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90 day countdown

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Careful with the comments expressing impatience at being able to legally carry, and the hoping that you can carry on Halloween. Sure enough Mr. Murphy might come out that night. If you for some reason do need to deploy and use the weapon an investigator for the DA will find you here on this site, read your posts and surmise you could not wait to go out and shoot someone.

I know it is tinfoil hattish and all but just the same.....

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Guest canynracer

well it wont happen anyway, i got that letter, so I am waiting for CA court to send me the docs (they mailed today) so I can fedex them to Nashville...either way, I just hope I get it at this point..:rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bluecanary25

Take slow deep breathes.

Close your eyes. Exhale and start your mantra.

Begin in the throat and shift down to your lungs.

Relax your body, slowly, in small increments.

Continue deep breathing and your mantra.

Relax more muscles..........

Now when Murphy sticks it to ya, it won't hurt so bad!!! :eek:

Cry babies!!! :mad:

I forgot how long it took for my permit to show up.

They had a backlog of permits to process 10 yrs ago.......

I'm thinking it about took the full 90 days.....memory is going fast.....:eek:

Tonite is Halloween, so moan all ya want :D, just remember to pass out cigars when your new baby arrives :mad:

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So I turned all my stuff in and got fingerprinted 11 days ago. I really hope this doesn't take forever. At least most people seem to get theirs in a month.

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I got my HCP today. It took a little over 100 days. At the 6 week mark I called to check on the status and all they would tell me is that it was being processed. Called on the 90th day and they said we have 90 business days, I told them that was BS. Come to find out the people who did my prints never keyed it in on the computer. Oh well I have it now better late than never.

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Guest canynracer
Give it ten days Canyn, I bet your HCP comes within two weeks.

They received the paperwork they requested on Friday 11/2 at 9am...hopefully I get it sometime next week...

still overall, at least they got me some response within the first 30 days!! which means, If all went well, I would have had it by now :eek:

oh well...the wait continues :D

its funny though...I am not as anxious as before :doh:

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Guest canynracer
I got my HCP today. It took a little over 100 days. At the 6 week mark I called to check on the status and all they would tell me is that it was being processed. Called on the 90th day and they said we have 90 business days, I told them that was BS. Come to find out the people who did my prints never keyed it in on the computer. Oh well I have it now better late than never.


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The way I am going about it is I forgot when I got the mug shot. I can't remember how long ago it was 1 week or ten??? So now when it comes it will be a surprise. I hope..

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