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Ron Ramsey Endorses Rick Perry

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He's the only one who can beat Barry, IMO.

Dunno. Forget actual qualifications and logic from at least half the voters; methinks he might just be seen as too close to the Bush dynasty, just by geography and accent. Does sound creepily similar in voice tone and drawl.

The bible thumping will also probably be a mixed bag for him both pro and con -- turns me off personally, but of course it's difficult to conceive of a candidate I wouldn't support against Barack.

Romney has the mixed bag liability of being Mormon, too, plus the overly cool slickness of the Professional Politician. Newt is best qualified, knows how to get things done, is the smartest, but has no chance, too much baggage and comes off cold in people skills.

Michele may likely do better than folks think, but it will ultimately come down to whether the country is ready for a female prez; I think that in final analysis, that's why Hildebeest didn't get the nod and O did.

All most interesting, though, but looking like again, the GOP isn't going to field a can't miss thoroughbred.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Lt. Governor Ramsey has been quite a disappointment this past legislative session (and not just on firearms related issues)...he continues to disappoint with this endorsement.

Other than the simple fact the Rick Perry isn't Obummer, I've seen little about the man that looks good and I've read some disturbing things that cause me to believe that the Republican party can do MUCH better than Perry (and I certainly hope they do).

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...that the Republican party can do MUCH better than Perry (and I certainly hope they do).

I'd say this is pretty much the field with any name recognition at all, short of Palin or Trump deciding to tilt at the windmill. I guess if Christy jumped in, it might shake things up, but I'll tell you this, gun owners should not rejoice over that, he is not our friend on gun rights.

- OS

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I'd say this is pretty much the field with any name recognition at all, short of Palin or Trump deciding to tilt at the windmill. I guess if Christy jumped in, it might shake things up, but I'll tell you this, gun owners should not rejoice over that, he is not our friend on gun rights.

- OS

I'm not expecting Christy to get in although I wouldn't be stunned if he did. Sarah Palin I think is close to getting in but I'm not sure she will either...looks to me like she is biding her time (maybe waiting for the current field to self-destruct). :stare:

At the moment I'm just not overly excited about any of them and and very unexcited by a couple of them...Bachmann is the only one I've given money to so far and I'm not completely sure about her either! :)

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