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Guest Sgt. Joe
dooley won't be around that long....2 years tops.

I'll take that bet;)

He sure wont quit and I dont see any Super Coaches lining up to take the job. No one will come calling to lure him away until he has some success. And just who would that be that could beat an SEC head coaching job?


I'd say he finishes his contract and if he has any success at all he will get an extension.

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Who else would TN get to replace him? Dooley was their 6th choice. The problem with TN is they dont want to fork out the money that is required to get a great coach. If they did the same thing that happened to Alabama COULD happen at TN.

Another example why Hamilton needs to be fired.

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Dooley won't be instant success, he was not left a gift of an experienced team and great recruiting class. The team is one of, or the youngest teams I believe and he is completely rebuilding a program that was stagnant, then destroyed by the last two coaches. The potential is there, these just out of high school kids are playing against and hanging with the best players from the best conference in football through 2 to 3 quarters. True he is not a "big name" but he hasn't "kiffi'ned" us. Did anyone really expect great things this year? I didn't. Tack on some injuries from the stars and it's not going to be a great year, especially without depth. I actually like the potential I am seeing. Off season conditioning, experience, learning, and a better understanding of what the SEC is all about will do wonders. Maybe I'm an optimist and a bit naive, but I see good things for this program in the next few years.

Hamilton is weak.

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agreed. i am by no means a vols fan but i do like it when the conference as a whole is strong and therefore brings in even better talent and we need all the help we can get from all teams. i also like the class that dooley seems to have as well.

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Who else would TN get to replace him? Dooley was their 6th choice. The problem with TN is they dont want to fork out the money that is required to get a great coach. If they did the same thing that happened to Alabama COULD happen at TN.

Good point.

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Hamilton needs the boot...I believe from what I've already seen...Dooley's gonna be o.k. for Tennessee in a couple of years.

Remember...you can't be #1 all the time.

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Guest Sgt. Joe
Dooley won't be instant success, he was not left a gift of an experienced team and great recruiting class. The team is one of, or the youngest teams I believe and he is completely rebuilding a program that was stagnant, then destroyed by the last two coaches. The potential is there, these just out of high school kids are playing against and hanging with the best players from the best conference in football through 2 to 3 quarters. True he is not a "big name" but he hasn't "kiffi'ned" us. Did anyone really expect great things this year? I didn't. Tack on some injuries from the stars and it's not going to be a great year, especially without depth. I actually like the potential I am seeing. Off season conditioning, experience, learning, and a better understanding of what the SEC is all about will do wonders. Maybe I'm an optimist and a bit naive, but I see good things for this program in the next few years.

Hamilton is weak.

Good points and I agree with all.:)

agreed. i am by no means a vols fan but i do like it when the conference as a whole is strong and therefore brings in even better talent and we need all the help we can get from all teams. i also like the class that dooley seems to have as well.

Again I fully agree, everyone can not be a Gator fan, it takes a special kind of crazy;)

I hear Hamilton is trying to buyout Spurriers contract........ :stir:;)

I have always thought Steve would end up at TN. But right now SC is still in control of their own destiny in the East and have already knocked off Bama. It will be interesting at any rate. If Hamilton really is after Steve now he is a bigger fool than any of us thought. You have to give a new coach more than one year of a chance IMO.

Also I guess I missed any "German" comments but since they would not be related to Football I dont see how that will hurt Dooley. What will hurt is if there is NO improvement at all next year and I do really think that there will be.

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Guest mosinon

Ah, poor Phil. great coach but never got the credit he deserved. I remember people wondering when the Vols were going to get to "the next level" the year they won the national championship. If Phil were still here the Vols would likely win the east this year and then get rolled by Auburn.

You can see the gears turning in Hamilton's head at the time: Attendance is off, proplr sre tempted by the Titans, there just isn't any excitement around the program, Phil will never be as great as Urban Meyer or Saban or Spurrier, gotta pull the trigger.

Except Urban doesn't look so great right now. Saban is fallible and South Carolina is as good as it has ever been but beatable. Sorry Mike, you pulled the trigger to soon and now, if the Vols win 4 games you have to think it is a pretty good year. Hindsight is 20/20 and all but I think Mike thought he'd have people lined up for the UT job. They were lined up for it but they were all small time guys.

Dooley might get it done, he is in a hard spot, and I hope he does, but it is really hard to imagine how UT wouldn't have been better off staying the course. Telling Phil it was time and giving him another year and a lot of influence on the next hire might have made things a lot better.

But Hamilton gets the big bucks (not the really big bucks, coaches get that) to make the decisions. Most of his public decisions have been ham fisted and reactionary. Firing Rod Delmonico was a huge error, hiring Todd Raliegh was a bad move (trde a guy who has been to the CWS 3 times for Todd?). Bruce Pearl was a good move but that move was a little different. Bruce had actually been winning, a lot, and was on the radar of many folks. Mike, I think, was too eager to get the Mike Hamilton program thing going.

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Guest Sgt. Joe
Its not Urban, it's his offensive coordinator.

Yes but Urban is the BOSS and crap rolls downhill.

The fan base is getting mighty upset in G-ville. Urban needs to demote that dude and call the plays himself. 7 freaking points at home against MS State???? That alone is reason enough.

If it had been me calling the plays I would have beaten Bama in last years SEC Championship with just a few Tebow fakes.....every one of them would have worked and once they did it would have been a wide open game.

When you run a one player offense it is far too easy to stop that player, a few fakes and it would have created total turmoil for defenses to plan for.

The Vols are going to be in much better shape next year than will FL or SC for that matter.

This year is SC's best shot and it may could come down to them coming to the swamp to TAKE the east trophy. I still think Dooley will win and win sooner rather than later and will be at UT for a loooooong time to come.

The entire East is a mess this year, the best we could do is send a two loss team (SC) to the championship, if TN was to knock off SC the best would be sending a 3 loss team. Whomever that ends up being could very well knock off the West champ and thus we will have beaten ourselves out of a NC for the conference.

From what I see Auburn is the best in the conference this year with GA playing the best in the East right now.

While a lot of teams still control their own destiny I think GA has the hardest route. With FL, Auburn and Bama left.

But FL has GA and SC left.

And SC has FL and Arkansas left.

Like I said it is all a big mess....Pretty much what I expected with the exception of TN not being quite as good as I thought and FL stinking way more than I thought.

Bottom line...

By next year TN will be right there in the mix, both the coach and most of the players will have a season under their belts.

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Auburn was mentioned earlier, Auburn is crap except for their freak of a quarterback, Cam Newton. Crap that dude is something else. Fun to watch. Auburn's secondary is horrific. So far, they have been able to just score more than the points they give up, mainly due to the 1,000+ yards Cam Newton has run!

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