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Almost got pulled over by the cops!

Guest db99wj

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Ok Ok...i said I was never going to comment on here again...but...

Actually, I'm going to ask a question...so....technically...I'm not commenting....:P

How many of you have ever seen a sign on the road that says.....








Not me......I'm usually driving to fast to read any signs :up:

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Guest db99wj
Not me......I'm usually driving to fast to read any signs :up:

Those are the same folks that read every dang sign on a store front window and door.......

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Ok Ok...i said I was never going to comment on here again...but...

Actually, I'm going to ask a question...so....technically...I'm not commenting....;)

How many of you have ever seen a sign on the road that says.....








So that is how those finish.

I always got the Slower Traffic and Keep Right Except parts but Never had time to finish the rest of those sentences. Thanks. :D

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I actually got pulled over one time because I was going to slow in the left lane. It was dark and a car flew up behind me and was riding my rear so I let off the gas and got down to about 35 in a 55 when the blue lights came on. He asked what my problem was and I told him people who rode my butt. I didn't even get a warning out of it. Funny thing is the right lane was open the whole time and I was doing the speed limit, probably faster than the limit knowing my driving style, when the whole thing began.
Typical response from a Cubs fan :D. I didn't realize the left lane was the "speed like hell or get run over" lane.
It's called I tend to drive way over the speed limit and if some "azzhat" wants to ride my ass he can either stay there or go around. I set the cruise at 85 or so on the interstate and if some douche is driving faster than that there is at least one other lane he can use.
Actually douche was meant for anyone trying to kiss my bumper, but you've me got on the bad driver part. I do tend not to follow some traffic laws.

This is a direct quote from the Tn Drivers License Manual, page 59 for those who are keeping score.......and I quote

"Always drive on the right side of a two-lane highway except

when passing. If the road has four or more lanes with twoway

traffic, drive in the right lanes except when passing other

vehicles or turning left."

Further on down the page........

"Four Lanes: A four-lane (or more) highway is divided in half

by two solid yellow lines in the center. The two lanes on each

side are divided by a dashed white line. Drive in the extreme

right lane except when passing another vehicle or making a

left turn."

No where did it mention any considerations for what your speed is, so I take that to mean if your doing the speed limit or even over the speed limit, your goal should be to sustain continuous driving in the right lane when you can.

You are not proving anything to anybody when you are in front of somebody and thinking your going to teach them a lesson and slow them down. All you are doing is exponentially increasing the possibility of the person behind you becoming increasingly enraged and making a hasty, bad decision that could kill you and many other innocent people by passing in a no passing zone, or on the shoulder......who knows because you just waved a red flag in front of the bull and your going to get bull headed decisions.

Do I practice what I am talking about. Your dang skippy. I even go to extra efforts to stay out of the way and keep everybody reasonably happy = safe by moving over on to the shoulder on Hwy 96 between Dekalb Co. and Murfreesboro and letting people go by when I can do so safely going back and forth to work. Does this mean I am a guy that putters around like an oldtimer. On normal days when I am going to work and back, yes. Vehicle gas mileage, like most everything else, will statistically lay out on a bell curve. The optimum range for my best mileage is around the 50-53 mph range. Some days are not ordinary, like getting on the interstate and going a long distance, say Murfreesboro to Atlanta. Then I am probably the guy you see driving faster than most who will try to keep right except for passing.

Sorry for the extended post and I hope Mr. Brooksjr that you were being sarcastic, for my safety as well as yours and the people around you.

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Sorry for the extended post and I hope Mr. Brooksjr that you were being sarcastic, for my safety as well as yours and the people around you.


This is the internet why would I be sarcastic......don't you know that everything you read here is the absolute 100% truth.

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This is the internet why would I be sarcastic......don't you know that everything you read here is the absolute 100% truth.

You would, or maybe not, be surprised at how much that is posted here (on the internet in general) is actually the truth of how someone thinks through things.

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You would, or maybe not, be surprised at how much that is posted here is actually the truth of how someone thinks through things.

Well I will stand by my statement about if someone is riding my rear. I will move over if I'm going below the standard traffic speeds but otherwise I pretty much stay in the left lane. I feel that is much safer than changing lanes 2 or 3 times a mile.

