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The Merida Initiative: United States – Mexico – Central America Security Cooperation

Guest Boomhower

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Guest Boomhower

Was anybody else aware of this???? Today was the first that I have heard anything about this, and it is quite disturbing to me. My country wants to give Mexico $1.4 Billion over the course of a few years in order to secure Mexico's border with South America. What about OUR borders?

Source Reference #1

Source Reference #2

"In order to move forward on The Merida Initiative, the U.S. Government has requested its Congress approve $500 million for fiscal year 2008 to provide the additional funding necessary to reinforce the significant efforts that Mexico is currently undertaking with its own resources. This would be the first part of a multi-year funding request of $1.4 billion. In addition, the U.S. has requested an initial $50 million in fiscal year 2008 for Central American countries to bolster the efforts regionally. The Merida Initiative will allow our countries to better confront the common threat of drug trafficking and other transnational organized crime."

O, so it's for drug trafficking control. I tell ya what, how about we secure our borders and we won't have to worry about what drugs are in other counties since they can't enter ours.

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Guest supergus

Yeah I heard that too. Now our Government thinks that it's their job to secure Mexico's southern border AND help their economy????!!!!!! The Mexican Government can go s#!+ in a hat... I mean sombrero!!!!!

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The plan, already underway, is to combine Canada, USA and Mexico into an European Union type of deal with no boarders between these countries. Canada has no country to the north so the only boarder to protect is the one between Mexico and the other Central American countries. Why do you think it has taken so long to get a boarder between USA and Mexico anyway?

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Guest jackdog

You are correct Brainless Bush started this and they tried real hard to keep it under wraps.

McCain is no Accident, he will keep this going, he will sell us down the river. You may well want to investigate the backgrounds of some of his staff.

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You are correct Brainless Bush started this and they tried real hard to keep it under wraps.

McCain is no Accident, he will keep this going, he will sell us down the river. You may well want to investigate the backgrounds of some of his staff.

Bush didn't start this. It has been in the background for a while now.

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Actually, improving the Mexican economy is probably the best thing we can do to reduce illegal immigration. If there is no economic motive to cross the border, then why go? Already we are seeing reductions in illegal immigration partly due to increased enforcement, but partly due to a Mexican economy that has been on a roll lately. I'm not saying it is our job to stimulate the Mexican economy, but I am saying that if it were to improve, illegal immigration would drop. Many mass migrations in history can be tied to economic factors. Here is another one.

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And if Africa wasn't so polluted with aids, famine, genocide, and everything else they got, billions of our dollars would stay here to fix all our other issues. We aren't Mexico, or Africa, or any other nation. We can't and shouldn't fix other nations that we can't.

I'm no isolationist, but Mexico is the way it is for a reason and I don't think our money is going to fix them.

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Guest jackdog

Nsnate you sound like Ron Paul, Which is a good thing I agree with you.:D Len The way to stop illegal immigration is to nail all the employers that hire them , such as Swift, Tyson, Pilgrims pride and so on. :mad:We need no nonsense laws that, not only heavily fine these guys but puts their corporate executives behind bars in real jails not country clubs. Nafta did not work if you recall. Another thing we need to do is pull federal dollars from states and cities that have become Sanctuary cities for illegals. (why does Chicago come to mind)

I have nothing against anyone who comes here legally, but those that jump the border are still criminals no matter what their motivation.

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Actually, improving the Mexican economy is probably the best thing we can do to reduce illegal immigration. If there is no economic motive to cross the border, then why go? Already we are seeing reductions in illegal immigration partly due to increased enforcement, but partly due to a Mexican economy that has been on a roll lately. I'm not saying it is our job to stimulate the Mexican economy, but I am saying that if it were to improve, illegal immigration would drop. Many mass migrations in history can be tied to economic factors. Here is another one.

so another country has a crappy economy and allasudden we're supposed to give up our sovereignty?

when you say its not our job to stimulate the Mexican economy....

actually, you are intimating that should we decide to do just what you suggest, then illegal immigration would decline.

as for the migrations, normally those migrants would be willing to throw off the old country and join the new one...it hasn't happened in THIS migration. They walk through our streets waving Mexican flags. they don't care to learn English. they have no respect for our way life or our laws. we are simply someone they can use as a vehicle for their own wealth.

