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Well this Sucks!

Guest db99wj

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Guest db99wj

Wellllllll F$&@! My a/c unit at the house went out on the hottest day of the year(106 degrees). Fan works, but no compressor. No frozen lines. I give up! :D.

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Call an electrician service place and see if they can make a house call. I doubt you will see them tonight but I am guessing it might be hot again tomorrow. Probably is a simple fix. Well worth what it might cost. i wish I had better advice for you.

Besides that stuff, damn Al Gore. it is his fault.

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mine gave same symptoms back in early June. There are two capacitors mounted in the control panel.

One operates the condenser fan and the other starts the compressor.

A capacitor simply stores electricity, giving a boost when the thermostat or switch is activated..

My bet is the run/ start capacitor has failed, fairly common. Good news they are not expensive,

under $15. Can be changed if you have basic electric knowledge, care must be taken they can

knock you down.

Also be careful. have seen 2 instances where friend was told needed compressor, $700 plus repair. He

called me and I found capacitor was bad. He discretely marked the compressor and waited till A/C man

came back with compressor and supposedly made repair. Friend also set his camera on garage to view

the A/C unit. Cleaned old unit and even sprayed a little paint. The box the new unit was supposed to be in

had an old unit in it. The tape showed he never opened the box. Friend timed it so he got to the house

about an hour and a half after he got there, wife called. He just so happened to have brother in law in tow.

Brother in law, deputy sheriff. Repairman had gauges connected and claimed to be just finishing up.

Repairman then came to door for payment. Conversation ensued and repairman called Sheriff Dept.

It got real interesting when 2 deputies arrived and the 3 all had a conversation and got to see the tape.

Not sure exact charges, fraud etc. The repairman did have the capacitor in his possesion and it had been marked

as well. Morall of story, a company you check up on. Use one friends, neighbor, family that can vouch for.

I imagine this may happen often.

Hope your problem is as simple.


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Guest db99wj

AHS is American home shield, insurance for stuff that breaks like ac dishwasher etc.

My friend the A/C guy just left. Compressor is fried. Getting new one.:poop::censored::censored::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

My friend is a real good friend by the way, not just an acquaintance.

Edited by db99wj
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Guest strelcevina
AHS is American home shield, insurance for stuff that breaks like ac dishwasher etc.

My friend the A/C guy just left. Compressor is fried. Getting new one.:poop::censored::censored::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

a lot of time when gas pressure in the system is just below or little above normal limit, compressor will shot it self down to prevent damage.

adding freon or releasing little will help

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Guest 6.8 AR

At least you have a friend in the business.:poop: He will have it fixed tomorrow morning, won't he?

I did it myself and it took two days. Replaced the lines and compressor. First time brazing

and it wasn't a job I would do for a living.

I use to sell AHS policies when I sold houses. That was when that company was new, and

they paid all the claims I heard of. My brother bought a house through me and the AHS

replaced the outside unit without problem.

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Guest db99wj
At least you have a friend in the business.:poop: He will have it fixed tomorrow morning, won't he?

I did it myself and it took two days. Replaced the lines and compressor. First time brazing

and it wasn't a job I would do for a living.

I use to sell AHS policies when I sold houses. That was when that company was new, and

they paid all the claims I heard of. My brother bought a house through me and the AHS

replaced the outside unit without problem.

Wont' be fixed until Friday/Saturday. Depends. A/C guys are being hammered, it was 106 today, suppose to be 103 Wed, 101 Thursday. For the price, we will stay here or at her parents house. The price is, well, I am getting a deal. I sold him his house back in the late 90's and I also sold AHS warranties as well. We have been good friends ever since.

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I have done work for AHS and they will bubble gum patch a repair until the warranty is over.

I guess that I am the exception for the last 15 years. I have had A/C unit, garbage disposal, numerous smaller items and hot water heater replaced with no issues.

The only thing that I don't like is that the service fee has gone up from $15 to $50 since I have had the service. The warranty is renewable via mail, phone or online so I always have coverage. Oh yeah, I forgot about the garage door opener that they replaced. As I said before it comes in handy when cash is low. For me that is all of the time with twins in private school.

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I feel for you. Getting someone to fix it is not the problem. Getting them to have time to fix it during a heat wave is the problem. Those damned a/c units always go out on the hottest days of the year and it cost me big time because my wife makes me take them to a hotel til it's fixed. Mine would go out during the heatwave on thursday, friday or the weekend and naturally AHS could not have anyone out until monday. Good luck brother.

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My friend the A/C guy just left. Compressor is fried.
a lot of time when gas pressure in the system is just below or little above normal limit, compressor will shot it self down to prevent damage.

adding freon or releasing little will help

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with the A/C guy...

Glad you've got a friend in the business. I, too, have a friend in the business and he saved my rump a couple of years ago during the hottest days of the year.

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Guest db99wj

We made it last night, it was hot, the 2 yr old was not real happy about the noise of the fans, but once he got in our bed, he slept fine, me and the wife on the other hand... We had a fan/person ratio of 1 to 1, so it was ok., my oldest daughter spent the night out, she's smart I tell ya,.... the wife picked up a window unit and we will camp out in our den tonight, between that, and the fans per person, we will be ok. We will see tonight, if the kids spend the night out, or if they stay at home, if they stay at home, we will need a couple more fans, I think. A neighbor down the street has a couple more. All depends on who spends the night or not. One thing I've learned, you can't have too many fans!

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Makes ya wonder how they lived without AC back in the day

you youngsters crack me up. :up: I did not live in a house that had A/C until we moved to Florida in 95.

Yeah its hot but I can get by without A/C just fine. You learn to find shade from trees and stay in the basement with a oscillating fan or two.

back in the day, LMAO

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My wife and I were talking about "back in the day" just recently. So far this summer, there have been several people without A/C units (or without their units on) in Shelby County that have died "due to the heat" (as the media puts it). So, "back in the day", were folks just keeling over right and left?

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