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Reliability, Round Counts, and Longevity in 1911s


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Thanks for linking to that Kano, that's a good read.

I myself have been guilty of being a bit of a 1911-hater in the past, but have changed my tune quite a bit regarding most hammer-fired/metal-guns in-general over the last 6 months or so. Set-up correctly they'll run just fine*.

I like Glocks and the like and will continue to, but it's articles like the one you shared and some others that have opened my mind up to really taking an honest look at examining if the performance I've seen is really a true representation of what a different platform's characteristic performance (and reliability) really is and what am I seeing that is really just the influence of the particular owner/user.

I guess in the past I had just noticed far too many high-dollar 1911's messing up and had formed my opinions about them without considering in who's hands I was seeing them perform in...

Many shooters out there are the type who've put a great deal more thought into picking out "purdy grips" and checking all the forums out there to be sure that their snazzy new gun has no MIM parts, instead of actually putting any time into really learning how to shoot or paying any real attention to how the gun is functioning (ejecting, feeding, cycling, etc) by spending more time cleaning it than using it, only shooting maybe 50 or so rounds once a month or whatever.

Since then I've seen first-hand that with a little effort and by tracking down the right knowhow 1911's and many others can run like champs.

Larry Vickers has a great quote: "If you are the kind of guy that doesn’t mind tinkering with your Harley Davidson motorcycle to keep it running then you are a candidate for a 1911. If however you treat your pistols like we all treat our lawnmowers then don’t get a 1911 – use a Glock."

Guess IMO I've learned that there's just some guys who can't handle lawnmowers, let alone a Hog...

(* the jury is still out on the 9mm 1911 though IMO as finding one that'll not get cranky is a mythical creature not unlike a Unicorn...)

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Good info. Maybe a bit more anal than I am, if it's possible.

Good comments CK1...yeah, the jury will always be out on 9mm 1911's and 3" .45's.

It does help to visit some of the 1911-centered forums. As with a lot of internet info you have to weed out the chaff. But there is good info out there. Patience, renting various models at ranges is even better. I just hate to hear of folks just jumping into their first 1911 purchase, by just going off a particular brand's "name" without having ever shot one or doing any kind of homework.

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I admit I've caught the 1911 bug. I don't believe it's the most reliabel handgun on the market by any means. I've shot a few and had ftf with each one. For some reason, I still want one. Been looking around and just can't seem to land one. Anyway, the article does make you look at things in a different light. For me, a high round count is 1500-2000 rounds, he talks about 10,000-20,000 rounds. If I've shot that many rounds through one handgun and it's starts to have problems I'll buy another one.

I think a big part of the 1911 craze is the ability to custimize almost every part of the gun. I think that's what draws me to one, the ability to buy parts and tinker.

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Two Colts and a Springfield. One of the Colts would fail on about the same round every time. I didn't own the pistols, I only got to shot them. One was owned by a good friend of mine. He bought it new and sold it soon after because of this problem.

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