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TGO Meet 2008?

Guest Verbal Kint

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Guest Verbal Kint

We need to reserve these "firearm specialists" for the 2008 TGO season. :lol:

Nice little video of chicks and firearms... ripped from GirlsandGuns.Com apparently. They can't aim worth a ****, in general, but who cares when it's a video of bikini clad women shooting automatic weapons with a few explosions mixed in. :D

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Edit: If it's a repost, it's worth it... so shut your holes!

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Guest Verbal Kint

FWIW... I found the above video while googling "warning+firearms+sign". lol. Not sure how it tied in, but found it entertaining none the less.

Looking for a warning sign, for my house, to alleviate legal issues if/when someone were to break into my residence and I was forced to put a few holes into them.

Haven't found one yet... but came across a few possibilities... lol



Too bad the last one has a Glock in it. :lol:

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Guest Verbal Kint
Probably your best legal situation is to have no signs. If you have one, the plaintiff (or prosecutor) will likely say you have a shoot first mentality.

I argued that as well... but someone was showing me, in print, that there's a legal issue raised if you don't have a warning in place. Not sure if it was an article or in a local law here... but I'll try to find it. It was along the same lines as the "Beware of Dog" signs and all the other warning signs out there. Liability issue.

I'm of the same frame as mind as you though... as in my carry preference... someone isn't going to know, unless they push the line and leave me no choice.

EDIT: I'm also not looking for the bravado signs stating the popular "**** with me, and I'll fill you full of lead" but rather a subdued warning along the lines of "Warning: Firearms are present on premises" type of a thing. Like I said, I'll have to track down the actual paper that my friend was showing me and see if it was a law or just some article someone wrote up. Just happened to have some down time so I googled the signs to see what was out there.

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Guest Verbal Kint
Where you at Phantom6. Can you fix that for the non-tupperware sales specialist?

Well... honestly... to accurately warn visitors to my house, it would have to look like this:


And I think it loses it's effectiveness at that point. :lol:

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Guest CrazyLincoln

Someone must have LE connections or something. Did you see the stuff they were shooting? Too bad only like 2 of the girls actually new how to shoot....

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Mar's took me a second to see that, lol. I was admiring how you have creek rock in the bird bath.

The rock holds down the heater in the bird bath. That's what that big wire wrapped cord is for.

And yes bteague2, I like Claymores a lot better than gnomes. Gnomes just don't go boom worth a damn. :lol:

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The rock holds down the heater in the bird bath.

I can't believe we do not have a heater in one of ours. Usually the wife is all over that kind of stuff. All you need now is some sort of pump for it and it would be a bird jacuzzi.

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The rock holds down the heater in the bird bath. That's what that big wire wrapped cord is for.

And yes bteague2, I like Claymores a lot better than gnomes. Gnomes just don't go boom worth a damn. :)

Unless they are on the receiving end of said claymore!

The heater has a thermostat that turns on the juice when the temp drops to 40 degrees. That way the birds don't have to ice skate.

The M18 works in any temperature.

I've seen a duck hit the ice at 35mph, that is quite the site!

Or turn it up, and you'd have a stew...

Squirrel is better:D

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