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Introduction of the new Ruger LCP .380

Guest jackdog

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Here. That's how Boomhower holds the gun:


That's just funny!

These guns are so light weight that if you don't keep your wrist pretty firm, they can jam. It keeps the slide from being able to fully retract or go into battery completely.

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Guest drc767

I am new to this forum, but figured I would jump in on this discussion about the comparison between the 3AT and the LCP. I have both, and I do not believe it is six in one, half dozen the other. The Ruger is a much more refined pistol than the 3AT. I have a first Generation KT and I understand they made some improvements to the Gen 2 3AT, but my experience with my 3AT has not been a good one. I have done the famous fluff and buff, and it has made two trips back to KT. It has gotten better, but I still experience FTF issues with it too often to consider it reliable. The LCP has not had one issue since I have purchased it. It has fed and fired everything I have thrown at it. It really is a much more refined pistol than the 3AT. Time will tell how it holds up, but as of now, I could not be happier with this pistol. It has already given me the confidence to feel I can rely on it as a BUG. Now if Ruger would just ship these things with more than one magazine I would have nothing negative to say about it. They are going to give Kel-Tec hell with the introduction of the LCP.

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Guest Boomhower
I am new to this forum, but figured I would jump in on this discussion about the comparison between the 3AT and the LCP. I have both, and I do not believe it is six in one, half dozen the other. The Ruger is a much more refined pistol than the 3AT.

And I quote....

My personal opinion.......If I could have the P3AT trigger on the LCP, to me I would have the best of both pistols.
I have a first Generation KT and I understand they made some improvements to the Gen 2 3AT, but my experience with my 3AT has not been a good one. I have done the famous fluff and buff, and it has made two trips back to KT. It has gotten better, but I still experience FTF issues with it too often to consider it reliable. The LCP has not had one issue since I have purchased it. It has fed and fired everything I have thrown at it. It really is a much more refined pistol than the 3AT. Time will tell how it holds up, but as of now, I could not be happier with this pistol. It has already given me the confidence to feel I can rely on it as a BUG. Now if Ruger would just ship these things with more than one magazine I would have nothing negative to say about it. They are going to give Kel-Tec hell with the introduction of the LCP.

I guess I am one of the lucky one's. I have never had an issue with my P3AT (other than limp wristing causing FTE's). So unless I can con a gun shop into letting me have one at no charge, I will never have a reason to buy the LCP.

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Here is a question for those who have both or have held both etc, I have the P3AT and the plastic has little rough edges, it is not an attractive gun to say the least but I got it to have for a smaller carry and backup, the picture of the LCP looks like it is smoother like it has no rough edges, is this true?

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Guest drc767
So, gents and ladies, what are we thinking about this new gun ?

As for me, it looks like an LCP may be sending my Kel-Tec out to pasture.

I think it looks nicer than the KT, and hopefully, will possess that "legendary" Ruger reliability.:D

I think it is very interesting that there are so many people bad mouthing the LCP even though they have not even seen, handled or fired it. Like I said in an earlier post, I have both and there is no comparison in function.....The Ruger is much nicer, better finished and has fired everything I have thrown at it.....not so for my 3AT. I paid $289, so the price is not that out of line from the KT. It is a no brainer for me.

Edited by drc767
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Guest Boomhower
I think it is very interesting that there are so many people bad mouthing the LCP even though they have not even seen, handled or fired it.

I think the only people you will find bad mouthing the LCP are the hardcore KT guys. Just like the glock guys and the 1911 guys and the....well, you get the picture.

Each gun serves it purpose to each person. I have handled and fired both (side by side) and have listed my comments above, which I still stand by. My father (the owner of the LCP) agrees with all of my comments having never owned either gun previously, and having never shot either gun previously. That's about as close to an un-biased opinion as you can get, if you ask me......I'm just anxious to see how the LCP holds up over time.

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I think it is very interesting that there are so many people bad mouthing the LCP even though they have not even seen, handled or fired it. Like I said in an earlier post, I have both and there is no comparison in function.....The Ruger is much nicer, better finished and has fired everything I have thrown at it.....not so for my 3AT. I paid $289, so the price is not that out of line from the KT. It is a no brainer for me.

i agree... I have almost 600 rounds thru mine now. No problem at all. The more I shoot it the better it seems to work, im really impressed. I cant say the keltec can do that, EVERY 3AT I have heard about so far has yet to go thru a "first" 500 rounds and not have a problem.

Heres the skinny, Keltec has played games with the industry now for a few years. They have shipped just enough guns to keep the demand up, and the quality hasnt improved. They play favorites and send their own "outlet store" in Florida first dibs on everything.... screwing the rest of the industry. SO it coming down kinda like the SeeCamp issue did years ago.

Well what has happened is Ruger has came into the picture with a superior gun, and is shipping them faster then Keltec...so IMHO Keltec made their bed, let them lay in it. If they keep practicing the same business principals Ruger will put them out of business in just a few years. The 3at is KT bread and butter, they lose that market and they are done. This actually should be great news for consumers, the prices should stay low on both these pistols and both company's will be flooding the market.

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Guest Boomhower

You guys are trying your best to talk me into getting an LCP, aren't you... :lol:

The 3at is KT bread and butter, they lose that market and they are done. This actually should be great news for consumers, the prices should stay low on both these pistols and both company's will be flooding the market.

I have to say that I agree with both points here. It seems that everybody I talk to about pocket rockets are wanting the P3AT but can't get their hands on one. When I came into the market for one, I guess that I was lucky to get ahold of Joe just before he was to be getting a shipment, and he held onto one for me until I could make the drive over....You would think that KT would be trying to keep up with the demand of the market on these little guns. Reckon, they'll step it up manufacturing just a notch now?

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