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Carrying multiple state conceal permits

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Just asking and not trying to be a smart butt;but, what are the advantages of having PA and FL in addition to TN? I know you get WA; but, any other advantages?

I have an AL (which is not nearly the good coverage as TN) and PA. PA because of states it provides in that area where I do some travel.


The states not covered with a TN permit, may become an issue if I become a resident of another state.

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Guest Victor9er

I would think the biggest issue would be actually remembering all of the different states rules and restrictions concerning carry that you are planning to visit. As you know, despite having a Tennessee permit you have to abide by the rules of whatever state you are actually in. You may be able to walk into a bank carrying in one state but not another for example.

I'd suggest making some "cheat sheets" for all of the states you will travel to. Something small that you can keep in your pocket or wallet. Like an index card, or maybe even smaller. I'd make one for each state, put the name of the state at the top and then a list of that states restrictions on it. Then, all you have to do is carry the card (or cards) of the state you are visiting with you when you travel. Keep the rest in a little box, like a recipe box or something. Check up on them once a year or so to see if anything has changed to keep them updated.

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Already done: Handgunlaw.us click the state you're going to visit and read/print.

I would think the biggest issue would be actually remembering all of the different states rules and restrictions concerning carry that you are planning to visit. As you know, despite having a Tennessee permit you have to abide by the rules of whatever state you are actually in. You may be able to walk into a bank carrying in one state but not another for example.

I'd suggest making some "cheat sheets" for all of the states you will travel to. Something small that you can keep in your pocket or wallet. Like an index card, or maybe even smaller. I'd make one for each state, put the name of the state at the top and then a list of that states restrictions on it. Then, all you have to do is carry the card (or cards) of the state you are visiting with you when you travel. Keep the rest in a little box, like a recipe box or something. Check up on them once a year or so to see if anything has changed to keep them updated.

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Guest Victor9er
Already done: Handgunlaw.us click the state you're going to visit and read/print.

I've been there, great site for info, but 9 pages is a little much to keep in your pocket. I was suggesting reading the info from a site such as that and making a SMALL card with the appropiate info on it that he could keep in his pocket and bring with him.

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I've been there, great site for info, but 9 pages is a little much to keep in your pocket. I was suggesting reading the info from a site such as that and making a SMALL card with the appropiate info on it that he could keep in his pocket and bring with him.

Will you don't have to print the whole thing. I usually just copy and paste the off-limits places and print them. Also make a note whether they are a must notify state or not.

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Guest worshipviolin
I print and keep a copy in my vehicle of the firearms laws of the states I travel in. A mistake could be very costly.


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