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Guest Boogieman
Or made his changes and forgot to hit the old "submit" button. I almost did that a few weeks ago. Lucky I looked at the matchup and saw I had guys with BYE weeks still in the line up.

I did that and it cost me an undefeated record...... Making sure that everything is set and submitted beforehand from now on, lol.

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Guest Sgt. Joe
WOW Vick went OFF 49 points!!!!

SteelCurtain went OFF 158 Points!!!

The Boogieman went OFF 146 Points!!!

4 other teams went over 100 Points!!!!

Wild week and MORE to come!!!!!

Yea no doubt about Vick, it just stinks that Missing Targets had him on the bench as he alone would have made up Sunday's difference and I would have lost. I need some wins but sure dont like getting them that way.

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Week 11 is basically over for us. baring a MAJOR 2nd half form Jabar Gaffney.

Looks Boogieman and I have the TGO East locked with only 3 games left.

Now to get you guys in the TGO West to decide who is the top 2. With 3 games left it can be any one of the 6 teams.

Id like to know who I play in the Playoffs but I guess Ill have to wait until week 14 and see.

Congrats to Boogieman!!!


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Guest Sgt. Joe

If I had not lost my first three games by 3 then 1 and then 2 points by leaving the winning points on the bench:shake: it would have made all the difference in the world.

But then again if I had been born a girl instead of a guy that would have changed things a bit too.....


Good luck to whomever wins this thing, I seriously doubt I will be making any miraculous comeback and am not even sure with tie breakers it would even be possible.

Now if I can only find a way to catch the pickem leaders before it is all over;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

TGO West!!

The Cheese Heads have locked up the first Playoff spot with one game to go. Congrats!

The 2nd playoff spot is up for grabs tween 4 teams.

If Rightwingers wins it will be his.

With a RW loss there will be a 3 way tie for the 2nd spot. If the others win it will go to the tie breaker. If this happens looks like Steelcurtain will have the tie.

As for me I look forward to a loss this last week as I play The Boogieman!

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Well the rankings do not show this weeks wins and losses yet.

Rw will be 7-6

Str8 will be 6-7

Steel will be 6-7

Mag will be 6-7

So this next game will show if RW wins he has 2nd spot if not it will be a tie with 3 teams for the 2nd spot.

And based on how the tie works it looks like you will win the tie as long as you win this next week and a RW loss.

After looking at it RW should be in win or lose.
Edited by JeffsSig
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With the coaching decisions and injuries of my team, the Titans could beat me right now. I made a huge switch at QB and it cost me big time. San Diego tanks, there goes Tolbert, Nicks is injured and the Giants are turning into a run team since Eli can't throw up right now....Austin Collie, my go to receiver has been hearing voices in his head for three weeks and Hines Ward was apparently hiding behind Big Ben's broken nose last night. The only thing still working is Turner and he's nothing to write home about.

pitt2, you are pretty much a lock to get in now as I have to play the Cheeseheads next week and it's to early for the top NFL teams to start resting their starters for the playoffs.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

That stupid coach of mine cost me the first three games by a total of about 7 points and left the winning points on the bench. What a Moron he is.

So are we going to keep the league for next year? And if so how many players can we keep.

Jeff asked and if anyone else was wondering, I was locked out of the site after getting new computer and could not get signed back in in time to get Portis and his IR butt back on the bench. I am able to get in now and will play until the end. If we do keep the league I will send that coach off for some schooling during the off season and may can do better next time around.

I also could not get back into the pickem site and still cant, and I was doing much better over there.....Oh well.....there is always next year.

It has been fun though, not as much fun as it could have been but fun none-the-less.

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I'd be in if we do it again. I always liked keeping two or three players and forfeiting those 1st and 2nd round picks if you keep anyone. Adds to the complexity of the league.

Also makes you think about keeping that injured superstar on your roster at the end of the year.

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If we do this again, Cheese Heads will be in too, but I'll do some things different even though things turned out okay.

For starters, I'll check in a few times after I sign up, in case we switch from auto to live draft, LOL. Also, I'll remember to set my lineup before I go on vacation, so I don't leave bye players in my lineup.

It may have helped in hindsight considering injuries and a lot of underachievers in the league.

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Id also be in for next year. But I think we need to drop to 10 teams. 12 teams is a bit much. Not enough quality players to go around when you have byes and injuries

And also change the trade deadline But we have a year to iron out things out.

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Id also be in for next year. But I think we need to drop to 10 teams. 12 teams is a bit much. Not enough quality players to go around when you have byes and injuries

And also change the trade deadline But we have a year to iron out things out.

Another thing that would help the most...trim the damn rosters!!

Having 6 active WR/RB and 6 bench players is what I didn't like. I think it puts WAY to much emphasis on the draft.

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Another thing that would help the most...trim the damn rosters!!

Having 6 active WR/RB and 6 bench players is what I didn't like. I think it puts WAY to much emphasis on the draft.

I completely agree, instead of dropping teams cut the number of bench spots. I have always liked a 10 team league but I dont think we should drop anyone now that we are already established.

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