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What Can't these Geniuses Accomplish? Now we have "Grenade-Walking"!

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Here's the article from CBS, of all places. Three quick takeaways I had after a brief scan of the piece:

  1. Maybe it wasn't entirely about guns after all...it sure looks like State / BATFE / FBI were trying to foment serious violence. To what end? I sure don't know.
  2. Anybody else notice that the "prosecutors in Arizona" are not identified as US Attorneys? While scanning the article, my assumption (dumb) was state-level attorneys, until my brain kicked in and recognized the omission. It's really fun that in this day and age you have to wonder whether a key piece of information like that ("Who did the screwups work for?") has to be questioned as a deliberate omission and not just poor writing.

I don't know what to make of this, other than that it appears DOJ has lost its damned mind.

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This guy was arrested in early September by the Mexicans who were directed to him by ATF. Where is he now?

Are grenade casings illegal to have? The stories say he bought them in stores and off the internet.

Other than media drama value what does this have to do with the gun walking case?

Almost anything could be a "Grenade casing".

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Those are some of the questions I asked myself...anybody can own an inert grenade. Was the prosecution not pursued because intent wasn't provable? Was he in possession of parts to make a functional grenade, or were those procured in Mexico? Why wasn't he tipped to Mexican authorities at the border? Seeing as how it's illegal to own a handgun in military caliber, there's probably restrictions against other surplus parts as well, such as grenade bodies. The article begs several questions, none of which are answered. Maybe in time we'll be able to see where this fits or doesn't into the greater narrative.

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When I was a kid growing up in Atlanta, there was a great old Army/Navy store around the corner from my house called Old Sarge. It was a kid's dream, and there's no telling how much of my allowance I spent there over the years. He had a footlocker of training grenades of all types. They were $1.00 each. They were standard issue for our war games. Why use pine cones when you can get real ones.

I was thinking about this as I was reading about this case earlier this week, and thinking about my childhood. As a kid, I only drew the attention of the FAA, once. Today, I'm afraid I would have had agencies of some sort or another called on a monthly basis until my parents finally sold me to Bedouin traders or something.

Our kids are really being robbed.

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Are grenade casings illegal to have? The stories say he bought them in stores and off the internet.

Other than media drama value what does this have to do with the gun walking case?

I don't think so, as Smoke Mnt Knife works sells surplus casings that have been drilled and defused. They have a hole in the bottom and still have the handle. Still have a pin that could be pulled. You can unscrew the top and look it how damaged it is.

I have looked up the specs on it, and it is cut off right below the delay unit just above were the the should be detonator. I am not going to post pictures or obvious reasons.

I am thinking about taking this one and making a now Serving number (take number 1) sign or complaint department sign at my desk. Another idea is for the next Truck I have that is a straight shift to put it on the gear shift.

Edited by vontar
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Like MacGyver, I had countless training grenades and other inert ordinance growing up. I think one of my favorites was what appeared to be a 40mm tear gas grenade for an M203 launcher. War games were a regular after-school activity for me and my friends and my trips back to Baltimore, MD where they had several BIG Army Surplus stores were always highly anticipated because of the loot I'd bring back.

It's hard to believe that the late 70's - early 80's were so drastically different than the year 2011. So-called Progressive Thinking has neutered our society.

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Like MacGyver, I had countless training grenades and other inert ordinance growing up. I think one of my favorites was what appeared to be a 40mm tear gas grenade for an M203 launcher. War games were a regular after-school activity for me and my friends and my trips back to Baltimore, MD where they had several BIG Army Surplus stores were always highly anticipated because of the loot I'd bring back.

It's hard to believe that the late 70's - early 80's were so drastically different than the year 2011. So-called Progressive Thinking has neutered our society.

kids cant even do that any more cause of fake guns being so bad, i miss the old days
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