying to take an active role in bringing about a change. I like most here don't think it will happen, but it is the begining of a dialog that will encompass other students and teachers in looking at it.

Plus the guy is getting a wealth of experience. That is the foundation of wisdom.

Kudos to the guy. Every now and then we need a little reminder that no matter what the odds we still need to stand up, and speak up for what we believe in.

Even if it is in defense of the unsupported chamber in Glocks...

(Kidding guys! Just kidding!!! Easy now... take your finger off the "Caps lock" button and step away from the "Bold" font... breath... I'm just kidding. :koolaid: )

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Guest Phantom6

My son attends MTSU and I would feel much better if when he turns 21 in a couple of months he could carry his ...er, ah ... I mean MY pistol on campus. :eek:

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So what were the results of this meeting? Wasnt it held last week?


1. - Comment by Christine | October 4, 2007 @ 6:11 pm <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>




I talked to MTSU junior Matthew Hurtt (the sponsor of the bill at MTSU) just minutes ago, and he told me the bill in favor of allowing guns on campus failed in the Student Government Association Senate vote.

Here’s the breakdown: <o:p></o:p>

4 in favor

20 opposed

2 abstain<o:p></o:p>

Hurtt says even though his proposal failed at school, he accomplished his mission of opening up this debate on a statewide level. Hurtt says he’s talked to members of the TN General Assembly who say a bill on this topic may come up next legislative session.<o:p></o:p>

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Mathew Hurtt wants to protect students’ constitutional rights and wants students to be able to protect themselves by allowing them to carry guns on campus.

“The constitution says it’s the right of the people to bear arms,†Hurtt said. “It shall not be infringed. It doesn’t say except on college campuses. There are no exceptions. People assume it’s going to be like the ‘wild wild west’ if we allow guns, that’s just not the case.â€

Here’s some advice Matthew… If you want to get to carry a firearm on campus; then fight for that. If you try to get someone to acknowledge that you have a 2<SUP>nd</SUP> amendment right to do so; you have lost before you ever get started and you will never get to carry on campus.

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Guest Phantom6
Here’s some advice Matthew… If you want to get to carry a firearm on campus; then fight for that. If you try to get someone to acknowledge that you have a 2<SUP>nd</SUP> amendment right to do so; you have lost before you ever get started and you will never get to carry on campus.


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Here’s some advice Matthew… If you want to get to carry a firearm on campus; then fight for that. If you try to get someone to acknowledge that you have a 2<sup>nd</sup> amendment right to do so; you have lost before you ever get started and you will never get to carry on campus.

Wow, the most cogent well-worded concise thing I've seen here for a while. Absolutely correct.

And while we're on the subject, maybe a push to, once again, get liberalized carry in this state.

Look, Tennesseans are no dumber or more violence prone than people in Kentucky or Virginia, right? Those states allow carry in establishments selling liquor and havent had any problems. So why shouldn't we?

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