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Bill of sale...

Guest 808-South

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Guest 808-South

I plan on selling one of my pistols to the father of a friend. Can any of you guys tell me how to draw up a bill of sale. Format? Or point me in the right direction on finding the info of "how to" or guidlines. Is there any sites or links on the laws on private sales? Many thanks

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Just as an FYI - if I was going to trade with someone and they suggested a bill of sale I would tell them thanks, but no thanks. Would show my HCP or DL, but I don't know what happens to that gun 10 years from now. Have done it several times and people don't like it, but tough luck for them.

But that is just me - Your mileage may vary.

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Guest 808-South
I prefer to end the paper trail with a handshake when buying and selling. There is no legal obligation to have a BOS.[/quoteIm still not familiiar with the ways here in TN. Coming from a strict gun law state. It makes me feel wierd with a handshake deal. Guess I just need to get used to it.
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Im still not familiiar with the ways here in TN. Coming from a strict gun law state. It makes me feel wierd with a handshake deal. Guess I just need to get used to it.

Don’t let the tin foils hats divert your common sense. If you feel the need for a BOS ask for one. Just make sure the buyer/seller knows that up front before the meet. If they don’t want to sign anything…. Pass.

That link is there for a reason.

DISCLAIMER: I don’t use that BOS, but I do require a Tennessee DL or HCP. You may not be legally required to know the background of the person you are buying/selling/trading with; but you are legally required to know that they are of age and a resident of Tennessee.

If something goes wrong you will be standing in court and paying your attorney bills by yourself.

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I used to sell with just a handshake. After working at a gun shop for a couple of years and seeing how many guns ATF actually traces, I now want a bill of sale when I sell a gun. If I buy one from someone that I don't know and they require no bill of sale then I will sell it with no bill of sale. If I buy it new and fill out the paperwork, I am going to get a bill of sale or keep the gun. Period.

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Im more cautious of wanting a bill of sale when I buy or trade for a gun. I have heard more horror stories of buyers than sellers lately. Most recently a guy TN resident who was interogated by ATF for a gun that sold in Florida and he had it in Tennessee. Gun was not stolen but with all the drug/weapon trade the ATF had questions. The ATF guys I have worked with laugh and say its almost always a Sig or Smith if its not a $100 through away piece. I have also heard from ATF guys that it is a common believe that a lot of guns reported stolen may have serial number s reported wrong. I found one of my keltecs was one digit off from the box it came with for example. I see many reasons to have a simple bill of sale. I have asked ATF guys and they say they dont really care if you have a bill of sale though. They know when someones telling BSing. They ask for email copies now a days if you can give them and if you have contact information for the buyer.

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Guest 808-South
What would the downside be to a BOS ? I mean if its a legal transaction whats the harm ? Its still a private matter. I usaully go with what ever buyer or seller wants. It seems like a good way to CYA
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Guest bkelm18
What would the downside be to a BOS ? I mean if its a legal transaction whats the harm ? Its still a private matter. I usaully go with what ever buyer or seller wants. It seems like a good way to CYA

There's really no downside per-se, it's just some people do not want a paper trail if it can be avoided.

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Guest King703

Why wouldn't someone want a BOS? Wouldn't this ensure your own security if the gun was used for foul play and then traced back to you? If you had a BOS you could show proof of a legal sale...Correct?


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Why wouldn't someone want a BOS?...

Because many perfectly legit people want as much anonymity between themselves and the gummit as possible -- especially where firearms are concerned. And I don't blame them.

And yeah, I suppose it could possibly benefit the seller a bit in the case you postulate, if he were the first owner, bought through an FFL. But it takes a lot more than having owned a gun at one time to prove you used it in a crime, whether you can prove you sold it or not.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Again, I have bought and sold with and without. I understand the no paper trail idea. Its almost like I would rather not do one when selling, but have one when buying. The only time one would come handy if there is a problem. I know I don't have a clue where some of my guns came from. I mean I did legit "some from LEO's " and saw valid DL,s but I couldn't tell you names or anything. The BOS I have are private and don't go anywhere if I sell.

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Any time I have ever sold a gun to an individual, I have drawn up a bill of sale. I make two copies and both the buyer and I sign both, and we each keep our copy.

That protects everyone involved from any issues that may come up regarding the gun at some later time. I don't see the harm in it. If someone is more concerned about making sure they have an "untraceable" gun then I don't much want to be selling to them anyway.

I have never sold a firearm to someone who was not already well known to me personally, and I have never bought a firearm from someone other than a FFL holder (gun store of some sort) so it really isn't common issue for me.

It has been about 18 years since I last sold a firearm so I'd probably have a hard time putting my hands on those old bills of sale now, but they're probably stashed away somewhere :D

Edited by JC57
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