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New RIA Compact...

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I had the opportunity to pick up my RIA Compact from Phil at his Bellshire Hardware store in Nashville last week. He is a super nice guy to deal with. Anyways, as this will be my primary carry weapon I was looking to ditch the GI sights in favor of some night sights, but discovered for a few bucks more I could get a set of Crimson Trace Lasergrips. After putting 100 rds. through it with no failures, I love the GI sights, but they are a bit difficult in low light situations. The CT grips should solve that problem and I like how there is an option to completely turn them off, while at the range. The color is a black w/ "ghost flame", which wasn't my first choice, but it was actually cheaper than plain black and I think they look pretty nice, while not being too "loud." Anyways, on to the pics...Definitely the best $550 total I have ever spent.



Edited by BrandonTN
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Nice. Did you price it anywhere else? If so, how much did you save?

I paid $375 for the gun + tax and TCIS. I think they are $340 from sarcoinc.com, but Sarco is currently not selling guns due to some FFL troubles. I probably could have saved a couple bucks by waiting and purchasing from Sarco, but I had purchased from Phil in the past and would much rather support a local dealer. Plus, I'd still be waiting... The grips were purchased from Ebay. You can find some stores with them for $180-$225, but if you get lucky, I've seen new sets go for $125 from private sellers.

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Guest BMcCoy

Hell, I live right down the road. I didn't realize that he sold guns there!!:D Does he have a good selection?


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Hell, I live right down the road. I didn't realize that he sold guns there!!:) Does he have a good selection?


i purchased my first XD from him a few years back. he doesn't keep stuff in stock, but will usually order whatever you want close to cost. might not be the absolute cheapest, but a quality guy to do business with.

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