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Help me with a tattoo...

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Guest Daelith
I've read some of her work, but I'm not really a fan. I prefer a little less science fiction where dragons are concerned.


So you prefer more of the actual fantasy. I've got some books in my massive TBR pile that look to be more along that line. I'll let you know if they're worth while or not.

And I guess if I keep this up, might be a good idea to start a new thread.

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Guest Jamie
So you prefer more of the actual fantasy. I've got some books in my massive TBR pile that look to be more along that line. I'll let you know if they're worth while or not.

I don't have a problem with them being an actual living animal, it's just that I prefer them to be an Earthly animal, and not some odd form of life on some other planet, if that makes sense.

Almost every culture has a dragon legend or myth of some sort, and it's always more interesting to me to pursue those, rather than going off gallivanting across the galaxy only to find what we have right here in our own back yard, so to speak.

I do like science fiction... and the fantasy stuff as well... I'm just not really of a mind to mix the two up, even if they are closely related.

And I guess if I keep this up, might be a good idea to start a new thread.

Yup, might be a good idea... :rolleyes:


Edited by Jamie
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+1 on the whole "don't get a tattoo while drunk" thing. When I was on the fire department and was fresh outta EMT school, I had a bit too much to drink one night and visited a tattoo parlor. I had wanted a tattoo on my left arm for quite some time and had the design all planned out. It was a neat looking star of life in the center with a sinus rythm (the "heartbeat" you see on the heart monitor) that would run all the way around my upper arm. I got the tattoo and it looks good except for one detail. I was a bit too lit to notice that the sinus rythm was upside down. Most folks would never notice, but it looks kinda stupid to anyone with a working knowledge of EKGs. :-\

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Dont worry about the thread drift guys...I love tattoos...i've just never taken the "plunge" ...but i will....fairly soon i think.

I am really into this one design....its a skull with the snake coiled through....i am trying to think of a way to put a pistol in the mix....

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I have three. Make sure you have what you want the first time. The laser removal that has screwed one of mine up worse than what it was ,scared me up bad and was mega painfull. Needless to say I'm looking for a good cover up artist.

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Depending on how you count it, I have 9 or 3. Got 2 on my right calf and 7 split between my arms that will eventually be a set of full sleeves with a connecting chest piece. I would have more but my gun addiction ate my tattoo money. One more gun and I will go back to getting ink for a while. All my hobbies are expensive, lol.

To the OP, just be sure you are really set on the design and the artist before you are inked. As others have shown with their stories, trying to fix or remove a tattoo is expensive, painful and rarely effective. Also, once it is done proper aftercare is EXTREMELY important. Poor aftercare can ruin your investment. Don't let it dry out, don't use too much lotion (its got to breathe) and for the love of God, don't use neosporin or any other antibiotic ointment.

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Guest Boogieman


And if you can't figure out why I have a fondness... and I'm told a resemblance... for/to dragons, you probably haven't read many of my posts. :shrug:




Seems I am not the only one here with a fondness for swords and dragons in ink. Pay no attention to the paint can and extension cord in the backround, hehe. Left and right calves repectively. Got both to piss off the ex (it worked, hence the ex). No, the black spots are not part of the tatoos. I censored them cause I dont want a vacation for posting nudie photos.......:D

OP. The soundest advice I have is pick your art and artist very carefully. I have many tatoos that I wish I had never gotten (ameteur hour with a tatoo gun) and it will end up costing me dearly to get them removed or covered up.

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Guest TargetShooter84
Whatever you do, don't get barbed wire, tribal designs, or a cartoon character.

May I inquire why you are against the idea of barbed wire?

Snake wrapped around a 1911 Govt model.

I like that idea...

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and for the love of God, don't use neosporin or any other antibiotic ointment.

what is wrong with neosporin, I have heard people mention using it. I used a product called Tattoo Goo, oddly enough I got it at the tattoo shop. I still ended up scratching the elephant skin and pulled a small piece off.

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Guest Jamie
what is wrong with neosporin,

Neosporin will pull the ink back out of the tat.

At least that's the claim. Wasn't willing to risk it, so never tried it to see if it's true or not.


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Guest Boogieman

There are a bunch of myths out there concerning what to use on tats. I've used anything from triple antibiotic ointment to the tattoo goo from the shop and not a one has faded or discolored. Best advice is to just use what the artist tells you to use.

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Guest Jamie
There are a bunch of myths out there concerning what to use on tats. I've used anything from triple antibiotic ointment to the tattoo goo from the shop and not a one has faded or discolored. Best advice is to just use what the artist tells you to use.

Like I said, I don't know if the thing about Neosporin is true or not, and I wasn't about to test it. Especially since I was told the same thing by 3 different artists, and know several people who were also told that by their artist. :D

Seems to me that if it is true though, that it should be a cheap and easy way of getting rid of a tat; just have somebody go back over the old tat with a dry needle, slather it in Neosporin, keep it covered, and a week or so later, no tat.

Nothing is ever that simple or easy though...


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