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Black Panthers Warn Whites

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Almost sounds like someone make this up just to stir the pot and just my opinion but I would not put it past the media. Maybe my tin foil hat is on a bit tight today.

Could be a media scam. Google can’t answer who owns the Hiller Armament Company in Virginia, a web site and Facebook account is shut down. If this was a legitimate company it doesn’t appear to have ended to well for them.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Or this one http://www.digitaljo.../article/324792

Almost sounds like someone make this up just to stir the pot and just my opinion but I would not put it past the media. Maybe my tin foil hat is on a bit tight today.

An article from the press that is making money from Martin's death, quoting a lawyer who is making money from Martin's death--

The general reaction to the sale of the targets has been one of disgust. Natale Jackson, lawyer for the Martin family who are out of the country, was quoted by WKMG as saying, "It's a sad certain segment of society that would think you could make a profit off the killing of a teenage boy"

A sentiment surely shared by civil rights leaders making money from Martin's death and politicians who rake in contributions and votes from Martin's death. Ain't claiming that it am kewl to make money off a teen's death. Merely noting the irony.

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The one thing you can be assured of in a high profile case like this...everyone is looking for a payday.

The targets really don't bother me much. It is what it is....another crass display of Americans doing what they do. I am jaded past the point of caring anymore.

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These Noob Black Panther Fools should be ignored at the speed of light. If Obama loses, they won't get any air time from "MSNBC whites", and they certainly won't start any wars. They'll just be whining on Hannity's show (and increasing his ratings) like they always do:


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This got me thinking the other day. These idiots are not different than any other ghetto trash gang. AND, most of us would be dead meat in the inner city where vermin of their type tend to nest. Likewise, how long would any one of them last traipsing through a 100 acre tract of forest? This led me to another another thought. I believe this is a prime reason segregation is a good thing. NOT FORCED segregation mind you. Anyone should be allowed to live wherever they can afford to pay the bills. It should just be rigorously encouraged that the type of area you are indigenous to, might be the best place for you to stay. There can't be much of a race war if people stop traveling to places they really have no business. AND, if one side were to spark a confrontation, the aggressor would pretty obvious. Who was where they don't belong. I am perfectly comfortable with the fact that I do not belong on Jefferson street or Lafayette or Jo Johnson. Likewise any prowling panthers should never find themselves in an area where there's more than two or three oak trees in one place, lest it be the city park.

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