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HOA tells Medal of Honor winner - no flag


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Links below. Summary: Virginia home owners association tells a 90 year old WWII Medal of Honor winner (citation available at first link) he can't have a flagpole in his yard. Note - this isn't a rule of the HOA, they just don't like

"the way it looks".

This guy took on three Tiger tanks with a bazooka. I wonder what would be appropriate for an HOA?

A High Water Mark in the Annals of Clueless Homeowner’s Associations Whatever

Henrico Medal of Honor winner, 90, ordered to remove flagpole | Richmond Times-Dispatch

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This is partically what is wrong with America today. The HOA, much like the rest of society, probably doen't even know which end of the tube the round comes out of, much less realize the sacrifice that these vets and all vets have laid out for our country and why. I hope he leaves it up and roots around in his closet for his garand and helmet.


Get off my lawn, HOA punks!!!!

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He is breaking the rules, that is a fact. It is in the rules that you can have a flag attached to the house, not a pole. HOWEVER, there are exceptions made to rules all the time, sometimes for the wrong reasons, sometimes for the right reason. The right thing to do in this situation, is to let this hero have his pole, fly his flag, and leave him in peace. Hell, for what he has done, the HOA should throw him a F'n parade every year for protecting their rights to be douchbags.

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Guest Drewsett
He is breaking the rules, that is a fact. It is in the rules that you can have a flag attached to the house, not a pole. HOWEVER, there are exceptions made to rules all the time, sometimes for the wrong reasons, sometimes for the right reason. The right thing to do in this situation, is to let this hero have his pole, fly his flag, and leave him in peace. Hell, for what he has done, the HOA should throw him a F'n parade every year for protecting their rights to be douchbags.

Actually, reading the whole article, it says that there is no provision that restricts or bans flagpoles. The HOA board just decided they didn't like it because it wasn't "aesthetically pleasing"

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He is breaking the rules, that is a fact. It is in the rules that you can have a flag attached to the house, not a pole. HOWEVER, there are exceptions made to rules all the time, sometimes for the wrong reasons, sometimes for the right reason. The right thing to do in this situation, is to let this hero have his pole, fly his flag, and leave him in peace. Hell, for what he has done, the HOA should throw him a F'n parade every year for protecting their rights to be douchbags.

Amen to that!

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Guest jackdm3
Gee, I hope a bunch of vets with nothing better to do this weekend don't decide to drive up to Richmond for the flag ceremony. :D

I wish I were a vet and close to town. It's gonna be a COLORFUL parade. See if THAT blends into the scenery.

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Actually, reading the whole article, it says that there is no provision that restricts or bans flagpoles. The HOA board just decided they didn't like it because it wasn't "aesthetically pleasing"

That makes the HOA monumental douchbags spewing out all sorts of douchbagerness then...:D

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Dammit, I'm ashamed to admit that I don't have an American flag flying in front of my house. That will be corrected before the weekend is out though. This guy is a Congressional Medal Of Honor winner? If I was in that neighborhood I would tell the HOA what a bunch of asshats they are and I would help him build a human shield in front of the flagpole or whatever it took to keep it up.

EDIT: Had to add this from foxnews.com:

"Barfoot is one of the country's last living World War II veterans who received the Medal of Honor. He also served in the Korean War and the Vietnam War and earned a Purple Heart. In WWII, Barfoot showed his mettle in Carano, Italy, where he single-handedly destroyed a set of German machine gun nests, killed eight enemy soldiers, took 17 prisoners and stared down a tank before destroying it and killing its crew — all in a single day. Exhausted by his herculean efforts, he still managed to move two of his wounded men 1,700 yards to safety."

Holy crap, what a stud! That guy did more before 9AM than most of us do in a lifetime!

CMOHS.org - Second Lieutenant BARFOOT, VAN T., U.S. Army

Edited by LagerHead
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Time for that community to vote out those nine (regardless of if/when they change their minds) get a new nine, then change the rules making it mandatory that every house flys an American Flag or is fined for every day it is not flown.

Scratch that... just run those nine out of that community. Yeah... I like that better.

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Guest jackdm3
Dammit, I'm ashamed to admit that I don't have an American flag flying in front of my house. That will be corrected before the weekend is out though. This guy is a Congressional Medal Of Honor winner? If I was in that neighborhood I would tell the HOA what a bunch of asshats they are and I would help him build a human shield in front of the flagpole or whatever it took to keep it up.

EDIT: Had to add this from foxnews.com:

"Barfoot is one of the country's last living World War II veterans who received the Medal of Honor. He also served in the Korean War and the Vietnam War and earned a Purple Heart. In WWII, Barfoot showed his mettle in Carano, Italy, where he single-handedly destroyed a set of German machine gun nests, killed eight enemy soldiers, took 17 prisoners and stared down a tank before destroying it and killing its crew — all in a single day. Exhausted by his herculean efforts, he still managed to move two of his wounded men 1,700 yards to safety."

Holy crap, what a stud! That guy did more before 9AM than most of us do in a lifetime!

CMOHS.org - Second Lieutenant BARFOOT, VAN T., U.S. Army

Absolutely humiliating, isn't it?

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Guest Gun Geek

As they say douchebaggerness is at a whole new level. Lets just take everything America away from Americans. God, guns, patriotism. I agree I think a good parade is in order. Does anyone have a cannon we can roll down the street shooting confetti?

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Guest Ghostrider

I hate to say it gentlemen, but this is just the surface rust. It gets a lot worse the more you dig around in info like this.

Keep your powder dry - it's going to be a spell before we can rest again.

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