A migration entails actually MOVING and making a new home in a different place. these people are parasites that keep a corrupt and bankrupt government and country afloat...they simply live here in groups and send all their money back to Mexico.

were they to stay here and seek citizenship, I would feel differently. do they? no. they flout our laws, steal our identities so that they can work, or simply hide so that they can work. When confronted, they run to escape or they simply wait for deportation so that they can violate our borders again.

How about we secure our borders, send them home and work on our own country?

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So if it was not bush the idiot which idiot was it that started this.

That would have been Ronald Reagan, who proposed a North American initiative before his election. The idea has been floating around since the 19th century though.

NAFTA has worked extremely well. Free trade always does. Protectionism does not.

I agree with Len that helping Mexico's economy will also reduce illegals here. Of course I'm on the side that says people have a basic freedom to pursue their own economic interests, regardless of borders.

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Guest Boomhower
I agree with Len that helping Mexico's economy will also reduce illegals here.

And we aren't helping them enough already? How else do you guys purpose we help them? Government aid, walfare, health care? Or should we just continue to let them come on in to the USA, work the low end jobs that so many supposed people won't work, and then send most of that income back to Mexico. Maybe we should add them into this stimulas package that a select income bracket will be getting.

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Yeah, Reagan got this going. This is supposedly an anti-drug thing primarily. I think we have pissed away enough money trying to fight drugs. I'd rather have another hamburger each year than waste that money on another failed attempt to stop drugs. All we do is make the drug lords richer. I think we should declare victory in the drug war, let everyone have whatever they want, and watch the price (and profit) of the drugs fall to zippo.

Much of the other stuff in this topic is bordering on tinfoil hat stuff. :D

Don't know how I missed it up to now.

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I don't recall suggesting we give up our sovereignty or that I in any way support illegal immigration. All I said was that mass migrations are often economically-based and this one is no different. Improving the Mexican economy would without a doubt reduce illegal immigration. That's all I said and I stand by it.

As for the supposed lack of assimilation of Mexican immigrants in comparison to past waves of migration to this country, I just don't see it. First, many previous mass migrations to the US were by groups who held on to their cultural identity after they arrived here. Go to any big city in the northeast or west coast, and you will still see vestiges of this. New York City in the early 20th century was essentially one big city full of little ones (China Town, Little Italy, etc...)

Second, I see little/no evidence that the current generation of mass migrants is any less willing to assimilate than previous generations. Need proof? Look at the public schools. The kids of these illegals are in school, learning English. Look at my college's BOOMING English as a second language program. In a generation or two, all these people will be as American as you or I. I see no difference in assimilation rates or desires. Those guys flying their Mexican flags on Cinco de Mayo or Dia de los Muertes is no different from my ancestors flying the Italian flag from their window during the block party celebrating whatever Catholic holiday happens to be upon them. Those same people wore the US flag on their shoulder during WWII & Korea.

Finally, I really can't fault people for moving for their economic self-interest. Rabbi is right -it happens and it should be allowed. We do it all the time in this country. Ask anyone why they moved from wherever in the US to here -"its the economy!" Sure, have the laws (in fact, TN has a law that prohibits businesses from hiring illegals and fines them if they do), secure the borders, but don't forget that this mass immigration is little different than others in our past, and if the results are similar, we'll be better off in the long run.

so another country has a crappy economy and allasudden we're supposed to give up our sovereignty?

when you say its not our job to stimulate the Mexican economy....

actually, you are intimating that should we decide to do just what you suggest, then illegal immigration would decline.

as for the migrations, normally those migrants would be willing to throw off the old country and join the new one...it hasn't happened in THIS migration. They walk through our streets waving Mexican flags. they don't care to learn English. they have no respect for our way life or our laws. we are simply someone they can use as a vehicle for their own wealth.

A migration entails actually MOVING and making a new home in a different place. these people are parasites that keep a corrupt and bankrupt government and country afloat...they simply live here in groups and send all their money back to Mexico.

were they to stay here and seek citizenship, I would feel differently. do they? no. they flout our laws, steal our identities so that they can work, or simply hide so that they can work. When confronted, they run to escape or they simply wait for deportation so that they can violate our borders again.

How about we secure our borders, send them home and work on our own country?

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