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I thought I'd post this here, as I have a feeling most of yall will appreciate this kind of thing. I've known for a long time that was descended from Confederate veterans. Well my mom went over to the library in Williamson county today and found out some specifics. We're descended from Alexander Randolph Winn. He was a professor who served in the 20th Tennessee infantry regiment B company. He survived the battles of Chickamauga and Shiloh and was killed in the Battle of Peachtree against Sherman's forces in 1864. He was originally the orderly sargent for his company, but was elected to adjutant in 1861 and made quartermaster later that same year.

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On my Dad's side.

I don't have much to back this up. However of of my ancestors born around 1832, who's first wife died. He fought for the Union and after the war married a daughter of a man won fought for the Confederate. Then they had I believe 3 children. I would have to pull out the family tree to be exact on the facts.

Until I got an Ancestry.com account he was the farthest back the family near back and that was because the oldest relative in the family at the time grew up hearing about him. However no one had any records before him in the family. With Ancestry.com I got back to 1760 and found my found my family in NC. So from 1760 to 2010 we only went from NC to East TN.

On Mom's side and no I don't I put much stock in this as there is no way to back it up, but her side once claimed to some how be distance related to Robert E. Lee. Mom does not even thing this hold any water, she thing it is some where back someone's maiden name was also Lee. However that is common. However I tried to back that up on Ancestry.com but found no connection. I figure there are enough people that have researched his family that if there was any link it would have came up.

I both mom and Dad's side of the family fought in both WWI and WWII.

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Guest bkelm18

My Great Great (Great?) Grandfather was a Major in the Union Army and actually commanded the 94th Ohio Regiment during the Battle of Chickamuaga. He survived the war and was later promoted to General.

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200 years from now, someone is going to look up and see, Ebow1, and find a side note about the Pizza box. Now that I reminded you of that I have to say something nice. That will probably be looking you up to figure out their family history and how they became rich and famous before Ebow1 made it big, and they were just trying to get back to their roots.:up:

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Of course I'm going to be rich and famous one day. I keep having all these great ideas for what to do when I have money. Logically I will eventually have all this money I keep thinking of stuff to do with.

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I can see it now, Alexander Randolph Winn who fought and died bravely for the Confederacy

(some generations later)

A pizza delivery man known on the internet as Ebow1, who fought (with his manager) and got fired bravely over a bumper sticker.

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I've known about them. I know the one dedicated to the 20th infantry is out in Franklin. I'm wondering if I can sign up with them or if I just get stuck with whatever regiment is in my neck of the woods.

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For all the BS I've gotten from various relatives back in the day who claimed to look into all that stuff, one fact seems true:

The spellings of my last name all varied when my ancestors originally hit the shore here, and wanted to distinguish the pickpockets from the horse thieves from the pimps from the highwaymen.

- OS

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Guest bkelm18

My Grandfather used to be huge into genealogy. I believe he traced my Grandmother's side of the family all the way back to about the year 300AD into the Normandy area of France. I really wish I head kept all of his stuff he sent us. He would write good sized volumes about it.

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A relative of mine spent a considerable amount of money and time researching our family. He went WAAAAy back (to Ireland, Scotland and Europe) but more recently, I am descended from 3 brothers who all fought in the battle of Chattanooga. One was killed in action there, another wounded and died right after, and the third was wounded and died quite a while ater from those wounds.

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My great, great grandfather, Henry Parker Haney, was the fireman on the Texas engine that chased the General from Kennesaw, Ga towards Chattanooga (Disney's "Great Locomotive Chase"). He was the last survivor of those involved on either side in what is called "Andrew's Raid" because he was only 16 at the time. Served with the railroad during the war. As an adult he served as Assistant Chief of the Atlanta FD for many years. As a youngster I thought I was something special. Now I realize he was special, not me.

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