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I will agree that someone riding your rear is something that shouldn't happen. However, I must disagree with your thought of continuing to ride the left lane with someone on your bumper, even if you are doing the speed limit. I see in your snake thread (cool by the way) that you have a son. Why would you want to wave the red flag in front of a bull in that situation and possibly endanger your son? What harm would come in simply moving over and letting the tailgating moron to go on? Your stress level and his would both be much lower than if you continue to impede his perceived progress.

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I will agree that someone riding your rear is something that shouldn't happen. However, I must disagree with your thought of continuing to ride the left lane with someone on your bumper, even if you are doing the speed limit. I see in your snake thread, (cool by the way) that you have a son. Why would you want to wave the red flag in front of a bull in that situation and possibly endanger your son? What harm would come in simply moving over and letting the tailgating moron to go on? Your stress level and his would both be much lower than if you continue to impede his perceived progress.

I do understand what you're saying, by the way I have 3 children, but we will just have to agree to disagree. I'm not saying that what I do is the right thing to do and I don't do it "to prove a point" it's just the way I drive. If I feel that the person behind me is being unsafe I will move over the same way I will speed up and pass someone who may be driving unsafely in the right lane.

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Well I will stand by my statement about if someone is riding my rear. I will move over if I'm going below the standard traffic speeds but otherwise I pretty much stay in the left lane. I feel that is much safer than changing lanes 2 or 3 times a mile.

You need to learn how to drive.

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I do understand what you're saying, by the way I have 3 children, but we will just have to agree to disagree. I'm not saying that what I do is the right thing to do and I don't do it "to prove a point" it's just the way I drive. If I feel that the person behind me is being unsafe I will move over the same way I will speed up and pass someone who may be driving unsafely in the right lane.

Ok, I will agree to disagree. I am not a know it all nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn last night but I have, in my short 43 years, changed how I look at things in life. If you can limit the stressful situations or shorten them, you will end up having a better and safer day. I would encourage you to continue to think about things and find better, less stressful ways of being a part of society. If not for yourself, maybe for your family and everybody else.

Good evening and I hope I am not offending you. I am not meaning to.

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Ok, I will agree to disagree. I am not a know it all nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn last night but I have, in my short 43 years, changed how I look at things in life. If you can limit the stressful situations or shorten them, you will end up having a better and safer day. I would encourage you to continue to think about things and find better, less stressful ways of being a part of society. If not for yourself, maybe for your family and everybody else.

Good evening and I hope I am not offending you. I am not meaning to.

Trust me there is nothing anyone could say to me on the internet that would offend me. I actually agree with your comments about cutting out stress but my driving doesn't cause me stress. I do see that the person following might be stressed and that could lead to a case of road rage so maybe next time I will move over and give em a big ol' smile.:D

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I dunno, you are wrong as I see it and dare I say as you see it. Not that it matters really, plenty of others with your mind set on the road anyway.

Do you also speed up when someone goes to the right to get past you?

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I dunno, you are wrong as I see it and dare I say as you see it. Not that it matters really, plenty of others with your mind set on the road anyway.

Do you also speed up when someone goes to the right to get past you?

Of course I do. I also slam on my brakes when they get back in behind me.

All of you have proven a point that I was trying to make with all of my post in this thread. No matter who you ask, that person will say that they are an awesome driver and everyone else on the road is an idiot. Sure are a lot of accidents considering we are all such good drivers and follow the laws each and every time we get behind the wheel. I must admit that I do feel MUCH safer now that I realize all of you are on the road with me. Now get out of my way so I can get home.....:D

Edited by brooksjr
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Guest tcalfee1
Ok Ok...i said I was never going to comment on here again...but...

Actually, I'm going to ask a question...so....technically...I'm not commenting....:D

How many of you have ever seen a sign on the road that says.....








There needs to be more of those signs >>> to keep the guy running just under the speed limit and driving for miles in the left hand lane...

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Well I drive in the left lane as long as there is traffic in the right lane going slower than me and I do NOT speed up just to get around them. And since gas has gotten to almost 4 bucks a gallon I have adjusted my driving and have found that @ 75 MPH I get around 15 MPG in my truck, and at 67-68 I get about 18 or 19 MPg. So ifyou come up on a big white dodge ram pickup doing 68 in a 70 when everyone else is doing 80, it might be me. Give me time to get around someone doing 65 in the right lane and I'll get out of your way. :D

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