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Book of Eli - Reviews anyone?


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My sons (17 & 20) and I went to see The Book of Eli the other night. We all thought it was excellent. I would recommend it.

Haven't seen the Road. It has gotten some really poor reviews from ordinary people.


spoiler alert

don't read any more

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What was excellent about it? I saw it and can't remember anything really good about it. Action scenes were so so. Plot is old and tired. Can't figure out if they were pro or anti religon. 70's show chick is not a leading lady.

I'm not a movie critic so tell me what I missed. Seen two movies in the last 6 months, Avatar and this one, both within a week, and Avatar minus its underlying theme kicks this one by about 87 points out of 100.

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I thought it was an excellent study of a Christian man traveling on a mission through unbelievable destruction making it the best way he can. This is not a religious movie but the hero is a christian man, at least the best he can be and still survive.

The story is simple. A lone good guy takes on evil. Denzel Washington is larger than life, but pulls it off. I agree about Mila what's her name. Not the best choice. Also enjoyed the interpretation of the ruined world. Very bleak and dark.

I guess it wasn't Mad Max, but I was glad about that.


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Guest jackdm3

See it once, you may decide to see it again when you discover the big plot twist. Kinda like "Usual Suspects" but backwards. Guys, tell me if I've said too much.

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Guest jackdm3

Great! Tell him not to even go to the movies that day. Sheesh!

Moderators: You should send him away on vacation just for being a total Azzwipe!

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What was excellent about it? I saw it and can't remember anything really good about it. Action scenes were so so. Plot is old and tired. Can't figure out if they were pro or anti religon. 70's show chick is not a leading lady.


Worth a rent, but not much more.

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