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Wally walk

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Did my wally walk today. spent about 45 minutes there doing my shopping, perscriptions, and checking out . Was nervous the whole time. but had no problems. no one seemed to notice. i was carrying concealed. So next time i shouldn't be some nervous. Also went camping in the Obed wild and scenic river area. The Park Ranger came by the camp and talked for about 15 minutes. He was very nice and friendly. I was carrying open and he never mentioned it. I did ask later about loaded firearms in the camp because it was posted that way on the Bulletin board. He just said it was an old sign needed to be changed.

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Did you get all sweaty with eyes darting about seeing if you were made? How many times did you tug at your clothes or try to feel if your piece was still there and not sticking out. :P

Do folks ever get over this? I haven't yet.

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Yep did all those things. and heart racing. I know it will get easier tho. It is just sad that as a society we are taught that something as good as Bearing arms is a bad thing. It should be a natural act. If someone chooses to not carry that is fine, but don't panic when someone else carries

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Guest dthurston

Less than a month ago I made my first conceal carry at Wally world. Yep nervous... I believe that day I got the best customer service ever from there. LOL

Wife said nope you are not showing.... Hmmm must have been a training day..


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Congrats, it is like learning to walk again.

Lately I have been pocket carrying as I have not found the right setup yet. Every time we get in the car/truck my wife puts her had on my leg. I ask her if she is checking to see if I am carrying. She says no, I always do that, but funny she just started.

Yup, it gets easier and better. Now If you see me in Wal Mart I am carrying something.

I am still some what new myself

Just last week I did an Open Carry to Y12 FCU, no problems, no issues.

Edited by vontar
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Do folks ever get over this? I haven't yet.

Yup. Eventually it just becomes like anything else you toss on. I love this time of year though because a jacket or especially a hoodie is a great cover garment. I bought a zip-up hoodie for 10 bucks at Target the other day and it is now my favorite "big gun carry" cover garment.

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Guest uofmeet

Congrats. I pocket carry mostly....well until i start wearing jackets and get a holster that is worth a dam. Doesn't really bother me anymore. And I always chuckle to myself when I go to the mall and see the security officers and their lack of......

but yes, looking forward to jacket weather, and a good holster and start toting around my gun instead of me wife's

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Guest DMasterson

Once you get over the initial 'tug-tug-check' instinct, you can start on eliminating the more advanced give-aways.

My personal favorites are the 'stiff gun-side arm' and rotating the gun-side body away from people as they pass you.

Please let me know I'm not the only one...

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Congrats. I pocket carry mostly....well until i start wearing jackets and get a holster that is worth a dam. Doesn't really bother me anymore. And I always chuckle to myself when I go to the mall and see the security officers and their lack of......

but yes, looking forward to jacket weather, and a good holster and start toting around my gun instead of me wife's

I'm sure they appreciate you laughing at them. I used to work at Hickory Ridge Mall, not in security, but you'd be surprised how many of those guys aren't the Barney Fife's you'd expect them to be. I don't mean wannabes either. We had former Marines, off-duty cops,etc. The not being armed thing isn't what they'd prefer, but a job is a job and they also don't usually engage suspects to that point anyway.

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