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It pissed me off so I killed it

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As another on here I was supposed to be deer hunting. I saw one doe all day and watched her for a good 15 minutes. Was about 150 yards away or so. Didn't have a shot too many trees but she was cruising my way slowly. Then ear pop up tail straightens and gone over the hill just like that. I was like WTF. Then I see the little prick chasing the scent up the hill. Only deer I had seen all day and this little mf chases it off. Well he made the wrong decision and u turned back into a clearing at about 225 yards. Bad mistake. I kicked it in the head after for chasing off my deer.


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What area you hunting in?

This little guy was taken I Bean Station close to rogersville. I have killed 7 since October

and 18 this year. Would like to kill a damn deer though. Killed 12 deer last year and not one this year. Saw plenty of Doe on Buck only day. And let 3 walk opening day of rifle season looking for one specific buck. He is still around but haven't seen him since Nov scout.

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This little guy was taken I Bean Station close to rogersville. I have killed 7 since October

and 18 this year. Would like to kill a damn deer though. Killed 12 deer last year and not one this year. Saw plenty of Doe on Buck only day. And let 3 walk opening day of rifle season looking for one specific buck. He is still around but haven't seen him since Nov scout.

I used to live in Church Hill and have a few friends that live in this area. The 'yotes are everywhere in the hills around Moresburg. I recall being out and hearing them howl from the hillside behind a friend's place just after dark.

While I too would be happy for you to reduce the deer population a bit, I'm also very happy that you reduced the 'yote population. 225 yds is no slouch of a shot.

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